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الموضوع الفرعي

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Community listeners’ clubs empower rural women and men

Working with community radio stations, the listeners’ clubs empower their members to become actors in their own development.
Thanks to improved access to information and a powerful participatory communication approach, villagers in isolated communities across the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Niger are making strides to improve gender equality and empower women. FAO Dimitra community listeners’ clubs are helping rural populations participate in the development of...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Niger
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

دراسة حالة
Linking family nutrition in city and country

Ecuador is going through a substantial nutritional transition. This, coupled with the paradox that rural families that produce food are often those most affected by undernutrition, shows the ironies of ‘modern’ food systems. It also highlights the importance of rural-urban linkages around family nutrition which can help to address such...
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainability of organic grassland-based dairy production in Tyrol, Austria

In Austria, grassland accounts for more than 50 percent of agricultural land and is mainly located in mountainous regions. Consequently, 70 percent of all Austrian dairy farms, producing two thirds of all milk, are located in these areas. In the Alpine regions, organic farming has traditionally been very important and...

مقال صحفي

Albacete, La Mancha, Spain
This very large family farm and business near Albacete, Spain was brought together to form a Limited Company with the marriage of the parents of the current part-owner and manager. The property on the paternal side of this arrangement has been within the same family for 200 years. Today the...

دراسة حالة
Finding a way out of the maize

Recurring drought and crop failure in many parts of the world have led to food and nutrition insecurity, and a dependence on food aid. But recently, some farmers in Kenya have been developing their own sustainable way to secure enough nutritious food along with extra income so that they can...
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

دراسة حالة
Guinea pigs – small livestock with big potential

The right to food sovereignty is a part of the Plurinational State of Bolivia’s constitution, but what does this actually mean for family farmers? The truth is that many people in rural areas are far from having access to adequate food and nutrition, with 37% of children under five reported...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

دراسة حالة
Food fairs revive local food and nutrition

Food fairs are an important tool and space to promote food sovereignty as they take place in local public spaces and within people’s own socio-cultural settings. One excellent example was a food fair in Ghana, organised by the Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organisational Development (CIKOD). Women farmers exhibited traditional...
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Family Farming in Germany.

Federal Minister Christian Schmidt visits a family farm.
2014 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

The Horticulture Report

Extended analyses and latest results of the Horticulture Network you find in the Horticulture Report 2014.
2014 - agri benchmark

Food in the Desert? Israel’s Salad Trail

A great tomato from the heart of the desert? All thanks to the Salad Trail, a working farm and interactive museum designed to teach visitors about the techniques used to farm a desert – techniques that have helped Israel become almost entirely agriculturally self-sufficient. And for a population that is...

Farmers' rights in practice

Synthesis of the case studies on sustainable use of agrobiodiversity: focus on European experiences
This report presents the synthesis of case studies analysed by the action-research activity. The aim is to give a description of the practices carried out by farmers, individually or collectively, which can be considered as sustainable ways to use plant genetic resources with the purpose that these practices be spread...
France - Hungary - Italy - Romania - Senegal - Spain - Tunisia - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Potentially Important Food Plants of Lesotho

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

دراسة حالة
Shashe Agro-ecology School for Farmer-to-farmer Training, Zimbabwe

In 2000, twelve smallholder farming families, which had gathered extensive experience on agroecological methods by working closely with a grassroots organization called the Association of Zimbabwe Traditional Environmental Conservationists (AZTREC), organized themselves into a group. They initiated a project to set up a school for farmer-to-farmer training in Zimbabwe which...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Escuela Nacional de Agroecología (aprendiendo de la experiencia en Ecuador)

Llámese agroecología, agricultura orgánica, agricultura natural, agricultura sostenible con bajos insumos externos, etc., [lo fundamental es] especificar los principios ecológicos, sociales y políticos que el movimiento defiende, [que se] basan en la recuperación de los métodos de la agricultura campesina tradicional, la innovación en las nuevas prácticas ecológicas, el control...
2014 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

As sementes tradicionais dos Krahô

uma experiência de integração das estratégias on farm e ex situ de conservação de recursos genéticos
Essa publicação, que faz parte da série "Sementes locais: experiências agroecológicas de conservação e uso", realizada pela ANA em parceria com a Associação Brasileira de Agricultura Biodinâmica, vem trazer ao público exemplos relevantes de conservação e uso da agrobiodiversidade junto a agricultores familiares e povos e comunidades tradicionais. Nesta edição é...
2014 - Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento

Formación de promotores y promotoras

Guía Metodológica de Agroecología
Heifer Ecuador junto con Organizaciones de Segundo Grado de los Cantones Cayambe y Pedro Moncayo, impulsó la formación de promotores/as locales en Agroecología, con el objetivo de fortalecer las iniciativas de producción más sana y amigable con el ambiente. Los procesos de capacitación a los promotores/as están direccionados para que...
2014 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Scaling up agro-ecological approaches: what, why and how?

Discussion paper on scaling up agro-ecological approaches: In recent years, especially since the agriculture prices spike in 2008 that sparked ‘food riots’ across Africa, Asia and Latin America, a growing consensus has emerged on the need for proceeding to major changes in agricultural and food systems in order to ensure...
2014 - OXFAM

مقال صحفي
Benefits of Short Food Supply Chains for the Development of Rural Tourism in Romania as Emergent Country During Crisis

The current paper analyses the way the short food supply chain can positively influence the development of the rural tourism, with economic, social and environment benefits, as well as the harmonious and sustainable development of the rural communities. Numerous examples offered by the developed countries prove that, for the well-known...

وثيقة فنية
Diseño de un sistema de calificación para productores de la agricultura familiar campesina de la región sierra dentro del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca

El presente trabajo de tesis se justifica por la necesidad del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP) así como de otras instituciones del Estado, de contar con un registro de productores de la agricultura familiar campesina que les permita direccionar apropiadamente la política pública hacia el fomento y...
2014 - Universidad Central del Ecuador

دراسة حالة
Analyse des activités agricoles et forestières en forêt dense d'Afrique Centrale

Etude réalisée dans le Nord-Est du Gabon, qui est couvert par une forêt équatoriale dense relativement intacte. C'est une zone peu peuplée avec des villages regroupés le long des principaux axes routiers, dont les habitants vivent d'activités agricoles et forestières traditionnelles, telles que l'agriculture sur abattis-brûlis avec des champs associant entres autres...
2014 - Institut national d'études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier Sup Agro)
Total results:4090