Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

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University of Zanjan

Since 1975, the University of Zanjan (Znu) has been developed in different fields and has been ranked as one the top comprehensive public universities in Iran. Although it was established as an agricultural higher education institute in 1975, today it has been developed in five main faculties, including Agriculture, Engineering,...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Farmers Trend

Farmer’s Trend is an online agricultural portal which provides a platform for farmers to get information and advice on farming skills as well as innovative ideas on food sustainability. The portal has many sources which guide the farmers on the farming skills related to various forms of agriculture. provides...

Facilitation Association of Economy for Cooperatives

Farmers' organization
FAEC is national farmer organization federation in Camnodia that working closely with sub-national farmer organizations (including farmer associations and agriculture cooperatives) in building their capacities and coordination for access to finance and markets. FAEC works to strengthen and promote the voices of farmers to be reached the policymakers and decisionmakers...

Confédération Coopérative Paysanne Horticole du Niger

Société coopérative avec conseil d administration Mise en marché des produits horticoles du Niger Approvisionnement en semences de qualité pour les petits producteurs Mise en place d insfractures économique de valorisation de la production et des produits horticoles du niger

Société Coopérative Simplifiée pour le Développement des Communautés produisant du manioc

SCOOPS-DED est une Société Coopérative qui lutte contre la pauvrété et l'insécurité alimentaire dans la Région de l'EST-Cameroun par la production et la transformation du manioc

Centro para el Desarrollo Agroecologico y Agroindustrial del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje, Regional Atlantico, Colombia

Somos la entidad del Estado dedicada a la Formacion Profesional para el Trabajo- Nuestra esencia se describe en nuestro nombre como institucion: Centro para el Desarrollo Agroecologico y Agroindustrial del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje, Regional Atlantico, Colombia. Estamos ubicados en zona rural.

Healthy moms and kids Africa

Non-governmental organization
Healthy moms and kids Africa is a social enterprise aimed at promoting healthy living among women and children living in rural and Urban areas. Our food bank program is aimed at connecting rural female farmers to urban food commodity traders to fight food insecurity in our country.

Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals

Non-governmental organization
LSPCA is an established veterinary and animal welfare organisation. Our programme remit includes animal health and welfare, training and education, policy and legislation.

Association des Femmes Centrafricaines Ingénieurs du Développement Rural délégation Europe

Non-governmental organization
AFCIDR-Europe mène ses activités en Centrafrique et en France. En Centrafrique: Nous soutenons et accompagnons les petits producteurs familiaux Nous développement le maraichage par les pratiques de l'agroécologie dans les écoles, Nous appuyons les femmes dans l'agroalimentaire Nous renforçons les capacités des agriculteurs Nous travaillons dan le domaine de l'accès à l'eau Nous aidons dans le montage...

fundacion indigena zenu de bellavista

La Fundación Indígena de Bellavista es una Entidad sin ánimo de lucro; nace como resultado del interés de un grupo particular de residentes del cabildo con el objetivo de  crear programas y alianzas con diferentes entidades privadas y públicas, tanto en el plano nacional como internacional, con el objetivo de reafirmar...

Green Acre Living

Non-governmental organization
Promotion of of sustainable food systems through making educational material available to especially small scale family farms. We additionally investigate ancient indigenous peoples agrarian knowledge as a means to reconnect to the earth and develop appropriate agroecological practices.
South Africa

Société Coopérative des Producteurs Bio

Organisation de production agricole et d'élevage biologique.
Côte d'Ivoire

Gram Disha Trust

Farmers' organization
Creating Sustainable Value for Smallholders in India and Himalayan Ecosystems

Proud Farm Group of Farmers PC

Farmers' organization
Proud Farm dairy sheep and goat incubator project, is an innovative business model, that allows young people to enter in the sector of organic dairy sheep and goat farming with the lowest investment and the minimum risk, through a High Productivity-High Profitability program that provides the appropriate support for a...

Small scale farmers development agency

Farmers' organization
SAFADA is a farmer based organisation established to contribute towards addressing the social and economic challenges facing small scale farmers in Zambia. SAFADA has introduced family farmer advancement support initiative, an economic partnership agreement between small scale farmers and the private sector, at a local and...

Agriculteurs du Mono

Organisation des Membres pour l'agriculture familiale et la Foresterie. Lutte contre les produits chimiques Ventes groupées, et Mécanisation pour réduire la pénibilité des travaux.

University of Kent

Teaching and research, applied consultancy
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Animation Rurale de Korhogo

Civil society
L’Animation Rurale de Korhogo (ARK), structure créée en 1972 par l’Archidiocèse de Korhogo est aujourd’hui une organisation non gouvernementale de droit ivoirien. Elle s’inscrit comme Organisation Non Gouvernementale (ONG) qui œuvre dans le Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire. Travaillant dans une perspective d’auto promotion communautaire, l’ARK se destine dans sa...
Côte d'Ivoire

Zambia National Forest Commodities Association

Farmers' organization
A not-for-profit membership based farm forestry and environment conservation organization established to promote ecological and sustainable management of forests and farm forestry commodities and farmland in Zambia by its membership for the the benefit of future generations. The association seeks to to achieve this through *Promoting and safe guarding forestry growth/reduce deforestation *advancing...

Food Security Center

Food Security Center (FSC) is a newly formed Non-Profit Organization that aims improving nutritional security and environmental sustainability through specific education programs which are addressed not only to children, but to adults as well – both in Europe and Africa. These programs, have been designed to meet the requirements of...
Total results:879