Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Red de la PCAF

La Red de la Plataforma ayuda a conectar a los actores principales del mismo país o región y fomenta que estudien temas de interés común que puedan servir como base para el establecimiento de asociaciones y colaboración entre sus miembros.

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Forum des Organisations des Producteurs Agricoles du Burundi

Civil society
Le FOPABU-IA est une plateforme burundaise de la société civile composée pour le moment par 14 faitières/Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles (OP). Ce forum a été créé en 2009 et agréé le 29 octobre 2012 par l’Ordonnance Ministérielle N° 530/1757. Récemment avec la nouvelle Loi N° 1/02 DU 27 janvier 2017...

Farmers Media Link Centre

Non-governmental organization
Fameli links climate, agricultural and technology to rural farmers in Uganda and it hosts three organizations which include: Regional Network of Farmers in Africa and South Asia ( RENOFASA), Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for food Security Assembly in Africa ( EBAFOSA) and Network of Climate journalists in Great Horn of Africa (NECJOGHA)....

Gender and Livelihoods Opportunities for Rural Youth

Gender and Livelihoods Opportunities for Rural Youth (GLORY) is a youth-led community-based organization that is based in Uganda. It was founded in 2013 and it operates in the Kaabong District, Karamoja. GLORY was formed with an aim to promote health and skills development especially for young people as a means...

Dala Rieko Kenya

Dala Rieko is a community based development platform for sharing knowledge and good practice. It uses the Action Learning processes in Holistic development.

Food, Agriculture & Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network

International Organization
The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) is a pan-African network that provides independent evidence to inform policy processes at national and regional levels. FANRPAN’s membership includes food, agriculture and natural resources (FANR) related government departments, parliamentarians, research and farmer organizations, private sector, civil society organizations and...
South Africa

GROW West Africa

Non-governmental organization
GROW West Africa is a registered organization that provides women, youth and farmers with training in organic agriculture and agro-ecological practices that are sustainable. It also helps farmers come together to form a body to help achieve better results depending on if they want a cooperative or a union. GROW...

Zambia Community-Based Natural Resource Management Forum

Non-governmental organization
The Zambia Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Forum’s work is focused on creating secure livelihoods for communities in Zambia through sustainable utilization of natural resources that include; forestry, fisheries, water, agriculture, land and wildlife. The national CBNRM Forum was created as an output of numerous government programmes...

Family Farming Platform - Sierra Leone

Civil society
1. To continue improving public policies in favour of Family Farming, focusing on advocacy for farmer’s access to local and regional markets, access to credit, access to appropriate technology, access to natural resources taking climate change into consideration, strengthening of family farmers’ organizations or communities, and the role of women and...
Sierra Leone

Tanzania Food Gardening Network

Non-governmental organization
Tanzania Food Gardening Network is a registered platform of mix actors from the community, government and market sectors coming together to promote rural-urban, city and environs agriculture, food security and livestock matters that came into being after its official registration with the Registrar of NGO's in the Government of Tanzania...
United Republic of Tanzania

Hawassa University

Hawassa University have three pillar of activities 1. teaching 2. research 3. community service- outreach programs including agricultural innovation

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Port Harcourt

The department apart from academic and research activities, carries out community services. There is an Extension Outreach Unit that adds value to the activities of the Department.

Farmers Network South Africa

Non-governmental organization
The organisation’s main objectives are to provide community service to all the Communities regarding agricultural activities. The organisation’s secondary objectives will be to work in col collaboration with other organisations that mainly deal with agricultural education, marketing and finance. To initiate the development and establishment educational projects to alleviate illiteracy, improve and raise quality...
South Africa

International Center for Environmental Education & Community Development

Civil society
ICENECDEV (International Center for Environmental Education & Community Development) was established in 2005, with registration number: 43/G.37/D.14/1/ VOL.BAPP/ in accordance of law Number. 90/53 of December 1990 under article 7 relating to the formation, governing and functioning of association in Cameroon. ICENECDEV is...

Inititative Prospective Agricole et Rurale

Research center
L’IPAR est un espace de réflexion, de dialogue et de proposition pour des politiques agricoles et rurales concertées au Sénégal et dans la région ouest-africaine. L’initiative a été suscitée par des spécialistes de l’agriculture et du monde rural qui appuyaient déjà les organisations paysannes et qui étaient intéressés par la...

Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture

Non-governmental organization
AIRCA (Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture) is a nine-member alliance focused on increasing global food security by supporting smallholder agriculture within healthy sustainable and climate-smart landscapes.

Access Agriculture

Non-governmental organization
An international NGO which showcases agricultural training videos in local languages. This is a platform for agricultural R&D staff, service providers, extension agents, communication professionals and representatives of farmer organisations to see what training videos are available and request new language versions. The videos are all designed to support sustainable...


Non-governmental organization
IED Afrique est une organisation indépendante, à but non lucratif, basée au Sénégal, qui capitalise une quinzaine d’années d’expérience en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone. Elle intervient sur les problématiques de développement durable et de citoyenneté en Afrique en mettant l’accent sur les innovations méthodologiques et participatives.

Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment

Non-governmental organization
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN) is an indigenous organization founded and owned by grassroots women in Uganda. The organization came into existence in 1998 out of felt need. Although the period spanning 1986-1990 saw a proliferation of women NGOs the majority were national level. They engaged in...

Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et de Producteurs de l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Civil society
Le ROPPA est une initiative propre aux organisations paysannes et de producteurs agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Il regroupe 13 organisations paysannes nationales membres (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambie, Ghana, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Togo) et des organisations paysannes membres associées (Cap-Vert, Nigeria). Dès sa création...
Burkina Faso

African Conservation Tillage Network

Non-governmental organization
The African Conservation Tillage Network (ACTN) was initiated following a Stakeholders’ Workshop on "Conservation Tillage for Sustainable Agriculture" held in Zimbabwe in 1998 organized by Zimbabwe Farmers Union, German Development Co-operation (GTZ), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Agricultural Research Council of South...
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