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Forum des Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles du Burundi

Farmers' organization
Le Forum des Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles du Burundi "FOPABU" est une plateforme burundaise composée par 15 faîtières/Organisations de Producteurs Agricoles (OP) reparties dans tout le pays . Ce Forum a été créé en 2009 et agréé le 29 octobre 2012 par l’Ordonnance Ministérielle Numéro 530/1757. Avec la nouvelle Loi...

Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation

Farmers' organization
National aggregator of all farmers crop produce and seller of inputs to farmers

Arid Landscape Initiative

Civil society
Arid Landscape Initiative (ALIN Africa) is an Indigenous Organisation working to improve both the quality of pastoral lives and landscapes through community (Pastoralist) engagement into sustainable access and utilization of rangelands ecosystems for social economic realisation. ALIN Africa has a main focus of promoting community transformation through rangeland voice advocacy for...

Gbagyi enlightenment initiative

Civil society
It's an organization that advocates the right of the indigenous people, Rights to land.

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers' Forum (ESAFF) Uganda

Farmers' organization
Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) was formed in 2002 during the World Summit on Sustainable Agriculture which was being held in Johannesburg, South Africa by small-scale farmers. The main aim was to make small-scale farmers, pastoralists and fisher folk, who are central to sustainable natural resource management...

The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development (OPAD) Global

Non-governmental organization
The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development-OPAD is an International Non-governmental Organization [INGO] operating in Europe, South America, Asia and Africa with an aim to stimulate community Oriented Poverty Alleviation initiatives that improve Sustainable Development; promote Democratic Governance, Human Rights, and Climate Change mitigation. The organization strives for inclusivity of...

The Haller Foundation

Non-governmental organization
The Haller Foundation helps transform landscapes and communities by providing 60+ years of tried and tested, organic farming techniques to thousands of smallholder farmers living across Kenya. We work with communities over a five year period, starting with water security, then leading onto food security, healthcare, education and over time...

Rehabilitation Village Farms Coop

Rehabilitation Village Farms is a 30 member oil palm growers. It has mandate to improve members productivity and market competitiveness, farm incomes and rural livelihoods. Members harvest and process palm oil on small scale individual plots and collectively on REVFAM 20 hectare farm located in an off road community in...

Guinée Développement Durable

Non-governmental organization
Guinée Développement Durable est une association loi 1091, créée en 2014 à Thonon-Les-Bains et qui a pour vocation de répondre aux Objectifs du Développement Durable en mettant en relation les collectivités locales des pays développés à économie de marché dont la France et les collectivités territoriales de la République de...

Service d’Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Développement

Non-governmental organization
Le « Service d’Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Développement » , est une association à but non lucratif (ONG) existant depuis 1988 . Elle travaille essentiellement au Cameroun (Afrique centrale). Le SAILD a pour vision : « Un monde équitable, juste et solidaire où les personnes sont épanouies et...

Suhudoo Women Empowerment & Development Association

Non-governmental organization
SWEDA is a legally registered organization working in Ghana for agricultural value chain development (AVCD), Climate change and natural resources management (CCNRM) through business entrepreneurial development for women empowerment and sustainable development.

ONG Espoir - Organisation Tchadienne pour le Développement

Non-governmental organization
L’ONG « ESPOIR » est une Association nationale d’appui au Développement créée sous la forme d'une organisation non gouvernementale régie par l'Ordonnance N°27/INT/SUR du 28 Juillet 1962 portant réglementation des Associations en République du Tchad et son Décret d'application N°165/INT/SUR du 25 Août 1962. Elle a été autorisée à fonctionner...

Plateforme d'Echanges et de Promotion de l'Agriculture Familiale au Tchad

Civil society
La PEPAF-Tchad est une plateforme des organisations de la société civile composée des organisations des paysans, des organisations d'appui au développement rural, parapubliques et privés et des instituts de recherches agricoles. Elle est mise en place le 15 septembre 2017 lors d'une Assemblée Constituante regroupant plus d'une quarantaine représentants des...

Selina Wamucii

Community supported Agriculture CSA
Selina Wamucii is a pan African social enterprise that integrates smallholder farmers, pastoralists and fishing communities into local and global supply chains. Selina’s main strength is the utilization of technology to shorten and transform the agricultural supply chain while passing the benefits of an efficient chain to buyers and the producer...

The Source Plus

solves human centered agricultural problems through novel technological innovations and big data services. We find solutions to the root causes of agricultural problems and how they arise, through developing technologies to address these problems thus creating a sustainable agricultural practice and providing long lasting solutions.

Connect Lives Cameroon

Non-governmental organization
Connect lives Cameroon is a development organization dedicated to save lives and create sustainable solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice. Mission: We are dedicated to save lives and create sustainable solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice. Vision: We seek a functioning society where poverty has been overcome and all people...


Non-governmental organization
Welthungerhilfe is an International NGO headquartered in Germany. The Key Focal Areas for the Zimbabwe office are Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security with Emphasis on the development of smallholder farming systems and Water and Sanitation. Our activities reach over 100 000 rural households in Zimbabwe

Pamo Volunteers

Non-governmental organization
Pamo Volunteers was established in 1995 by men and women of vision who were mindful of the serious problems, which the vulnerable and disadvantaged people of - Uganda are facing. It is a vibrant NGO. It was registered with the National Registration Board of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOS) in Kampala...

Ecole d'Horticulture et d'Aménagement des Espaces Verts (Université Nationale d'Agriculture)

Ecole d'Horticulture et d'Aménagement des Espaces Verts est un établissement public d'enseignement supérieur qui forme les apprenants dans les domaines des Cultures maraîchères, fruitières et florales et aussi dans le domaine de l'aménagement paysager, agriculture urbaine et péri urbaine, protection des végétaux contre les bioagresseurs, la gestion durable des...

Louvain Coopération au Développement Burundi

Non-governmental organization
Louvain Coopération au Développement, Louvain Coopération en abrégé et LC en sigle est une ONG de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UC Louvain en abrégé et UCL en sigle). Pour LC, le développement est un processus de transformation sociale permanent et dynamique qui donne aux populations les plus défavorisées la possibilité...
Total results:307