Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

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Type d'organisation

Las Cañadas - Bosque de niebla

Utilizamos a la permacultura como herramienta de diseño con la finalidad de aprender, implementar y compartir una forma sostenible de vivir. Desarrollamos soluciones creativas tanto para los problemas ambientales y sociales actuales, como para adaptarnos a la era de “descenso energético” (combustibles fósiles más caros y escasos) y “cambio climático” en...

Groundswell International

Non-governmental organization
Groundswell International in West Africa is a network of national NGOs engaged in field work to scale out agroecology to small scale family farmers, and to advocate for changes in policy to create a favorable policy environment for a transition to agroecology. The founders of Groundswell International have worked for decades...

Fédération des AgroPasteurs de Diender

Farmers' organization
La Fédération des Agropasteurs de Diender est une organisation paysanne d’environ 3 000 membres qui a pour objectif principal la promotion d’une agriculture saine et durable pour une meilleure sécurité alimentaire dans la zone des Niayes. Elle a été mise en place en 1994 et exerce ses activités dans la zone...

Kenya Organic Agriculture Network

Non-governmental organization
The Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) is a national membership organization for organic agriculture stakeholders in Kenya. KOAN coordinates, provides leadership and professional services to all members and other stakeholders in the organic agriculture industry in Kenya. They aim at supporting the development of organic agriculture in areas of Organic...

Permaculture Research Institute of Uganda

Research center
Permaculture Research Institute of Uganda (PRI-Uganda) is a non-profit organization whose major objective is to empower individuals and communities to undertake sustainable agriculture and culture using the permaculture approach. PRI-Uganda was born after understanding the agriculture dynamics and challenges of miss-use of the scarce resources, unsustainable agricultural practices, low income among...

Confederation Paysanne du Congo

Farmers' organization
La Confédération paysanne du Congo (COPACO-PRP) est le principal regroupement paysan de la RD Congo avec 1.608.000 paysans et paysannes regroupaient en 2452 organisations locales à travers le pays. Elle a comme activités principales la formation, la structuration du monde paysan et rural, les politiques publiques et plaidoyer, l'agriculture familiale,...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Farmeco Community Care

Farmeco seeks to reconnect people to land and environment by being a hub around which seasonal activities and celebrations for the community can focus on. It acts as an opportunity for people to interact with rural farming life by demonstrating the abundant, diverse and non-chemical edible woodland food production which...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

African Centre for Biodiversity

Civil society
African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is a research and advocacy organisation working towards food sovereignty and agroecology in Africa, with a focus on biosafety, seed systems and agricultural biodiversity. The organisation is committed to dismantling inequalities and resisting corporate-industrial expansion in Africa's food and agriculture systems.
South Africa

Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity

Civil society
Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity (TABIO) is an alliance of civil society and private sector organizations concerned with biodiversity conservation with emphasis on agricultural biodiversity for livelihood security and food sovereignty. The alliance was formed in November 2011 out of concerns of deterioration of agricultural biodiversity. The members of the alliance...
United Republic of Tanzania

Back to Basics

Non-governmental organization
Back to Basics (BTB) is registered as a non-profit organization working in Kenya to support communities and position them for success, by engaging them in sustainable development. Organization's aim is to encourage and support innovations through participatory approaches and promote evidence based best practices through a proactive role in initiating...

Kenya Biodiversity Coalition

Civil society
The Kenya Biodiversity Coalition (KBioC) is a coalition of over 60 member organisations, such as: farmer organisations; animal welfare networks; consumer networks; faith based organisations; civil society organisations; and traders and private Kenyan citizens. The organization is working on issues of biodiversity conservation, food sovereignty and agroecology. The main objective...

Unión Nacional de Organizaciones Regionales Campesinas y Autónomas

Civil society
La UNORCA es una organización de representación indígena y campesina de amplia participación, de lucha, de trabajo y de propuesta, que se constituyó en el VII Encuentro Nacional realizado en Cuetzalan, Puebla, en marzo de 1985. A la UNORCA la integran campesinos, pequeños productores, jornaleros, avecindados, colonos, jóvenes, mujeres, pescadores y...

Permaculture Paradise Institute

Non-governmental organization
Permaculture Paradise Institute (PPI) is a local non-profit demonstration and training center that promotes household-level permaculture systems in Malawi, located in Langa village Mchinji district. The PPI provides low-cost social economic and ecologically-sound training to local farmers, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations as well as government. In a country where approximately 80%...

Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center

Non-governmental organization
Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center is an ecological-based organization and a registered non-profit organization in Ghana. Their vision is for humans, animals and nature to peacefully and happily co-exist in their ecological center/ community; therefore, it wants to create an amazing example of regenerative/sustainable agriculture and sustainable living in this region,...

Green Brigade DR Congo

Non-governmental organization
Green Brigade DR Congo is an NGO working to promote climate change solutions, protect water, forest and climate for a sustainable development of vulnerable communities, and to build adaptation capacity to climate change. In Lake Kivu Basin Eastern of DR Congo, the group is planting trees, educating farmers on Agroecology...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 The Gambia

Farmers' organization
The Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 Gambia was established in 2013, focusing on advocacy and lobbying policies in favor of family farming. It has been officially recognized by the Gambian government in 2016 as platform for policy dialogue. It consists of 17...

Institut Africain pour le Développement économique et social-Centre africain de Formation

Non-governmental organization
Inades-Formation Togo est créée en 1972 et a signé un accord de coopération avec le Gouvernement Togolais. L’Association nationale est structurée autour d’une Assemblée Générale (AG) composée de quarante (47) membres qui détermine les orientations générales et contrôle l’exécution des programmes d’intervention. Elle travaille sur cinq (5) programmes structurants, à...

Centre for Agriculteur ans Rural Développent in Mali

Civil society
Cette organisation de la société civile intervient dans le développement agricole et rural par la promotion d'une croissance inclusive et durable dans le secteur agricole. Les activités de l'organisation sont : le soutien et le renforcement des capacités des agriculteurs et des exploitations agricoles, la recherche et le conseil agricoles,...

Center for Environmental Education and Development

Civil society
The Center for Environmental Education and Development is a lead name in the execution of projects and campaign on environmental sustainability. The organization works with institutions, communities and government on the execution of its work, consisting of providing capacity building and training services.

Access Agriculture

Civil society
We host farmer learning videos on line, for free viewing and download
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Total results:314