Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Réseau de la PCAF

Le réseau de la PCAF met en relation des acteurs clés d’un même pays ou d’une même région et encourage ceux-ci à explorer des domaines d’intérêt commun susceptibles de servir de base à des partenariats ou à des collaborations.

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Type d'organisation

Ceibal Asociación Civil

Non-governmental organization
Promover el desarrollo económico y social de las personas y comunidades de menores recursos económicos de la República Argentina y otros países de América Latina a través de la implementación de programas de desarrollo que brinden oportunidades.

Resource Institute of Social Education

Non-governmental organization
Resource Institute of Social Education is registered under the society registration act. 1860 in the year 1982 and registered under the foreign contribution regulation act. 1976 in the year 1985. RISE function as a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political and non-Governmental organisation in the field of women and child Development, Education...

Youth Agrarian Society

Non-governmental organization
The Youth Agrarian Society (YAS) provides training to youth in agri-business on entrepreneurship and management skills and how best to administer viable agricultural projects as a means towards attaining sustainable livelihoods and ensure food security for their homes, communities and the nation at large. The organization also facilitates the carrying...

Asociación de Intendentes de Itapúa

Es una asociación de 30 municipios que conforma un consejo cirectivo con personería juridica. Cuenta una oficina dentro de la gobernación de Itapúa.

Hungarian National Rural Network

Hungarian National Rural Network is an umbrella network of private and public networks - government, local government, civil society, business organizations, professional bodies (such as Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Networks) and other organizations involved in the rural development. The primary goal of the HNRN is to support the implementation and...

South African Organic Sector Organisation

Non-governmental organization
Sector body for Organic Agriculture in South Africa. SAOSO is driving the development of an ethical and equitable food system based on Agro-ecological practice. We aim to preserve our biodiversity and soils for the 7th generation by demonstrating the viability of Organic agriculture as an alternative to industrial agriculture. We...
South Africa

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

El Sistema de Centros Regionales de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo tiene más de 25 años con un programa de Maestría y recientemente un Doctorado en Ciencias en Desarrollo Rural Regional, con sedes en Chiapas, Michoacán, Zacatecas y su sede central en Estado de México. Sus lineas de investigación son Redes...

Visit Rico

Non-governmental organization
Visit Rico, a non-profit organization created in 2014, has the mission to strengthen the agricultural economy in Puerto Rico through sustainable agritourism to achieve food sovereignty. For this, we make efforts aimed at supporting the food cycle process, from seed and sowing until it reaches the agricultural market and its...
Puerto Rico

Grass Fed Association of South Africa

Farmers' organization
We are an producers organisation, that enable our members to produce certified Grass Fed and Free Range meats directly to the consumer through the platforms we have created, and the networks we have established. As an organisation, we affiliate with other organisations and businesses, from universities to conservation agencies, all...
South Africa

Kisankarkeela Organization

Farmers' organization
small farmer right sustainable agriculture livehood cliamate change food security gender justices advocacy and research

Slow food yogyakarta

slow food Yogyakarta is grass road and nonprofitable organization. SFYogyakarta is one part from Slow Food international. we base on food is Good, Clean and Fair for everyone in the world. Biodiversities, Locally wisdom and respect to the nature is our way

Alternatives Durables pour le développement (ADD)

Non-governmental organization
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD) est une Association sans but lucratif créée en 1996 par des jeunes camerounais mus par le désir de faire oeuvre utile à la société. La mission de l’association est d’accompagner de manière participative et durable les initiatives d’autopromotion des couches de populations les plus...

Initiatives pour le Développement Durable

Non-governmental organization
Une ONG basée au Bénin en Afrique de l’ouest. Une organisation de jeunes Agronomes et financiers béninois disposant d’un mandat permettant de contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté en milieu rural. OBJECTIF SPÉCIFIQUE: Contribuer à la sensibilisation et à l’accroissement des revenus des agriculteurs par l’amélioration de la...

Slow Food Compostela

Convivium Slow Food


Non-governmental organization
organic farming and ecological education

Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN)

Civil society
The Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN) was established in 2012. The Network is comprised of 27 members (NGOs, farmers organizations, CSOs) that seek to strengthen their respective capacities, complement each other and amplify their collective voices to influence land and agrarian policies and programmes in Zimbabwe. The...

Institute for Sustainable Rural Regional Development-

Non-governmental organization
An organization that, with its activities in the region, is one of the first to work in rural development. An incentive for the development of Eco-Rural Tourism with a focus on rural tourism and farm tourism. Through the development, creation and promotion of tourism products and the creation of a...
North Macedonia

Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ

Non-governmental organization
AMPI is a non-profit organization founded in 2014, focused mainly on development of local food, solidarity-based initiatives and Food Sovereignty in the Czech Republic as well as throughout Europe. Its main targets are to educate adults, youth and children in the field of environmental aspects of agriculture and food consumption,...

Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos

Farmers' organization
COAG, as the main representative entity of the farming sector in Spain, is constituted as a profesional farmers organisation at the state level with legal status, which main target is the representation of farmers’ interests, for that purpose COAG uses all its resources and available instruments, including mainly the technical-scientific...

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

CULS, was established in 1906, and currently engages key scientific competencies to achieve significant impact on the agriculture and environmental development in the Czech Republic and worldwide. Interdisciplinary research is conducted through partnerships within other universities, national programmes, civil society organizations, international agencies and the private sector to produce international...
Total results:848