منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Taller Técnico Regional sobre Afrodescendencia y Ruralidad en América Latina y el Caribe

Esta Iniciativa busca como marco de referencia las premisas del Foro Permanente de Afrodescendientes, la Declaración de Buenos Aires de la CELAC (enero 2023), el Decenio Internacional para los Afrodescendientes de las Naciones Unidas (2015-2024) y el Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura Familiar y la Agenda 2030. Por...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Empowering women forest and farm producers: learning from the best

The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) is a partnership aimed at strengthening forest and farm producer organisations. A cross-cutting goal of FFF is to support the empowerment and entrepreneurship of women forest and farm producers. Women’s organisations around the world are trailblazing transformative approaches to economic empowerment and livelihood improvement. One such organisation is...
2023 - IIED

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Winners of Animal Rearer Award for Women appreciate farmer-training videos on herbal medicines in animal healthcare

Women livestock rearers, who attended the ‘Animal Rearer Award for Women’ ceremony organised by the NGO Anthra, led by Dr. Nitya Ghotge, in Pune, Maharashtra, India, greatly appreciated the farmer-training videos on herbal medicines in animal healthcare, that were jointly developed by Anthra and Access Agriculture.
2023 - Access Agriculture

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
FAO’s work on the themes of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP)

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018, endeavors to address the distinctive demands and realities of peasants and rural communities through the prism of human rights and governmental responsibilities. With its 28...
2023 - FAO

Conferencia Internacional Autosuficiencia Alimentaria y Agroecología en un mundo multipolar

Inscripciones A partir del 21 de agosto 2023 Ejes temáticos de la conferencia EJES DEL DÍA 30 DE NOVIEMBRE (MATUTINO) Eje 1. Transición agroecológica y otros enfoques afines para la transformación de sistemas alimentarios que sean más justos, saludables, sustentables y logren la autosuficiencia alimentaria. Políticas públicas nacionales exitosas. Eje 2. Experiencias relevantes de transición agroecológica y...
2023 - Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

Family Farming in Spain 2023 Yearbook

Agriculture and livestock facing the challenge of climate change. Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable progress
In 1994, UPA began the adventure of publishing a Yearbook of Family Farming. The objective was simple, although ambitious: to collect in an annual work the main data, ideas and proposals of this production model, which in the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers we have defended since our origin. Now,...
2023 - Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers of Spain - Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA)

Why do we need to talk about rural feminism in Romania?

Rural women face double discrimination. The first is directed against the rural areas, which are marginalized by public policies, are invisible in relevant debates, ridiculed and blamed at for its social and economic problems, poverty, lack of education, migration and many other consequences of historical and systemic discrimination. The second...

موقع إنترنت
CGIAR Gender Impact Platform

GENDER (Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results) is a CGIAR impact platform that synthesizes and amplifies research, fills gaps, builds capacity and sets directions to enable CGIAR to have maximum impact on gender equality, opportunities for youth and social inclusion in agriculture and food systems.
2023 - CGIAR

التّعلّم الإلكتروني
Más Algodón, Más Artesanías: Desarrollo de una minicolección del hilo a la prenda

El presente curso es desarrollado en el marco del, proyecto de cooperación sur-sur trilateral +Algodón, implementado conjuntamente por el Gobierno de Brasil por medio de la Agencia Brasileña de Cooperación del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (ABC/MRE), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y...
2023 - Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO

مقالة إخبارية
UNESCO nomination of Swedish and Norwegian summer-mountain farming and pastoralism

Summer farming at fäbod and seter – knowledge, traditions and practices related to grazing of outlying lands and artisan food production” to the UNESCO Representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity
The gouverments in Sweden and Norway have nominated the "Summer farming at fäbod andseter – knowledge, traditions and practices related to grazing of outlying lands and artisan food production” to the UNESCO Representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity There are now only 750 active summer- mountain frams in...
2023 - Norsk seterkultur

