Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Association of Farmers Educators and Traders AFET

Type of Organization: Фермерская организация
Areas of work: Мелкие семейные фермерские хозяйства
Region: Africa
Country: Гамбия
The Association of Farmers, Educators and Traders is the oldest farmer base membership organisation in the Gambia, established in the early 1980s. AFET was registered in 1989 as a Charitable Organisation (registration No: 68/2004 and is therefore, legally recognized by the Government of the Gambia. Its office is located in Brikama, West Coast Region, The Gambia. AFET has a total membership of 341 affiliated kafos (groups) with a total of 28,919 individuals members of which 21,689 or 75% are women. The affiliated member kafos are grouped into 27 strategically located AFET zones. The membership of AFET open and consists of; small holder farmers, petty traders, artisans, millers, educators and so on.Mandate To enhance agricultural production and productivity, promote a culture of savings and credit, capacity building in livelihood skills, income generation opportunities for the rural women and youths in particular. AFET’s interventions are mainly focus on Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in 6 thematic areas as follows; 1. Horticulture; development of women vegetable gardens and orchards 2. Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture; seed multiplication, seed & cereal banking, implements & input supply and Bee-keeping 3. Adult and Non Formal Education; literacy and livelihood skills training 4. Micro-finance; Village Savings and Credit Associations (VISACA) 5. Agricultural raw produce transformation (processing and preservation) skills development 6. Inter-state cross border trade in agricultural products