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Тип организации

World Farmers Organization

International Organization
WFO, the World Farmers Organisation, is an International Organisation of Farmers for Farmers, which aims to bring together all the national producer and farm cooperative organisations with the objective of developing policies which favor and support farmers' causes in developed and developing countries around the world. WFO is...

World Rural Forum

Non-governmental organization
The World Rural Forum (WRF) is a plural network that works in favour of Family Farming and sustainable rural development, composed by Family Farming federations and organisations such as COPROFAM, PIFON, UMNAGRI, PDRR, PROPAC and AFA, rural development organisations such as INADES, and agriculture cooperatives and research centers such as...

European Coordination Via Campesina

Non-governmental organization
The European Coordination Via Campesina is a European grassroots organization which currently gathers 26 national and regional farmers, farm workers and rural organizations based in 17 European countries. Rooted on the right to Food Sovereignty, our main objective is the defence of farmers’ and field workers’ rights as well as...

Cultivate Collective

Non-governmental organization
Cultivate! is an international collective that catalyses the transition to healthy food and farming rooted in agroecology. The name Cultivate! was inspired by our vision of food system transformation for healthy societies. We envision a world where biodiversity, a rich culture, fertile land and healthy communities are cultivated when we grow,...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Gaza Urban & Peri-urban Agriculture Platform

Civil society
The GUPAP was launched in 2013, fulfilling the need for a multi-stakeholder, interactive and participatory forum that brings together all key actors involved in the development of a resilient Palestinian urban agricultural sector in the Gaza Strip. The GUPAP’s vision is aligned with a broader vision of supporting a more...
Gaza Strip

Université Moulay Ismail

UMI's mission is contributing to the development of research programs and the definition of mechanisms and modalities for their implementation; carrying out research and experimentation programs; coordinate research activities on value chains and ecosystems; participate in the development of training and development plans for research purposes; promote research results and...

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique d'Algérie

Research center
IThee Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique d'Algérie / Algeria National Agronomic Research institute (INRAA) is a public institution of scientific and technological character, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. Its mission is to contribute to the development of research programs and the definition of...

Saffron Institute

Research center
The Saffron institute was founded 7 in collaboratrion with Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the University of Torbat Heydarieh, to help saffron-related farmers, researchers, developers and activists in finding bettersoilutions for saffron production. We aim to educate farmers with latest scientific findings, to provide researchers with what they need...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives

The Central Organization of Rural Cooperatives of is a public entity owned by the State (78%) and by the members rural cooperatives (22%). According to the provisions of its Statute, this organization is responsible for the development of the agricultural sector through cooperatives and rural organizations. The...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

North South Consultants Exchange

North South Consultants Exchange (NSCE) is a consultancy firm registered in Egypt in 1988, and is currently a partner of FAO RI on SSFF in NENA. Its mission is to contribute through consulting services to the quality of life improvements and economic welfare of people and communities...

University of Applied Sciences and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran – Governorate of Teheran

The University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST‎) is a public university system administrated by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology with various branches (including agriculture and agronomy) all over the Provinces of Iran. This university helps to increase the skill level of personnel employed in various...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture

Research center
The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) is an international, non-profit agricultural research center. It works towards achieving food, nutrition and water security in saline and marginal environments around the world by improving sustainable agricultural production. ICBA is one of only a few international research organizations in the world that...
United Arab Emirates

National Research Centre of Egypt

Research center
NRC is supporting agricultural development and private sector through the establishment of a number of units to provide technical and consultancy services to farmers, businessmen and owners of agricultural projects, especially in the territories newly reclaimed. These units include:- Agricultural and consulting services. Animal production services and poultry. The assessment...

Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Universidad Centroamerica

Research center
Nitlapan es un Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de la Universidad Centroamericana, fundado en 1988, es un instituto especializado en la investigación, creación y difusión de nuevos modelos y metodologías de desarrollo local rural y urbano. El instituto presta servicios financieros y no financieros a los...

Foco Rural - Universidad de Chile

Research center
Aportar a un desarrollo rural sostenible que mejore la calidad de vida de las familias de pequeños agricultores y contribuir a su desarrollo socioeconómico es el motor del trabajo de Foco Rural. Somos un equipo transdisciplinario de profesionales, pertenecientes a la Universidad de Chile, que desarrolla proyectos + investigación aplicada...

La Red Políticas Públicas y Desarrollo Rural en América Latina y el Caribe

Research center
La Red Políticas Publicas y Desarrollo Rural en América Latina y el Caribe (PP-AL) se ha formado en base a un dispositivo de colaboraciones en red centrado en la investigación, la formación y la animación científica sobre las políticas públicas agropecuarias, ambientales y de desarrollo rural. Su objetivo general es...

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Rosario

La Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias – UNR tiene por misión formar recursos humanos con sólida formación ética, profesional y humana, generar conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos y extenderlo a la comunidad con el objetivo de propender al desarrollo regional y nacional. La facultad aspira a contribuir con el desarrollo regional y...

Wildlife Conservation Society - Bolivia

Research center
El Programa de Conservación de WCS en Bolivia busca contribuir a la Nueva Agenda Patriótica 2025 para una Bolivia Digna y Soberana, en particular se articula con tres de sus pilares: Educación y Deporte para la Formación de un Ser Humano Integral (en su componente de Educación), Soberanía Científica y...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias

Creada en 1959, con el propósito de encontrar solución a los crecientes problemas que afectaban a la producción agropecuaria y al modelo de desarrollo adoptado. Posee siete Estaciones y cinco Granjas Experimentales, un Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología en Yachay y un Centro de Bioconocimiento y Desarrollo Agrario en Galápagos....

Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres

El Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, creado en 2005 en la órbita del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social es el organismo rector de las políticas de género, responsable de la promoción, diseño, coordinación, articulación y ejecución de las políticas públicas desde la perspectiva de género así como también de su seguimiento...
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