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A website focused on environmental education, awareness raising about sustainable behavior and impact of human activities on the environment.

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias

Research center
El INIFAP es una Institución de excelencia científica y tecnológica con liderazgo y reconocimiento nacional e internacional por su capacidad de respuesta a las demandas de conocimiento e innovaciones tecnológicas en beneficio agrícola, pecuario y de la sociedad en general.


Non-governmental organization
Estamos implementando un programa de sostenimiento para la formación familiar empresarial, en las cadenas de producción de alimentos, entre otros.

Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs des Comores

Farmers' organization
La FNAC est une organisation agricole à caractère paysan qui a pour rôle de promouvoir l'agriculture comorienne à travers des actions de sensibilisation, de formation et accompagnement des acteurs agricoles dans la recherche de solutions à leurs difficultés de production, commercialisation et conservation de leur production.

Federation Organization Occupational Development

Farmer Field School
support small scale farmer to access the sustainable agriculture and market.

Sustainable Agriculture Support Foundation

Farmers' organization
Founded in 2018 to address the challenges in agriculture food chain by training farmers on modern methods farming, conservation tillage, value addition and tree planting

Association of Agritourism South Africa

Farmers' organization
Agritourism South Africa presents an economic diversification strategy for agriculture and a vehicle to promote rural development. Agritourism South Africa offers benefits for production of food and employment, preserving local culture and protecting environmental assets, through tourism initiatives.
South Africa

National Coordination of Farmer Organisation - Mali

Farmers' organization
CNOP is a socio-professional confederation uniting the various farmers' federations of Mali. It was created in 2002. Its general objective is to enable farmers' organizations in Mali to contribute to the definition of a clear vision of Malian agriculture and a coherent agricultural policy centered on family farming. CNOP is...

Centro de Atenciòn Jurìdica Gratuita para Productores Agropecuarios Familiares

Es un espacio de trabajo que funciona desde el año 2011, coorganizado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria

Aquapro Agro Industry

AQUAPRO AGRO INDUSTRY is focused on helping Nigerian farmers to grow better fish, crops and to maintain a strong environmental and technical compliance position. Our breadth of expertise enables us to provide specialist consultancy services on a wide range of Agriculture fields including, but not restricted to: Fruits & Vegetables,...

Community Initiative for Sustainable Development

Civil society
Founded in 1996 by five young graduates, COMINSUD is a development organization that works to empower communities towards achieving their development objectives, with a vision of a responsive society where the principles and standards of good governance are respected and upheld for sustainable human and environmental development. COMINSUD...

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation

Non-governmental organization
Not for Profit scientific trust for sustainable rural development


Farmers' organization
AGRICULTURAL TOURISM – AGRI TOURISM The state of Maharashtra is the pioneer state to develop and promote Agri Tourism in the country. AGRI TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION incorporated in 2005 and owns the pilot Agri tourism project of 28 acres in Palshiwadi, tal Baramati Dist Pune , 70 kms from...

Society for International Development

Civil society
SID is an international network of individuals and organizations founded in 1957 to promote participative, pluralistic and sustainable development. Through locally-driven programmes and activities, SID strengthens collective empowerment, facilitates dialogue and knowledge-sharing on people-centered development strategies, and promotes policy change towards inclusiveness, equity and sustainability.

Associazione Culturale Punti di Vista

Civil society
The organization promotes action research and dissemination of information in several fields of sustainable and inclusive development, notably: sustainable and resilient food systems, environment protection, gender equality, climate justice, agroecology and small scale bioregional food system, waste reduction and circular economy

Heritage Vet Consults

A vet-based consultancy firm dedicated to everything about herd health solutions and food security. We are dedicated to proffering sustainable solutions in the area of herd health and development of rural livestock farmers to ensure food security in Nigeria. We harness such framework as field surveys, pilot studies, participatory appraisal of challenges...

University of Zanjan

Since 1975, the University of Zanjan (Znu) has been developed in different fields and has been ranked as one the top comprehensive public universities in Iran. Although it was established as an agricultural higher education institute in 1975, today it has been developed in five main faculties, including Agriculture, Engineering,...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

University of Zanjan

Since 1975, the University of Zanjan (Znu) has been developed in different fields and has been ranked as one the top comprehensive public universities in Iran. Although it was established as an agricultural higher education institute in 1975, today it has been developed in five main faculties, including Agriculture, Engineering,...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Farmers Trend

Farmer’s Trend is an online agricultural portal which provides a platform for farmers to get information and advice on farming skills as well as innovative ideas on food sustainability. The portal has many sources which guide the farmers on the farming skills related to various forms of agriculture. https://farmerstrend.co.ke/ provides...

Facilitation Association of Economy for Cooperatives

Farmers' organization
FAEC is national farmer organization federation in Camnodia that working closely with sub-national farmer organizations (including farmer associations and agriculture cooperatives) in building their capacities and coordination for access to finance and markets. FAEC works to strengthen and promote the voices of farmers to be reached the policymakers and decisionmakers...
Total results:857