منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
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الموضوع الفرعي

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
No word for legume

I remember a story from grad school about a people in the Amazon Basin who had no word for “parrot”, because they knew the names of all the individual species of parrots. I was reminded of that this week in Peru, where I was teaching a course on how to write...
2020 - Access Agriculture

نشرة إخبارية
Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) July 2020 Newsletter

The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) is a unique applied agricultural research center in the world with a focus on marginal areas where an estimated 1.7 billion people live. It identifies, tests and introduces resource‐efficient, climate‐smart crops and technologies that are best suited to different regions affected by salinity,...
2020 - Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

دراسة حالة
BIO GARDENING INNOVATIONS Food forests in Kenya are using modern forestry techniques to create food sovereignty and security.

The holistic gardening project in Emuhaya, Western Kenya, is attracting local and international acclaim. Bio Gardening Innovations (BIOGI) is equipping smallholder farmers to break away from monocultures and create thriving, overflowing “food forests” on their farmland. Maize, the staple crop of Vihaga and Kakamega counties in Kenya, is harvested twice a...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Comparisons between organic and conventional agriculture need to be better

The environmental effects of agriculture and food are hotly debated. But the most widely used method of analysis often tends to overlook vital factors, such as biodiversity, soil quality, pesticide impacts and societal shifts, and these oversights can lead to wrong conclusions on the merits of intensive and organic agriculture....
2020 - IFOAM

Rethinking Biodiversity and Locality

The Case of Poland and Czech Republic
This report sets out the BOND Project’s activities and findings in two Central European countries – Poland and Czech Republic – focusing on small scale organic farming. Both countries share a common history as part of the Eastern bloc after WWII and then post-soviet reality from the end of the twentieth...
2020 - The BOND Project

#IGrowYourFood - Meet Angelita Mangangan, an organic farmer from the Philippines

Did you know that this squash I am holding has more vitamin A than golden rice?” - Angelita Mangangan, an organic farmer from the Philippines, for #IGrowYourFood
2020 - IFOAM - Organics International

Joven agricultora de Paraná produce en equilibrio con la naturaleza y alimenta a las nuevas generaciones con cultivos orgánicos y saludables

Ana Claudia Rauber es una joven agricultora familiar que vive y trabaja en su propiedad y de su familia en Cantagalo, estado de Paraná - Brasil. De los estudios de posgrado en Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, la agricultora transformó toda la propiedad en producción agroecológica, y contó con el apoyo de...
2020 - Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM)

Un Billón de Agaves, un proyecto de Vía Orgánica y Regeneración Internacional

Ronnie Cumins, uno de los fundadores de Vía Orgánica y director de Regeneración Internacional, nos explica detalladamente esta gran iniciativa que significa un futuro brillante para el planeta.
2020 - Vía Orgánica

نشرة إخبارية
FAO Agroecology Newsletter #39

Agroecology Newsletter of September 2020

Living Landscapes - Embracing Agro-Biodiversity in Northern Laos

In 2009, the Laos government’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation entered into a bilateral agreement for the implementation of "The Agro-Biodiversity Initiative (TABI)" in upland Laos. The initiative sought to conserve, enhance, manage, and sustainably utilize the biological diversity found in upland farming landscapes to improve the...
Lao People's Democratic Republic

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Certificaciones agroecológicas: sin veneno y con justicia social

La producción agroecológica empieza a tener certificaciones que son gratuitas y que por eso no encarecen las producciones. Cuál es la diferencia con la certificación orgánica, y cómo se llegó a una victoria histórica del movimiento agroecológico que contó con apoyo e investigación de INTA y Senasa, tomando experiencias de...

Farm to Fork Strategy

For a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system
The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the Green Deal. It addresses comprehensively the challenges of sustainable food systems and recognises the inextricable links between healthy people, healthy societies and a healthy planet. The strategy is also central to the Commission’s agenda to achieve the United Nations’...
European Union
2020 - European Commission

موقع إنترنت
Rethinking Our Food Systems - "Earth to Tables Legacies"

Since 2015, the Earth to Tables Legacies project has brought together a small group of food activists across big differences - youth/elders, rural/urban, Indigenous/settler, Canadian/Mexican for exchange around food justice, and food sovereignty. Conversations and food initiatives are filmed and culminated in a multimedia educational package that includes facilitator’s guides, resources,...
2020 - Earth to Tables Legacies project

#IGrowYourFood - Meet George, an agroecological farmer from the United Kingdom

The farm side of agroecology is only half the picture. Food sovereignty is of vital importance; it's the right for every single person on this Earth to have access to nutritious food and the knowledge of how to prepare it.” George, an agroecological farmer from the UK, for #IGrowYourFood
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2020 - IFOAM - Organics International

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Reviving soils

Globally an estimated 20 to 60 million hectares of land in developing countries are acquired by foreign companies and investors. This so-called “land grabbing” has taken place for various reasons. The most obvious one is the hunger for maximising profit. The devastating effects on deforestation for the expansion of biofuels,...
2020 - AgroInsight

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Farmer-based Agroecology: a societal alternative for sustainable agricultural and food systems

The Agroecological and Solidarity Alternatives SOL define peasant agroecology in this document and raise issues related to its dissemination by studying jointly its three component pillars: a scientific discipline, environmentally-friendly agricultural practices, and a social movement in defense of sustainable and equitable agricultural and food systems.

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Respuesta agroecológica a la pobreza alimentaria

Un nuevo modelo de Banco de Alimentos nace a raíz del covid: AlterBanc, una alianza entre las redes de apoyo mutuo vecinal y el campesinado agroecológico catalán.
La situación provocada por la pandemia del coronavirus ha reforzado la necesidad de crear un Banco de Alimentos alternativo, impulsado desde la agroecología y la economía social y solidaria. AlterBanc es una propuesta de cooperación entre dos colectivos precarizados por el sistema capitalista, las personas que sufren pobreza alimentaria y...

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Building Local Economies in East Africa through Agroecology

“Building Local Economies in East Africa through Agroecology’’ is a project implemented by Slow Food and funded by the Agroecology Fund with the aim of boosting local economies and improving the livelihood of communities in Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania. Slow Food Uganda in collaboration with Slow Food International is working in Uganda to...
2020 - Slow Food Uganda

Producción orgánica impulsada por una joven visionaria que transforma vidas en una comunidad campesina

Fidelina es la segunda hija de la familia González Rojas, de Paraguay. Dedicada trabajadora rural, defensora ambiental y promotora de las buenas prácticas agrícolas, entendió la problemática de disminución de la productividad del suelo de la propriedad de su familia, por la explotación intensiva con el monocultivo y la aplicación indiscriminada de productos...
2020 - Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM)

نشرة إخبارية
European Network for Rural Development Newsletter - August 2020

The ENRD newsletter provides all the latest rural development news from Europe straight to your inbox once a month. From policy updates to ENRD meetings and from project outcomes to online videos, this new and updated tool aims to provide something for everybody interested in rural development policy in Europe....
2020 - European Network for Rural Development ENRD
Total results:4091