Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

Le réseau de la PCAF met en relation des acteurs clés d’un même pays ou d’une même région et encourage ceux-ci à explorer des domaines d’intérêt commun susceptibles de servir de base à des partenariats ou à des collaborations.

Vous souhaitez rejoindre le réseau FFKP?

En rejoignant le réseau FFKP, les membres pourront bénéficier d’une meilleure visibilité pour leur organisation, association ou coopérative, grâce à la plateforme de connaissances sur l’agriculture familiale. Les parties intéressées qui souhaitent devenir membres du réseau FFKP sont invités à fournir les informations demandées dans ce formulaire.

L’inscription est ouverte à tous.

Les informations sur les membres du réseau FFKP sont fournies par les membres. La FAO n’est pas responsable de l’exactitude de ces informations ni de l’usage qui pourrait en être fait.

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Type d'organisation

Shika female farmers association

Non-governmental organization
We are group of female farmers that plants soya beans, beans and maize annually.

Daami Youth Development Organization, Somaliland Minority Org

Non-governmental organization
DYDO areas of operations food,nutrition security for marginalized minority and indigenous displaced persons, FFKP, family gardens, kitchen farms, small Fishers

Sustainable Aid through Voluntary Establishment

Non-governmental organization
Sustainable Aid through Voluntary Establishment (SAVE-Ghana) is based in the Upper West Region with its headquarters in Tumu. It was founded in 2004 in response to the need for a non-profit making community-based development organization to protect vulnerable, deprived, and marginalized people and alleviate poverty among them and their families...

The Youth Consortium

The Youth Consortium is a coalition of Individuals and Organizations with the futuristic mindset of collaborating, engaging and executing ideas into sustainable projects, towards achieving the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development & Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie

Non-governmental organization
L’Association Banlieues Du Monde / Mauritanie (BDM/M) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, reconnue officiellement sous N°0408/MIPT/DAPLP/SLP du 30 décembre 2002. Elle appuie les acteurs de développement à la base (communes, coopératives, associations de développement etc. ….) en Mauritanie. L’ONG a son siége social à Nouakchott et...

Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track Africa

Achieving the second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2), Zero Hunger, needs a transition towards more sustainable food systems, with more socio-economic benefits and with less environmental consequences. Agroecology aims to optimise the interactions between people, plants and animals. At the same time we see that the involvement of youth in agroecology...


Chudytech is an organisation interested in fostering the extension programmes on crop awareness,animal husbandry and ways to produce food and organic crops to ensure good health

Langata disabled self help group - Center for the minority research and the environmental strategic study

Non-governmental organization
we initiated this our org,to developed the maginolized poor people for to improved their lifelihood to become better,while we do support each other in our self reliance work and through mary go round in doing a small fund raising then we give to each member to developed her business with,while...

Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre

Non-governmental organization
We are a local organisation (based in Zimbabwe) that specialises in agroecology skills training & capacity development in permaculture/agroecology. Our interventions are biased towards climate change adaptation and resilience-building, environmental regeneration & the use of renewable energy, sustainable utilisation of natural resources as well as the use of chemical-free technologies...

Coopérative d'agriculture révolutionnaire

Coopérative d'agriculture révolutionnaire vise a former et conseiller les agriculteurs locaux sur les techniques de culture maraîchère bio et le choix des semence a utiliser.

Federal University Oye - Ekiti, Nigeria

The Faculty of Agriculture is one of the four foundation faculties of the Federal University Oye Ekiti. The Curriculum of the Faculty is specially designed to meet national goal of agricultural transformation and international academic standard comparable to the best anywhere in the world. Its mission is to train skilled...

All Cowpea Stakeholders Association of Nigeria

Civil society
The Apex/hub for all stakeholders (producers, processors, marketers, logistics/warehousing, etc) in the cowpea value chain in Nigeria.

Global Educational Network Uganda

Non-governmental organization
Promoting market driven production among smallholder farmers in cooperatives in field crops production in Northern Uganda.


Civil society
Camfaas is a multistakeholders platform for agricultural extension and advisory services. our actions si to promote sustainable agricultural aextension services and agricultural innovation systems in Cameroon in order to allow farmers access agricultural services at last mile

Global Educational Network Uganda

Non-governmental organization
Global Educational Network Uganda works with the rural farmers in cooperatives promoting market-driven production in field crops in Northern Uganda. Its objectives are increasing farm productivity and production, improving post harvest handling, strengthen the market linkages and supporting development of value chain financing among the farmers.

Save Life Initiative

Non-governmental organization
Save Life Initiative is a community-based organization, which is an Umbrella organization for Five (5) Women’s association was started in 2018. This organisation was involved in the large-scale community and individual small-holding crop production in the Makari in the Bombali District of Northern Sierra Leone. Save Life Initiative which had facilities...
Sierra Leone


Notre coopérative s'occupe de la production et vente des céréales (cas du maïs), des légumineuses (cas du soja et du niébé) et des légumes (cas de tomates saines et de piments sains).

Union Syndicale des Agriculteurs

Civil society
he organization supports farmers and traders through sustainable agriculture, trading; and allows agribusiness to thrive through research and advocacy activities. USA’s mission is therefore to alleviate poverty in the poorest communities and improve livelihoods by promoting agriculture and guaranteeing environmental sustainability through a partnership with valuable organizations around the world....

Zimbabwe Organic Smallholder Farmer’s Forum

Civil society
Increasing smallholder farmer visibility to each other, in decision making and sustainable agriculture, and contributing towards sustainable development.

Coopérative Le Grenier de Makabana

La coopérative le Grenier de Makabana a été créée en Octobre 2016 dans l’informelle, puis légalisée par le Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Élevage et de la Pêche. Le 05 Avril 2019 sous le numéro d’agrément N°009/MAEP/DGA-DAPR. La Coopérative compte 12 membres dont 06 femmes et 06 hommes, elle est dotée...
Total results:307