Gender, Water and Agriculture Assessing the Nexus in Egypt

Access to clean and safe water is a prerequisite to meeting basic human rights. Water is essential for all productive activities in Egypt in the agricultural sector and related sectors, including industry, trade and energy generation. Agriculture is a key sector in the Egyptian economy, contributing 11.3 percent to the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

موقع إنترنت
FAO and women drivers (of change)

From fisheries and aquaculture, where women make up half of the workforce, but are disproportionately engaged in the least stable and lowest paid jobs; to land agriculture, where women will often work the fields, but not own them; to a persistent blindness to the specific nutritional needs of women and...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Inclusive is not enough

Agrifood value chains need gender-responsive business development
Inclusive agribusiness development has been increasingly prioritized by countries and development organizations as a key driver of economic growth, rural transformation and shared prosperity. In Africa, several high-level continental African Union policies and strategies feature this objective, including the Maputo Declaration, the Malabo Declaration, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme,...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Accelerating Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change Through Women’s Leadership

Women-led climate action and nature-based solutions (NbS) represent transformative pathways for climate mitigation and adaptation, both demanding a systems-wide reassessment of how to manage resources responsibly. A growing body of evidence shows that women-led solutions, and particularly NbS, are key to meeting the 2015 Paris Agreement targets, along with many...
2023 - FP Analytics

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
In Asia and the Pacific, promoting highly-valued and country-specific foods is gaining momentum for domestic and foreign consumption, thanks to a special FAO-led initiative

With the world’s population larger than ever, and still growing rapidly, more nutritious foods need to be produced worldwide, while also minimising the impact on the environment. The food produced for us moves along a complex value chain to reach the mouths of consumers, while providing livelihoods for many millions...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Women are expanding their role in fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

Women are working to transform fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. International Women’s Day 2023 is an opportunity to reflect on the contribution of women to the sector, while recognizing that more still needs to be done to acknowledge and advance their key role in the value chain. FAO...
2023 - FAO - Fisheries and Aquaculture

وثيقة فنية
Historias de cambio: conectando el conocimiento tradicional y las innovaciones para sistemas alimentarios justos y sostenibles

La Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre Agricultura Familiar en colaboración con Barefoot Guide Connection organizó una serie de “talleres de escritura”, para ayudar a los profesionales a escribir sus propias experiencias, generando conocimientos que destaquen las prácticas, cambios, innovaciones e impactos de lo que hacen en apoyo a la agricultura familiar. Estos...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Ecuador - Peru - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

مقالة إخبارية
Book Review: A Sense of Home

Svein Jentoft’s essays on the experiences of small-scale fisheries focus on the human aspects of the communities in which they are embedded, common to both the North and the South
The Gift of Community – More Essays on Human Experiences of Small-scale Fisheries by Svein Jentoft. TBTI Global. 2023. 364 pages The well-known sociologist Svein Jentoft has spent many years of his life studying and writing about fisheries, both in the global South (such as in Nicaragua, where he has...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Stories of change: connecting traditional knowledge and innovations for fair and sustainable food systems

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform in collaboration with the Barefoot Guide Connection organized a series of “writeshops”, writing classes to support practitioners to write their own experience, generating knowledge which highlight the practices, changes, innovations and impacts of what they do in support of family farming. These writeshops represented an opportunity...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Egypt - Ghana - India - Kenya - Nepal - Poland - Timor-Leste - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Brasil recrea Programa de Adquisición de Alimentos, con prioridad para mujeres e indígenas

La iniciativa asegura la compra de la producción de pequeños agricultores y la ofrece a personas vulnerables
El gobierno brasileño formalizó este miércoles 22 el regreso del Programa de Adquisición de Alimentos (PAA), que consiste en la compra de frutas, verduras, leche y otros alimentos ofrecidos por pequeños productores para ser enviados a poblaciones en situación de inseguridad alimentaria. En su nueva versión, el programa quiere incentivar la participación...
2023 - Ministerio de Desarrollo y Asistencia Social, Familia y Combate al Hambre (MDS)
Total results:2097