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مقال صحفي
Rural Smallholdings in the Wairarapa: Desirability and Land Use Issues
The topic of land use planning has featured on a number of occasions in this series of Natural Resource Economics Discussion Papers. Within the wider topic of land use planning, the issue of rural smallholdings has received attention in Discussion Papers Nos. 3, 5 and 8. This ninth Discussion Paper...
New Zealand
وثيقة فنية
A survey of studies on rural smallholdings (1970-1983)
In New Zealand, as in other industrialized western countries, important changes in community values are taking place. There is increasing interest in the quality of life. The expansion of cities which took place post World War II often resulted in a deterioration of urban living conditions. As people became dissatisfied...
New Zealand
1984 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Total results:2022