The Association of the Private Farming of the Czech Republic APF CR
Type of Organization: Non-governmental organization
Areas of work: Agroecology, Farming typologies, Food systems, Natural resources, Social protection and rural development
Region: Europe and Central Asia
Country: Czechia
Association of Private Farming is a voluntary and professional organization defending the economic, social and professional interest of private farmers in the Czech Republic and abroad. In terms of legal form and organisational structure, our organisation is an association of legal entities - regional associations of private farmers, which are groups of natural persons (individual farmers). Each regional association has its own legal personality. At present there are 41 regional associations and 10 interest associations. Its activities are based on respect of old farming traditions and beliefs that family farms are the base of modern European agriculture and rural areas. The long-term goals of the APF CR are focused on the economic independence of the rural areas and its development on the basis of multifunctional agriculture. We support the development of family farming in the Czech Republic and the production of quality and environmentally friendly food. The Association is active on regional, national and also international level: we provide to our members information and consulting service, social and economic activities (harvest festivals, tours, balls) and organise seminars, we defend interests of private farmers in negotiations with state authorities, we are part of many European projects within the Erasmus+ and other programs, and organize international conferences and field trips to farms within Europe and beyond.
Association of Private Farming is a voluntary and professional organization defending the economic, social and professional interest of private farmers in the Czech Republic and abroad. In terms of legal form and organisational structure, our organisation is an association of legal entities - regional associations of private farmers, which are groups of natural persons (individual farmers). Each regional association has its own legal personality. At present there are 41 regional associations and 10 interest associations. Its activities are based on respect of old farming traditions and beliefs that family farms are the base of modern European agriculture and rural areas. The long-term goals of the APF CR are focused on the economic independence of the rural areas and its development on the basis of multifunctional agriculture. We support the development of family farming in the Czech Republic and the production of quality and environmentally friendly food. The Association is active on regional, national and also international level: we provide to our members information and consulting service, social and economic activities (harvest festivals, tours, balls) and organise seminars, we defend interests of private farmers in negotiations with state authorities, we are part of many European projects within the Erasmus+ and other programs, and organize international conferences and field trips to farms within Europe and beyond.