Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Red de la PCAF

La Red de la Plataforma ayuda a conectar a los actores principales del mismo país o región y fomenta que estudien temas de interés común que puedan servir como base para el establecimiento de asociaciones y colaboración entre sus miembros.

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Al unirse a la Red de la Plataforma, los miembros accederán a la oportunidad de que su organización/asociación/cooperativa obtenga visibilidad internacional a través de la Plataforma de conocimientos sobre la agricultura familiar. Se invita a los miembros interesados en formar parte de la Red de la Plataforma a  proporcionar la información solicitada en este formulario.

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Coopérative Agro Pastorale la Renaissance Alimentaire

CAPRA est une Coopérative fondée par plusieurs jeunes Tchadien dans l'optique de produire localement et satisfaire la population Tchadienne en produits agricoles et pastorals. Nos activités se tendent sur toute l'année avec de l'agriculture saisonnière pendant la saison pluvieuse et de la culture maraichère pendant les saisons sèches. Nous comptons développer l'aviculture...

Coopérative Le Grenier de Makabana

Le Grenier de Makabana est une coopérative agro pastorale. Nos activités sont essentiellement dans la productions sur 27 Hectares de graine de SOJA ET MAÏS et transformations en farine et l'aliment de betails.

Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism

Civil society
Advocacy group of European organisations and specialists partnering with pastoralist organisations and specialists in Eastern Africa. The members and partners of the Coalition combine forces to lobby their national governments and European and Eastern African bodies to explicitly recognise and support pastoralism and pastoralists in the drylands of Eastern Africa....

Agricultural Support Network

Non-governmental organization
Agricultural Support Network (ASNET) is a Private Voluntary Organization, registered number (PVO 07/2017). ASNET is improving household nutrition through our Winter Garden Project. We are distributing winter vegetable seeds in Chihota Communal Area, wards 10, 14 and 17, Marondera East District, Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe.

Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum

Farmers' organization
A grassroots registered network membership network of Small Scale Farmers SSFs and part of a similar larger regional network for all Countries of East Central and South African countries, born out of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development WSSD02 which was held in Johannesburg in August 2002. We...

Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya

Civil society
Kenya Biodiversity Coalition (KBioC), now registered as the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA-K) is an umbrella body representing 68 member organisations whose vision is to ensure the public is aware and alert about issues concerning the environment, agriculture, livestock, food safety and health and biodiversity. BIBA-K carries out...

Animation Rurale de Korhogo

Non-governmental organization
l'ONG ARK est une organisation non gouvernementale qui œuvre pour la promotion du monde rural. l'ARK fait de l'auto-promotion et l'appui à la dynamique paysanne. Elle œuvre aussi au développement de l'homme et de tout l'Homme
Côte d'Ivoire

Kwadaso college of Agriculture

It is an agricultural college running diploma in general Agriculture and it is under the ministry of food and Agriculture of Ghana. It run weekend programs in certificate, diploma and degree in general Agriculture. Vegetable, anals as well as fish and poultry production. Irrigation systems are used during minor...

Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute

The Institute has the responsibility to conduct research in non-sugar crops, livestock, forestry and to provide an extension service to farmers in Mauritius including its outer islands

Eastern Africa Farmers Federation

Farmers' organization
* policy lobbying and advocacy for favorable environment for small scale farmers to operate in the eastern Africa region. * Trade facilitation for farmers to enable them access good input and output markets through digital and physical interventions. * Knowledge Management to provide knowledge to farmers to enable them make...

Kenya National Farmers' Federation

Farmers' organization
Representing, articulating, promoting and protecting the interests of all the farmers of Kenya through research, lobby, advocacy, policy action and capacity building.

Concertation Nationale des Organisations Paysannes et Producteurs Agricoles du Congo

Farmers' organization
VISION « Construire un mouvement national paysan, espace commun de représentativité réelle des acteurs du monde rural, d’être interlocuteur capable de défendre, de préserver les intérêts des producteurs et de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté » MISSION « Faire de l’agriculture paysanne congolaise un secteur de métiers performants et crédibles, en...

Confédération Paysanne du Congo - Principal Regroupement Paysan

Farmers' organization
Organisation Paysanne Nationale "OPN", créée le 28/02/1998. Elle organise, défend, coordonne et représente les paysans à tous les niveaux. Brève description des actions que la COPACO mène par ses 6 piliers programmatiques. a). L’académie paysanne : l’ACAP est un centre permanent mobile pour le renforcement des...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

National Association of Farmers of Sierra Leone

Non-governmental organization
The National Association of Farmers of Sierra Leone (NAFSL), founded in 1976 as an umbrella organization for farmer’s organizations (FO’s) and agricultural producers at village level, to promote local initiatives of small farmers and help building their capacities with knowledge and skills to lobby and advocate by themselves, with decision...
Sierra Leone

The Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming Plus 10 The Gambia

Civil society
The network of NCC-IYFF +10 The Gambia is a platform for policy dialogue established in 2013 officially recognized by The Gambia Government has a Network in 2016. It has a variety of membership includ following representatives from The private sector, University Of The Gambia, Farmers organizations, Youth organisations, Women organization,...

Forum des Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles du Burundi

Farmers' organization
Le Forum des Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles du Burundi "FOPABU" est une plateforme burundaise composée par 15 faîtières/Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles (OP) reparties dans tout le pays . Ce Forum a été créé en 2009 et agréé le 29 octobre 2012 par l’Ordonnance Ministérielle Numéro 530/1757. Avec la nouvelle Loi...

Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation

Farmers' organization
National aggregator of all farmers crop produce and seller of inputs to farmers

Arid Landscape Initiative

Civil society
Arid Landscape Initiative (ALIN Africa) is an Indigenous Organisation working to improve both the quality of pastoral lives and landscapes through community (Pastoralist) engagement into sustainable access and utilization of rangelands ecosystems for social economic realisation. ALIN Africa has a main focus of promoting community transformation through rangeland voice advocacy for...

Gbagyi enlightenment initiative

Civil society
It's an organization that advocates the right of the indigenous people, Rights to land.

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers' Forum (ESAFF) Uganda

Farmers' organization
Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) was formed in 2002 during the World Summit on Sustainable Agriculture which was being held in Johannesburg, South Africa by small-scale farmers. The main aim was to make small-scale farmers, pastoralists and fisher folk, who are central to sustainable natural resource management...
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