Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Red de la PCAF

La Red de la Plataforma ayuda a conectar a los actores principales del mismo país o región y fomenta que estudien temas de interés común que puedan servir como base para el establecimiento de asociaciones y colaboración entre sus miembros.

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Al unirse a la Red de la Plataforma, los miembros accederán a la oportunidad de que su organización/asociación/cooperativa obtenga visibilidad internacional a través de la Plataforma de conocimientos sobre la agricultura familiar. Se invita a los miembros interesados en formar parte de la Red de la Plataforma a  proporcionar la información solicitada en este formulario.

La inscripción está abierta a todos.

La información sobre los miembros de la Red de la Plataforma la proporcionan ellos mismos. La FAO no es responsable de su exactitud ni de ningún uso que los usuarios hagan de dicha información.

Búsqueda en la base de datos

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Münster University of Applied Sciences

MUAS is a university of applied sciences with, i.a., a department of Food - Nutrition - Facilities and therein a working group on Sustainable Food Systems. One of the areas of focus of the WG is AFNs (alternative food networks) and there is active contact and exchange with a number...

Advantist Development Relief Agency/ Mongolia

International Organization
ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible actions. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1956 by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ADRA seeks to indentify and address social injustice and deprivation in...

Alliance Nationale de Lutte contre la Faim et la Malnutrition

Non-governmental organization
ACFM Niger a été créée en 2011 après l'AG du Réseau des ACFM francophones à Yaoundé en juin 2011. Lutte contre la Faim, la malnutrition, éducation environnementale en milieu scolaire avec création de pépinières et de jardins scolaires, lutte contre les OGM, promotion de l'agriculture familiale, lutte contre l'accaparement des...

The Assosiation For Urban Farming LTD CC

Non-governmental organization
A non-profit NGO based in Tel Aviv, working to build urban farming into a tool for every person, space, and city. Through urban farming, we can bring healthy food from 200 meters away instead of 2000 kilometers away. By farming in the city, food becomes affordable for everyone, regardless of...

IISUMOD-International Institute for Sustainable Mountain Development

Non-governmental organization
The International Institute for Sustainable Mountain Development (IISUMOD) is a nature conservation and development association established on November 15, 2017 in Rome, Italy, as a response to the need to create awareness about the role and importance of mountains and the issues affecting their people, environment and resources. The primary objective...

Asociación de Ingenieros Agrónomos del Atlántico

Non-governmental organization
Desarrollo de prácticas agronomicas amigables al ambiente

Coordinación General de Redes Comerciales

Unidad del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de Ecuador que busca mejorar las condiciones de comercialización de la AFC y disminución de las barreras de acceso

Fiavotra Mada

Civil society
Association à but non lucratif oeuvrant dans le développement rural en appuyant une soixantaine de ménages ruraux entre autres pour élever des zébus et des poulets gasy, pour gérer des cantines scolaires, pour mener des mémoires de fin d'études en Stevia rebaudiana

FOFIFA - Centre National de Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural

Research center
Le FOFIFA représente la composante principale du Système National de Recherche Agricole à Madagascar. Le FOFIFA a pour mission de mettre en œuvre la politique nationale de recherche en matière de développement rural et de définir, orienter, promouvoir, coordonner toutes les activités de recherche concernant : - La production agricole :...

National Committee for Family farming Macedonia

Non-governmental organization
The NCFF in Macedonia aims to to be strong democratic and legitimate actor doing advocacy for family farming.
North Macedonia

Nomadic Livestock Keepers' Development Fund

Civil society
Development of Nomadic Pastoralism

Family Farming Platform Japan

Civil society
Family Farming Platform Japan (FFPJ) is a supporter of the campaign of the UN Decade of Family Farming in Japan. This network was established in 2019 and is composed by individuals and organizations of farmers, civil society, consumer cooperatives, and academia who want to position small and family farming in the...

Association Oasis Ferkla pour l'environnement et le patrimoine

Civil society
L'Association Oasis Ferkla pour l'environnement et le patrimoine vise á mobiliser les acteurs locaux afin de promovoir projets et activties de plaidoyer en faveur des oasis.

Meg Wah (My Earth)

Non-governmental organization
According to the U.N. FAO, 42.1% of Cameroon is forested. Of these forest cover, 1% is lost annually. The main cause of the lost is population increase and over dependency on natural resources for survival. There has been unsustainable exploitation of these resources which is causing significant environmental degradation....

Slovak National Rural Network - Agency for Rural Development ( ARVI)

On the basis of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1305/2013 from 17th December 2013 on support for rural development by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), art. 54, each member state has an obligation to establish a national rural network (NRN) which groups the organizations and authorities involved in rural...

Sabores del Páramo

Civil society
Apoyo a las organizaciones campesinas en estrategias para la planificación y la formación de equipos de trabajo. Sistematización de experiencias y documentación de porcesos
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Women Unlimited

Non-governmental organization
OUR VISION To attain economic emancipation, social freedom, balance and equitable representation for all women and marginalised groups in Swaziland and Southern Africa. OUR MISSION  We exist to contribute to social and economic development of the communities and the country through developing, supporting and implementing programmes and projects to address the...

Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Zootécnica

Servicio de extensión universitaria

Colegio de Postgraduados

The institutional mission is to generate, disseminate and apply knowledge for the sustainable management of natural resources, the production of nutritious and innocuous food, and the improvement of the quality of life of society.

Nueva Federacion Ganadera de Colombia - Meta

Gremio de ganaderos
Total results:879