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يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

مقال صحفي
Climate change adaptation strategies by local farmers in Kilombero District, Tanzania

This article examines current adaptation strategies developed by local farmers against climate change effects in Kilombero District. Research questions guided the study include; what are the past and current climatic stresses? What are local farmers’ perception on climate change and response to the adverse climatic stresses? What are institutions and...
United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - Sokoine University of Agriculture

مقالة في مجلة
Reconstitution du cheptel caprin pour assurer la sécurité alimentaires des ménages vulnérables, au Mali : l’initiative « prêt animal » du PIDRK

L’élevage caprin constitue un pilier important de l’activité économique dans le Nord du Mali. La sécheresse et les abattages massifs ont, cependant, contribué à une baisse significative des effectifs du cheptel.  Pour appuyer la redynamisation de l’élevage caprin dans la région de Kidal, le Programme Intégré de Développement Rural de...
2013 - Innovation environnement développement Afrique (IED Afrique)

جزء من كتاب
Southern african agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Malawi

Malawi is one of the least developed countries in the world, and therefore poverty remains a key challenge in the country.  The great variations in Malawi’s landscape result in wide spatial differences in climate.
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

وثيقة مؤتمر
Enhancing smallholder farmers income and food security through Agricultural Research and Development in West Africa : Impact of the IAR4D in the KKM PLS

The Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) is the approach suggested by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) through the sub Saharan Africa Challenge Programme (SSA CP) to address the acknowledged shortcoming of African Agricultural Research and Development’s (ARD) failure to achieve impact on the farmer’s field. The...
Niger - Nigeria

Community fodder production in Mandera – Kenya

This video highlights how a pastoralist community in Mandera, Kenya applied knowledge gained in a pastoral field school to improve their livelihood through fodder production.
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقال صحفي
Viability of smallholder dairying in Wedza, Zimbabwe

Viability differences in smallholder dairy farming are a result of differences in access to markets and services. It is hypothesized that innovations that improve productivity and market linkages also improve returns and viability. The viability of smallholder dairying in Wedza was characterised by interviewing 52 households using semi-structured questionnaires. Information...
2013 - University of Zimbabwe

وثيقة عمل
The gendered impacts of agricultural asset transfer projects

Lessons from the Manica Smallholder Dairy Development Program
This paper looks at the gendered impacts of a development project that provided improved dairy cattle and training as part of a broader effort to develop a smallholder-friendly, market-oriented dairy value chain in Manica province, Mozambique. The project targeted households, registered cows in the name of the household head, and,...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

وثيقة عمل
Empirical analysis of agricultural credit in Africa

Any Role for Institutional Factors
A strong and efficient agricultural sector has the potential to enable a country feed its growing population, generate employment, earn foreign exchange and provide raw materials for industries. It is however ironical that despite the great potentials Africa has in agricultural production; the continent is a net importer of food....
2013 - World Bank

جزء من كتاب
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Rwanda

Climate-related events like heavy rainfall or too little Chapter 9 247 rainfall occur more frequently than in years past and are affecting human wellbeing. Droughts are often responsible for famine, food shortages, a reduction in plant and animal species, and displacement of people in search of food and pasture. At...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Rebuilding West Africa’s food potential

Policies and market incentives for smallholder-inclusive food value chains
This book aims to contribute to filling an existing gap in the literature on food value chains in West Africa. It identifies good practices in value chain development and provides policy guidance to agricultural and rural development stakeholders. It is intended to be a sourcebook for decision makers, especially at...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Liberia - Mali - Niger - Nigeria - Senegal - Sierra Leone

Kilimo Hai. Going Organic in East Africa

The documentary shows how three smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Kenya escaped poverty, hunger and diminishing yields through learning organic farming practises. This documentary was made for IFOAM by Maweni Farm in collaboration with the national organic agriculture movements in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda.
Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

Paths out of poverty

A programme run by the Government of Malawi is providing cash transfers to more than 26,000 of the country's poorest households. FAO's 'From Protection to Production' project (PtoP), run in collaboration with Unicef with funding from DFID and the EU, is evaluating the impact of these cash transfers on economic...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
The supply of inorganic fertilizers to smallholder farmers in Mozambique

The government of Mozambique has adopted a generally hands-off approach in engaging with efforts to improve farmer access to fertilizer. Private-sector investment decisions drive the development of these markets, with government primarily having somewhat distant oversight on these developments. Efforts are starting to strengthen the retail sector for agricultural in-puts,...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

The food security through commercialization of agriculture programme in the Great Lakes region

Best practices and lessons learnt from the development of value chains
Agriculture is the principal economic sector in the Great Lakes region of Africa and represents a major source of income for rural populations in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Uganda. With the objective of unlocking the high potential of agriculture in this region, the project described...
Burundi - Rwanda - Uganda
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقال صحفي
Household requirements versus profit optimization

The win-win solution strategies among small-holder farmers in South Western Nigeria
Satisfaction of household requirements and profit maximization has been the main goals of subsistence small-holder farmers in the rural communities of Nigeria. This necessitated the practice of multiple/mixed cropping of arable crops. On the contrary, a part of the National food security agenda of the Federal government is the raising...

Uganda's Young Agro-pastoralists - Developing future leaders today

Children in Karamoja, northern Uganda, are learning about farming, healthy eating and how to protect themselves from diseases, thanks to the Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools, set up by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners across 6 countries in the region. For young people like former...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Declaración de Antigua

Esta Declaración fue aprobada por la Asamblea de Miembros de la ILC en Antigua, Guatemala, el 25 de abril de 2013. La Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) es una alianza mundial de organizaciones intergubernamentales y de la sociedad civil que trabajan en colaboración para fomentar y garantizar...
2013 - International Land Coalition (ILC)

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Support to smallholder arable farmers in Botswana: agricultural development or social protection?

Results and policy implications from a Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
In 2012, UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) Botswana commissioned a Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of ISPAAD with the aim of analysing the performance of the programme, with particular focus on key programme activities and the impact on poor people, vulnerable groups and the environment. This Policy Brief presents findings from...
2013 - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

جزء من كتاب
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Kenya

In this chapter we review some national statistics that will help characterize the capacity of the population to adapt to climate change and describe Kenya’s land base and current agricultural context. Then we show results of crop models that incorporate climate projections from recent global models. Finally, we incorporate those...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

مقال صحفي
Analysis of determinants of productivity and technical efficiency among smallholder common bean farmers in eastern Uganda

The study evaluated factors influencing bean productivity and technical efficiency among smallholder farmers in Eastern Uganda, using a stochastic frontier model and a Tobit model. Findings showed that bean productivity was significantly influenced by plot-size, seeds and planting fertilizer; mean technical efficiency for sampled farms was 48.2%. The Tobit model...
Total results:3605