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Тип организации

The Youth Consortium

The Youth Consortium is a coalition of Individuals and Organizations with the futuristic mindset of collaborating, engaging and executing ideas into sustainable projects, towards achieving the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development & Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

Sustainable Harvest International

International Organization
Since 1997, Sustainable Harvest International has provided agroecology training to over 3,000 smallholder family farms. Through diversification of crops and ecological farming practices, families improve their diets, income and health, while reversing the degradation of soils, protecting water sources, increasing biodiversity and stabilizing the climate. A local trainer...
United States of America

Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie

Non-governmental organization
L’Association Banlieues Du Monde / Mauritanie (BDM/M) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, reconnue officiellement sous N°0408/MIPT/DAPLP/SLP du 30 décembre 2002. Elle appuie les acteurs de développement à la base (communes, coopératives, associations de développement etc. ….) en Mauritanie. L’ONG a son siége social à Nouakchott et...

Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track Africa

Achieving the second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2), Zero Hunger, needs a transition towards more sustainable food systems, with more socio-economic benefits and with less environmental consequences. Agroecology aims to optimise the interactions between people, plants and animals. At the same time we see that the involvement of youth in agroecology...

Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre

Non-governmental organization
We are a local organisation (based in Zimbabwe) that specialises in agroecology skills training & capacity development in permaculture/agroecology. Our interventions are biased towards climate change adaptation and resilience-building, environmental regeneration & the use of renewable energy, sustainable utilisation of natural resources as well as the use of chemical-free technologies...

Coopérative d'agriculture révolutionnaire

Coopérative d'agriculture révolutionnaire vise a former et conseiller les agriculteurs locaux sur les techniques de culture maraîchère bio et le choix des semence a utiliser.

Fundación Cielito Lindo. Centro de educación sustentable

Civil society
Granja Orgánica que se dedica a educar a las comunidades en adoptar huertos orgánicos y sistemas de captación de agua.


Civil society
Camfaas is a multistakeholders platform for agricultural extension and advisory services. our actions si to promote sustainable agricultural aextension services and agricultural innovation systems in Cameroon in order to allow farmers access agricultural services at last mile

Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment

Non-governmental organization
The main focus of SEARICE’s work is on the conservation of agricultural biodiversity and promotion of sustainable food systems. Social inclusion (working with indigenous peoples & gender equity), food security, farmers’ rights, and community resiliency (against various crises, including climate crisis), are among the diverse concerns that SEARICE pays special...


Notre coopérative s'occupe de la production et vente des céréales (cas du maïs), des légumineuses (cas du soja et du niébé) et des légumes (cas de tomates saines et de piments sains).

The Agricultural and Rural Convention

Farmers' organization
The Agricultural and Rural Convention (ARC2020) is a network of agricultural and rural actors working together for good food, good farming and better rural policies in the EU. Based in Paris, ARC2020 has a Brussels office and smaller offices and workers in Ireland, Germany, France and the Czech Republic -...

Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research

Research center
The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB) is a socio-economic research institute. As a subordinated research institute of Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, the BAB holds expertise in the field of agricultural policy, food industry, farming and rural areas, particularly including mountain regions.

Plataforma Nacional de los Suelos

Civil society
Un espacio de intercambio de experiencias, inter-aprendizaje e incidencia social y política en Agricultura Sostenible, promovidas por un conjunto de instituciones comprometidas con el desarrollo agroecológico en Bolivia.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

French National Institute for Agricultural Research

Research center
Europe’s top agricultural research institute and the world’s number two centre for the agricultural sciences. Its scientists are working towards solutions for society’s major challenges.


Non-governmental organization
Prolinnova is an NGO-initiated international network and community of practice that promotes local innovation processes in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management (NRM). It focuses on recognising the dynamics of indigenous knowledge (IK) and enhancing capacities of family farmers (including pastoralists, fishers and forest dwellers) to adjust to...

Reunión Especializada de Agricultura Familiar del MERCOSUR

La Reunión Especializada de Agricultura Familiar del MERCOSUR (REAF) es un espacio de encuentro entre productores familiares, organizaciones e instituciones rurales de la región, funciona desde 2004 con el objetivo de generar un marco de políticas públicas regionales para la agricultura familiar.

Bio Bon Beau

Farmers' organization
L'initiative 3B est la première qui regroupe tous les acteurs de la production biologique au Niger , autres d'un cahier de charge qui est aussi le premier aussi Niger . Nous faisons de la production de fruits légumes et biologiques , la production d'intrants biologique ( compost, huile de...

Offinso Partners in Sustainable Development

Non-governmental organization
We exists to promote community understanding and participation in Sustainable social development in Ghana Our mission is to bring communities together in designing and implementing effective strategies to ensure judicious natural resources use to promote gender equality to reduce social disparity and to secure a fair development of all parties Activities Training Agriculture Energy Forestry Social enterprises...

Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Imbabura

Gremio profesional de ingenieros agrónomos, organización sin fines de lucro, bajo el lema AGRONONÍA ES DESARROLLO, para promover el desarrollo de la comunidad y de la familia imbabureña, a través de la práctica de los principios de la Agronomía.

Red Agroeconatura

Civil society
Asociación fundada en el año 2017 con el propósito de promover una transición agroecológica de los pequeños agricultores como solución a problemáticas globales, sectoriales y territoriales.
Total results:314