








Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations and General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union

COPA is made up of 60 organisations from EU-27 and 36 partner organisations from other European countries such as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. It has 50 Working Parties, dealing either with specific, production-related topics (e.g. cereals, beef meat) or with general questions (e.g. environment, rural development). Most of these...

ADEPT Foundation

Non-governmental organization
ADEPT has been working for 10 years to protect the nature-rich, farmed landscapes of Transylvania, and to support the traditional farming communities who have created them over centuries and who maintain them today.

Food Tank

Non-governmental organization
Food Tank is for the 7 billion people who have to eat every day. FT offer solutions and environmentally sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty by creating a network of connections and information for all of us to consume and share. Food Tank is for farmers and producers,...
United States of America

AgriNatura - The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development

Research center
AGRINATURA functions through networking to promote:•institutional reinforcement of universities, national research centres and partners in agricultural research and capacity building for development, both in the North and in the South •alignment of the scientific and technical potential among AGRINATURA members, •partnerships between its European member organizations and other research and...

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement

Research center
CIRAD is a public establishment (EPIC) under the joint authority of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Its activities concern the life sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences, applied to agriculture, the environment and territorial management. Its work centres on several...

Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles

Research center
CORAF/WECARD was created in 1987 to “improve the efficiency and effectiveness of small-scale producers and to promote the agribusiness sector.” It has 21 member states in West and Central Africa: eight in the Sahel, eight in coastal countries and five in Central Africa. It focuses on developing new technologies...

African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Non-governmental organization
The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is the continental umbrella organization that aims at strengthening national Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS). Its mission is to promote lesson learning and add value to initiatives in AEAS through policy advocacy and lobbying, sharing of knowledge and information through increased...

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa

Civil society
The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is a non-political organisation of the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) of ten countries: Burundi, D. R. Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. It aims at increasing the efficiency of agricultural research in the...
Total results:848
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