Eco Ruralis
Civil society
Eco Ruralis was founded in April of 2009 in Cluj-Napoca by small farmers from several regions of the country. It is a grassroots association made up of small farmers who practice organic and traditional farming based on environmentally-conscious principles.
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (IAMM) of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
Research center
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (IAMM) is one of the four institutes of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), an intergovernmental organization established in 1962, which works for improving sustainable agriculture and fisheries, for ensuring food and nutrition security and for developing rural and coastal territories....
Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North
Civil society
The main objective of the Center is to help the indigenous people of the North and their communities to transition to the new market conditions of management in modern Russian reality through professional training, the creation of distance education programs, joint management and profits. Organization of the work of the...
Russian Federation
Central Asia and the Caucasus Association of Agricultural Research Institutions
Research center
CACAARI’s mission is to serve as a neutral forum, where various stakeholders of agricultural research for development in Central Asia and the Caucasus can discuss and debate on issues critical to the agriculture of the future
Associação para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento
Non-governmental organization
ACTUAR - is a non-profit-making Portuguese association, founded in 2007 with the objective of helping to promote development, especially in rural areas, while privileging the most marginalised groups such as small producers and women. Its main area of intervention is the Lusophone rural world, where it fights to protect and...
Economic & Social Development Center of Palestine
Non-governmental organization
ESDC is a Palestinian development-oriented NGO with vast experiences in the both development and humanitarian cooperation. Within the development cooperation, ESDC is a well-recognized at the national level for their work in developing and building the capacities of cooperatives and the cooperative sector. Not only does ESDC build the institutional...
Gaza Strip
Environment and Sustainable Development Unit of the American University of Beirut
Environment and Sustainable Development Unit (ESDU) is an inter-disciplinary research and development center specialized in community development and sustainable agriculture hosted at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) of the American University of Beirut (AUB). Established in 2001, ESDU aims at promoting collaboration for sustainable development and acts...
Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research
Research center
Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research - The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) was formally set up through a stakeholder meeting held in Rome in 2006. The Platform aims to support the development of knowledge needed to maintain and use agrobiodiversity optimally.
SOS Faim
Development Agency
SOSFaim is a Belgian development NGO that has been actively fighting hunger and poverty in rural areas of Africa and Latin America since 1964.
Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative
Development Agency
SIANI is a member-based network that supports and promotes Swedish expertise on sustainable food security and nutrition, in line with the Swedish Government’s policy on global development. They offer an open and interactive platform for exchange on global issues around food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. SIANI also has...
Rural Development Research Platform
Research center
Rural Development Research Platform (RDRP) is the first digital platform for research in the rural economy in Romania. This was done on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian Academy and is intended as a support tool for academic and scientific development of rural economy....
The Association of the Private Farming of the Czech Republic
Non-governmental organization
Association of Private Farming is a voluntary and professional organization defending the economic, social and professional interest of private farmers in the Czech Republic and abroad. In terms of legal form and organisational structure, our organisation is an association of legal entities - regional associations of private farmers, which are...
Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in South Eastern Europe
SWG RRD as an International Intergovernmental Organization has been working in the region of South Eastern Europe in the past decade on agriculture and rural development matters applying a multi-level approach. They have been highly focusing on regional development via agriculture, nature resource management, economic growth and environmental protection in...
North Macedonia
The Low Impact Fishers of Europe
Non-governmental organization
The aim of LIFE is to provide a clear and coherent voice at EU level for the previously mainly silent majority of European fishermen, who are smaller scale and who use low impact fishing gears and methods, but have historically lacked dedicated and effective representation in Brussels and at Member...
Cahiers Agricultures
Research center
Cahiers Agricultures gives priority to research on agriculture as implemented by farmers, that has meaning for citizens in countries in the North and South, as opposed to research work conducted in a controlled environment (laboratory, research center, etc.). Research of this type is often multidisciplinary and takes into account the...
Non-governmental organization
IED Afrique est une organisation indépendante, à but non lucratif, basée au Sénégal, qui capitalise une quinzaine d’années d’expérience en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone. Elle intervient sur les problématiques de développement durable et de citoyenneté en Afrique en mettant l’accent sur les innovations méthodologiques et participatives.
Bringing together citizens, small farmers, consumers, activists and concerned political actors at global level through an alternative economic approach called Local Solidarity-based Partnerships between Producers and Consumers.
Non-governmental organization
Euromontana promotes the sustainable development of mountains with a view to improve living conditions of mountain people. This EU network represents a variety of stakeholders who comprise mountain communities and influence sustainable mountain development at different levels: regional and local authorities; chambers of commerce and industry or agriculture; professional and...
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari
Research center
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB) is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific research and design of in-loco partnership actions in the framework of the international cooperation programmes. It works in four thematic areas: “Land and water resources management”, “Integrated pest management of Mediterranean fruit and vegetable crops”,...
Haller Foundation
Non-governmental organization
They are working on environmental regeneration in order to bring economic security to poor, small-holder farmers living on inhospitable land.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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