Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

Le réseau de la PCAF met en relation des acteurs clés d’un même pays ou d’une même région et encourage ceux-ci à explorer des domaines d’intérêt commun susceptibles de servir de base à des partenariats ou à des collaborations.

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Recherche en plein texte
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Domaine d’activité
Type d'organisation

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Research center
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is a non-profit institution that focuses on agricultural research for development in Africa. Established in 1967, it works to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers by developing sustainable agricultural solutions, particularly in the tropics.


International Organization
We Effect is a global organization that is fighting poverty in over 20 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. We Effect’s mission is to conduct development cooperation activities that strengthen local and member-based organisations comprised of women and men living in poverty. By supporting these local associations and cooperative...

Ramat Wildlife Society

Civil society
Protecting Open Landscapes and Wildlife Species Ramat Wildlife Society, Communities in Conservation Ramat Wildlife Society is a grassroots association of community and private wildlife conservancies in Kajiado Central and West that fosters a model of community-based conservation. This is a large area in Southern Kenya that has had the least wildlife conservation...

Rose Touch Soul

Community supported Agriculture CSA
We are involved in Women empowerment in Agriculture by organizing workshops to create awareness on new farming methods, production and storage for women in Rural Kenya

Africa Youth Pastoralist Initiave

Africa Youth Pastoralist Initiative is a network of Youth pastoralists initiative that was formed as result of of International Year of Pastoralism and Rangeland first youth pastoralist event in Kenya on 27th-29th September 2022 in Kenya by ILRI and Procasur. Youth pastoralists from Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania came together to...

Langata disabled self help group - Center for the minority research and the environmental strategic study

Non-governmental organization
we initiated this our org,to developed the maginolized poor people for to improved their lifelihood to become better,while we do support each other in our self reliance work and through mary go round in doing a small fund raising then we give to each member to developed her business with,while...

Kevin kiprotich

k.k is a group of 5 young farmers ..This farmers specialize in tomota farming passion fruit farming and bee keeping they are located in Bomet county

Rongo University

Rongo University is an accredited public institution of Higher Learning. The university is engaged in training and research. Top on its research agenda is food security.

Mwapala Farm Ltd

We have a farm in Kwale which grows herbs, spices and fruits

Kobeli Enterprises

Farmers' organization
A family farm based on the outskirts of Nairobi on a 3 acre plot. We are growing a variety of vegetables and fruit trees. We started in 2019 and we are still learning the best practices. Currently we sell to local market.

Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum

Farmers' organization
A grassroots registered network membership network of Small Scale Farmers SSFs and part of a similar larger regional network for all Countries of East Central and South African countries, born out of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development WSSD02 which was held in Johannesburg in August 2002. We...

Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya

Civil society
Kenya Biodiversity Coalition (KBioC), now registered as the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA-K) is an umbrella body representing 68 member organisations whose vision is to ensure the public is aware and alert about issues concerning the environment, agriculture, livestock, food safety and health and biodiversity. BIBA-K carries out...

Eastern Africa Farmers Federation

Farmers' organization
* policy lobbying and advocacy for favorable environment for small scale farmers to operate in the eastern Africa region. * Trade facilitation for farmers to enable them access good input and output markets through digital and physical interventions. * Knowledge Management to provide knowledge to farmers to enable them make...

Kenya National Farmers' Federation

Farmers' organization
Representing, articulating, promoting and protecting the interests of all the farmers of Kenya through research, lobby, advocacy, policy action and capacity building.

The Haller Foundation

Non-governmental organization
The Haller Foundation helps transform landscapes and communities by providing 60+ years of tried and tested, organic farming techniques to thousands of smallholder farmers living across Kenya. We work with communities over a five year period, starting with water security, then leading onto food security, healthcare, education and over time...

Selina Wamucii

Community supported Agriculture CSA
Selina Wamucii is a pan African social enterprise that integrates smallholder farmers, pastoralists and fishing communities into local and global supply chains. Selina’s main strength is the utilization of technology to shorten and transform the agricultural supply chain while passing the benefits of an efficient chain to buyers and the producer...

The Source Plus

solves human centered agricultural problems through novel technological innovations and big data services. We find solutions to the root causes of agricultural problems and how they arise, through developing technologies to address these problems thus creating a sustainable agricultural practice and providing long lasting solutions.

Sustainable Agriculture Support Foundation

Farmers' organization
Founded in 2018 to address the challenges in agriculture food chain by training farmers on modern methods farming, conservation tillage, value addition and tree planting

Farmers Trend

Farmer’s Trend is an online agricultural portal which provides a platform for farmers to get information and advice on farming skills as well as innovative ideas on food sustainability. The portal has many sources which guide the farmers on the farming skills related to various forms of agriculture. provides...

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management

Non-governmental organization
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Association is a membership organization in East and Southern Africa. The organization has started in 1995 and has grown from the initial 25 member organizations to 280 spread in 12 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi,...
Total results:38
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