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مقالة إخبارية
FAO Agroecology Newsletter #66

Agroecology Newsletter of December 2022

Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050: Livestock and viral emerging infectious diseases

A majority of virus species capable of infecting humans are zoonotic and have wildlife and/or arthropod reservoirs. The current narrative on preventing the next pandemic thus stresses the role of wildlife in the emergence of human infectious diseases. The emphasis on wildlife, while warranted, appears to underappreciate the role livestock...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Another Perfect Storm? How the failure to reform food systems has allowed the war in Ukraine to spark a third global food price crisis in 15 years, and what can be done to prevent the next one.

With the invasion of Ukraine sparking a third food price crisis in 15 years, this Special Report takes stock of the critical factors fanning the flames of global hunger - and what can be done about them. The report blames fundamental flaws in global food systems - such as heavy reliance on...
2022 - IPES-Food

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Forest, Farm Producer Organizations trained in agroecological best practices

Thirty-five delegates from the Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm Producers (GhaFFaP) have been taught about agroecological best practises and the introduction of microorganisms into soils using locally accessible materials. The four-day training session was co-organized by GhaFFaP and Lifeworks Global in Techiman, Bono East, and gathered participants from Ghana's...
2022 - the Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm Producers (GhaFFaP)

صحيفة وقائع
Ampliación del área de bofedales para criar alpacas en Chalhuanca, Perú

La práctica tradicional de ampliación del área de bofedales en Chalhuanca consiste en el uso y la desviación del agua a través de canales de irrigación que tienen su origen en las quebradas o en infraestructura semi-natural, como es el caso de las ‘qochas’ (reservorios o lagunas artificiales). Un estudio...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

وقائع مؤتمرات
MEMORIA EVENTOS VIRTUALES PROYECTO: Innovaciones para la horticultura en ambientes protegidos en zonas cálidas: opción de intensificación sostenible de la agricultura familiar en el contexto de cambio climático en ALC.

La agricultura familiar en la producción de hortalizas en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) se caracteriza por una producción tradicional de campo abierto, altamente vulnerable a las condiciones adversas del medio ambiente (altas y bajas temperaturas, sequías, inundaciones, fotoinhibición, heladas, granizo, etc.), poco tecnificada y carente de enfoque empresarial....
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Agroecology: the next evolution in food systems

This video is part of the training resources on ''Agroecology in the 2021-2027 Multi-annual Financial Framework of the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA)". The video explains the role of agroecology in building resilience against climate change and disease outbreaks by combining different plants and animals based on...
2022 - Capacity4dev Members' Channel

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
À la recherche de la formule magique des cultures de demain

Comment se nourrir demain en préservant la planète ? C’est bien possible.  Les associations de céréales et légumineuses sont une des pistes à suivre, selon l'Inrae, pour une agriculture économe en intrants. L'idée est de « concevoir des systèmes agricoles sans pesticides, en utilisant la biodiversité comme moyen de production » et en associant des agriculteurs, explique Stéphane...

نشرة إخبارية
TP Organics Newsletter - September 2022

TP Organics Newsletter - September 2022
European Union
2022 - TP Organics

وثيقة فنية
Aportes para un abordaje integral de la política alimentaria argentina.

Recomendaciones para tomadores de decisiones
El presente documento propone una revisión sintética y didáctica de recomendaciones para una política alimentaria argentina basada en el enfoque de derechos humanos, la promoción de modelos productivos socio–ecológicamente sostenibles, el acceso a alimentos de cercanía, regionales y estacionales, la adecuación socio–eco–cultural a los alimentos, la recuperación de saberes identitarios...
2022 - Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Cono Sur

وثيقة عمل
Agroecologically-conducive policies: A review of recent advances and remaining challenges

The debate concerning the need for significant transformations toward more nutrition-oriented, environmentally sustainable, and inclusive food systems has generated increased attention towards agroecology in recent years. Literature on this subject has already demonstrated that transitions to agroecology will be context specific, as countries and regions have distinctive visions for the future...

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Rural women embrace agroecology to overcome social and environmental hurdles

Celebrating the contributions of rural and indigenous women to healthy food systems and a sustainable tomorrow
Celebrating the contributions of rural and indigenous women to healthy food systems and a sustainable tomorrow The adoption of agroecology has united local communities by providing sharing and learning opportunities for rural women farmers. African rural and indigenous women remain undeterred in their commitment to the practice of agroecology and continue to...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Special report – FAO Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) to the Republic of Moldova

At the request of the government, an FAO Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited the country from 10 to 28 October 2022 to estimate the 2022 crop production and forecast the country’s import requirements during the 2022/23 marketing year (July/June). The mission’s aim was to provide an accurate...
Republic of Moldova
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

The Politics of Protein: Examining claims about livestock, fish, ‘alternative proteins’ & sustainability

This major report by IPES-Food sheds light on misleading generalisations that dominate public discussion about meat and protein, and warns of the risks of falling for meat techno-fixes. With meat and protein firmly in the spotlight, big meat, dairy and seafood companies are fast rolling out a range of technologies...
2022 - IPES-Food

The use of solar energy in irrigated agriculture

A sourcebook for irrigation water management with alternative energy solutions
In the last decade, solar energy has experienced a rapid growth, which brings both environmental and economic benefits. In many countries, there is still no electricity grid extension in rural areas, and in the absence of a reliable electricity supply, farmers have to resort to diesel-based pumping irrigation systems. The...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

نشرة إخبارية
Guyana newsletter, Issue #9 - October 2021 to April 2022

The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme, in Guyana is encouraging coordinated community-driven initiatives that support food security and traditional livelihoods. These will contribute to maintaining healthy fish and terrestrial wildlife populations. It is being implemented by the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission in coordination with CIFOR. The SWM Programme is...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Modernizing irrigation in Central Asia

Concept and approaches
Modernizing irrigation systems in Central Asia could increase the productivity of the irrigation sector to meet growing food and export demand, while also improving farmers’ livelihoods. It could ensure greater irrigation efficiency and crop productivity amid growing water scarcity in the region and deliver cost-effective and reliable irrigation services to...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Transforming to a regenerative U.S. agriculture: the role of policy, process, and education

U.S. agriculture is both a major source of global food and a key contributor to multiple interconnected crises. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and severe impacts on soil and water quality are among the challenges caused by U.S. industrial agriculture. Regenerative methods of farming are necessary to confront all these challenges...
United States of America
2022 - Sustainability Science

La nueva serie Informes País Mujeres Rurales, la Iniciativa Mujer Rural y Derecho a la Tierra

La nueva serie Informes País Mujeres Rurales, la Iniciativa Mujer Rural y Derecho a la Tierra ofrece una mirada a la situación de las mujeres rurales en distintos países de Latinoamérica. Presenta datos unificados para entender sus condiciones demográficas, analizamos los mecanismos institucionales con los que cuentan para la garantía de...
2022 - International Land Coalition (ILC)

Comment moderniser l'agriculture africaine par le numérique ?

L'innovation et l'application de technologies rendraient-elles les pratiques agricoles plus productives et durables ? Quelle efficacité pour l'agriculture intelligente face au climat ? Les Smart Farms ont-elles un avenir en Afrique ? Voici autant de questions autour desquelles La tribune Afrique a recueillis l’avis d’experts du domaine lors de son émission « Connect 54 »...
2022 - La Tribune Afrique
Total results:19109