Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FFKP Network

The FFKP Network helps connect key players from the same country or region, encouraging them to explore areas of common interest that may serve as a basis to establish partnerships and collaborations among its members.

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The information on the members of the FFKP Network is provided by the members themselves. FAO is not responsible for its accuracy, nor for any use of such information by users.

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Foundation for Organic Agriculture Tanzania

Non-governmental organization
FOATZ provides knowledge and services to small farmers, especially marginalized farmers who have inadequate knowledge of ecological organic farming techniques, market skills of natural/organic products, and sustainable livelihoods. Currently, we have three ongoing projects; Organic Demo Plots at Our Head Office, Organic Farmers Groups, and Organic School Garden.
United Republic of Tanzania

Cercle d'Actions pour une Agriculture Epanouie

Non-governmental organization
L'objectif général de l’ONG est d’œuvrer pour le développement socio-économique et à la réduction de la pauvreté au Bénin à travers la promotion de l’agriculture. Ses objectifs spécifiques sont de : 1) contribuer au développement de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et de l’aquaculture au Bénin, 2) faire de la science, un levier...

Agence Belge de developpement

Development Agency
Agriculture familiale , sécurité alimentaire et entreprenariat agricole, Appui institutionnel, Entreprenariat Formation ,emploi, éducation, santé, ect
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Salama Heritage Ecovillage (SHE) Africa

Salama Heritage Eocvillage (SHE) Africa is a Social Environmental Enterprise (SEE) based in Southern Province of Rwanda. We promote Climate Smart Agriculture such as Sustainably improved agricultural productivity and income. Strengthening resilience to climate change. Reducing agriculture's contribution to climate change and enhancing the achievement of Food Security and...


I-Description générale du projet La Coopérative a été créée en Octobre 2016 et sa légalisation est intervenue en date du 01 Mars 2018 sous le numéro d’agrément 247/MAEP/DGA-DAPR. Elle compte 28 (vingt huit) membres dont 10 (dix) femmes 18 (dix huit) hommes et pas d’enfants. Le Président de la Coopérative et...

Association Nourrir Sans Détruire

Non-governmental organization
Association Nourrir Sans Détruire en abrégé ANSD est une organisation nationale à but non lucratif qui a été créée en 2011 et dédiée à la lutte contre la pauvreté, la faim et l'injustice sociale à travers la promotion de l'agroécologie et d'autres moyens de subsistance non agricoles. Les activités menées sont:...
Burkina Faso

Coopérative Bouganté de Wompou

L'organisation est une coopérative familliale composée de 60 membres dont 10 hommes et 50 femmes. Elle a pour activités principales l'agriculture, l'élevage, la agroforesterie, aquaculture entre autres. Elle dispose de 200 ha dont 50 ha au bord du fleuve Sénégal mais le site d'exploitation n'excède pas plus de 10 hectares...

Land rollers Nigeria limited

Farmers' organization
We are into full time farming of cassava, plantain service provider - provision of Labourers.

Africa Youth Pastoralist Initiave

Africa Youth Pastoralist Initiative is a network of Youth pastoralists initiative that was formed as result of of International Year of Pastoralism and Rangeland first youth pastoralist event in Kenya on 27th-29th September 2022 in Kenya by ILRI and Procasur. Youth pastoralists from Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania came together to...

People's coalition on food sovereignty - Burundi

Farmers' organization
People's coalition food sovereignty -Burundi is the federation of small famers organisations in Burundi

Loof-Eli Co. Ltd

Loof-Eli is an organic farm focused on production, training and agriculture-tourism

Bilolo Source

La coopérative essaie de développer des productions animales, fruitières, maraichères et piscicoles en autonomie le plus possible.


Non-governmental organization
Caritas est une ONG catholique qui partage la mission de l'Eglise Catholique de servir les pauvres et de promouvoir la Charité et la Justice partout dans le monde. Comme activité: sécurité alimentaire; nutrition infantile, femmes enceinte et allaitante; santé et éducation; Eau, hygiène et assainissement ; autonomisation des femmes et genre;...

Vi Agroforestry (Vi-skogen)

Non-governmental organization
Vi Agroforestry is a Swedish development organisation fighting poverty and climate change together. What started as a tree planting initiative in 1983, is today an agroforestry expert organisation working through local partnerships to run holistic agricultural development projects in East Africa and beyond. Vi Agroforestry supports smallholder farmer families with...

Mikwano e.v.uganda

Farmer Field School
Mikwano e.v Uganda is a community based organisation. Promoting rural oriented technology and technics using good agricultural practices.we run an agribusiness incubation center and demonstration center promoting food and animal feed security as to sustain the livestock best assets program

Shika female farmers association

Non-governmental organization
We are group of female farmers that plants soya beans, beans and maize annually.

Daami Youth Development Organization, Somaliland Minority Org

Non-governmental organization
DYDO areas of operations food,nutrition security for marginalized minority and indigenous displaced persons, FFKP, family gardens, kitchen farms, small Fishers

Sustainable Aid through Voluntary Establishment

Non-governmental organization
Sustainable Aid through Voluntary Establishment (SAVE-Ghana) is based in the Upper West Region with its headquarters in Tumu. It was founded in 2004 in response to the need for a non-profit making community-based development organization to protect vulnerable, deprived, and marginalized people and alleviate poverty among them and their families...

The Youth Consortium

The Youth Consortium is a coalition of Individuals and Organizations with the futuristic mindset of collaborating, engaging and executing ideas into sustainable projects, towards achieving the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development & Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie

Non-governmental organization
L’Association Banlieues Du Monde / Mauritanie (BDM/M) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, reconnue officiellement sous N°0408/MIPT/DAPLP/SLP du 30 décembre 2002. Elle appuie les acteurs de développement à la base (communes, coopératives, associations de développement etc. ….) en Mauritanie. L’ONG a son siége social à Nouakchott et...
Total results:302