Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

Le réseau de la PCAF met en relation des acteurs clés d’un même pays ou d’une même région et encourage ceux-ci à explorer des domaines d’intérêt commun susceptibles de servir de base à des partenariats ou à des collaborations.

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Type d'organisation

Louvain Coopération au Développement Burundi

Non-governmental organization
Louvain Coopération au Développement, Louvain Coopération en abrégé et LC en sigle est une ONG de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UC Louvain en abrégé et UCL en sigle). Pour LC, le développement est un processus de transformation sociale permanent et dynamique qui donne aux populations les plus défavorisées la possibilité...

Louvain Coopération Madagascar

Non-governmental organization
Louvain Coopération à Madagascar mène un programme quinquenal 2017-2021 financé principalement par la Coopération belge au développement et qui comprend : >un programme sécurité alimentaire et économique > un programme santé Louvain Coopération met en oeuvre un projet 2019-2021 d'appui aux organisation de la société civile dans la région Menabe. Projet principalement...

Louvain Cooperation Cambodia

Non-governmental organization
Louvain Cooperation is the NGO of the University of Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium and uses academic skills to meet the challenges of development. Active in Cambodia since 2004, Louvain Cooperation develops long term partnerships with local partners and governmental counterparts and aims to: 1) Improve quality and access to Non-Communicable Diseases...

Rehabilitation Village Farms Coop

Farmers' organization
Rehabilitation Village Farms Multipurpose Cooperative Society is a 30 member democratically run social enterprise established to bring smallholder farmers in Nigeria, especially Akwa Ibom State, an agrarian environment with major agricultural endeavours being cassava, maize, vegetables, cocoa and oil palm product, vegetables, cocoa and oil palm production together to...


International Organization
Eclosio is the NGO of the University of Liège in Belgium. It is the result of the merger between the NGOs Aide au Développement Gembloux (ADG) and UniverSud-Liège. Eclosio works with 87 partners, 81 collaboratos, 45 volunteers and many donors and contributors in 6 countries in 4 continents. Eclosio strengthens...

Fundacion para el desarrollo tecnologico agropecuario y forestal de Nicaragua

Non-governmental organization
Implemented programa of research and tecnical asistance for agricultural sector. Advisor consultant for some international financial organization.

Vétérinaires sans Frontières Germany

Non-governmental organization
Vétérinaires sans Frontières Germany is built on the belief that healthy animals, healthy humans and a healthy environment are of fundamental importance. The main target group of VSFG are pastoral and agro-pastoral village communities, fishing communities, as well as regional authorities, refugees and internally displaced persons. The organization’s headquarters is based in...

Armenian Women For health and Healthy Environment

Non-governmental organization
The mission of AWHHE is to explore the issues of environment pollution in Armenia, to advocate the human right to live in a healthy environment, to promote the reduction of health risks from environmental pollution and hazards, including climate change, support the organic farming and the usage of safe alternatives...

Jumuia ya Mtandao wa Wakulima wa Mbogamboga na Matunda Pemba

Non-governmental organization
This is community based organization which is legally registered under the Reg.No: 2191 with it primary work of reducing poverty and environmental conservation through sensitizing local people all over Pemba Island to organize in group wise and incapacitating them to farm fruits and vegetable. Indeed, the organization has important role...
United Republic of Tanzania

Centre d'Echanges et de Ressources pour la Promotion des Actions Communautaires

Non-governmental organization
La mission du CERPAC est d'accompagner la valorisation et à la promotion des potentialités locales en encourageant l'utilisation rationnelle et durable des ressources naturelles notamment par les femmes et les jeunes. Nous pensons que mutualiser les compétences et les moyens à l’émergence et au développement des initiatives locales contribue...

Grupo FLOR LINDA Family Farming Project

Farmers' organization
Grupo FLOR LINDA Farming is a rural agricultural family Project for Productiom, Processing and Distribution of food products.


A website focused on environmental education, awareness raising about sustainable behavior and impact of human activities on the environment.

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias

Research center
El INIFAP es una Institución de excelencia científica y tecnológica con liderazgo y reconocimiento nacional e internacional por su capacidad de respuesta a las demandas de conocimiento e innovaciones tecnológicas en beneficio agrícola, pecuario y de la sociedad en general.


Non-governmental organization
Estamos implementando un programa de sostenimiento para la formación familiar empresarial, en las cadenas de producción de alimentos, entre otros.

Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs des Comores

Farmers' organization
La FNAC est une organisation agricole à caractère paysan qui a pour rôle de promouvoir l'agriculture comorienne à travers des actions de sensibilisation, de formation et accompagnement des acteurs agricoles dans la recherche de solutions à leurs difficultés de production, commercialisation et conservation de leur production.

Federation Organization Occupational Development

Farmer Field School
support small scale farmer to access the sustainable agriculture and market.

Sustainable Agriculture Support Foundation

Farmers' organization
Founded in 2018 to address the challenges in agriculture food chain by training farmers on modern methods farming, conservation tillage, value addition and tree planting

Association of Agritourism South Africa

Farmers' organization
Agritourism South Africa presents an economic diversification strategy for agriculture and a vehicle to promote rural development. Agritourism South Africa offers benefits for production of food and employment, preserving local culture and protecting environmental assets, through tourism initiatives.
South Africa

National Coordination of Farmer Organisation - Mali

Farmers' organization
CNOP is a socio-professional confederation uniting the various farmers' federations of Mali. It was created in 2002. Its general objective is to enable farmers' organizations in Mali to contribute to the definition of a clear vision of Malian agriculture and a coherent agricultural policy centered on family farming. CNOP is...

Centro de Atenciòn Jurìdica Gratuita para Productores Agropecuarios Familiares

Es un espacio de trabajo que funciona desde el año 2011, coorganizado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
Total results:848