منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Support of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: An Evidence Review

The effects of climate change on agriculture and food production are evident in regions around the world. Effective climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector calls for multiple context specific, and at times complex, strategies. Promoting these strategies effectively involves changing the behavior, strategies and agricultural practices of...
Brazil - India - Kenya - Rwanda - United States of America
2024 - Winrock International

TALLER: Políticas y estrategias nacionales para la participación en Mercados de Carbono: desafíos para el sector agrícola en un contexto de cambio climático

La Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (PLACA), junto a Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) han organizado el Taller "Políticas y estrategias nacionales para la participación en mercados de carbono: desafíos para el sector agrícola en un contexto...
Argentina - Colombia - Paraguay
2024 - Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (PLACA)

Tropical Forest Issues - Agroforestry at work

"Why do many farmers still resist adopting and scaling agroforestry? Are the economic benefits not enough, or not perceived to be enough? Or are there other reasons? These are the questions that were asked when work began on Tropical Forest Issues 62. This issue contextualizes agroforestry in four introductory articles in...
2024 - Tropenbos International

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Opportunities and challenges for coffee production in Papua New Guinea’s highlands

Coffee is one of the most important smallholder cash crops in Papua New Guinea. It accounted for $156 million of export earnings, 13% of agricultural export revenues, and 1.4% of total export revenues in PNG in 2021. According to the PNG Rural Household Survey 2023, approximately 55% of sampled households in the...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - IFPRI

The forest-related finance landscape and potential for just investments

Over the past decade, the forest1-related finance landscape has further grown in complexity. While public and private sources provide financial incentives in support of forested lands and forest-reliant people, financial interests simultaneously drive forest conversion and its attendant negative impacts on society and nature. In this Chapter, we examine the...

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Fostering linkages between sustainable wood supply and forest and landscape restoration in Asia and the Pacific

Demand for wood and wood products within the Asia and Pacific region, and exports of wood products from the region, are growing, particularly through rising interest in the forest-based bioeconomy. Wood supply to meet this demand needs to be sustainable, to address climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty and economic development...
2024 - FAO

مقال صحفي
Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems

Narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam
Fruit tree–based agroforestry has been promoted as an alternative farming practice in upland Northwest Vietnam to replace monocultures of staple crops. Although many studies have focused on evaluating the performance of agroforestry systems at the plot level, research on how farmers perceive and evaluate agroforestry considering whole-farm contexts is limited....
Viet Nam
2024 - University of Bonn, Germany

مقال صحفي
Collaboration as a policy instrument in public administration

Evidence from forest policy and governance
In recent decades, collaboration has become a common policy instrument in public administration, both internationally and in Sweden. Inspired by scholarly literature on collaborative governance, the aim of this study is to analyze the crucial role of public administration in the design and implementation of collaborative governance. Drawing on several...
2024 - Umeå University, Sweden

وثيقة فنية
Guidelines for assessing and developing the tree seed and seedling sector

Key messages Having effective tree seed and seedling delivery systems is key for enabling tree growers to plant trees to provide needed products and services. The situation of tree seed and seedling supply in most places is currently inadequate, however, with growers often using planting material of unknown history and poor performance. To...

جزء من كتاب
Sécurité alimentaire et ressources naturelles : stratégies de diversification

Ce chapitre traite de deux enjeux majeurs auxquels sont confrontés les ménages ruraux en zone tropicale : préserver les ressources naturelles et assurer la sécurité alimentaire. Relever ces deux défis simultanément requiert de développer des systèmes de production efficaces, capables à la fois de garantir la sécurité alimentaire des agriculteurs...
2024 - CIRAD

Le boom du cacao au Liberia, répétition de quatre siècles de migrations. La « déforestation importée » face à l’histoire

Un nouveau boom du cacao a commencé au Liberia. La forêt primaire du pays régresse de jour en jour pour être convertie en cacaoyères alors que le règlement européen interdisant la « déforestation importée » est censé s’appliquer en janvier 2025. L’objectif ici est de comprendre la nature de ce boom. Suit-il...

Recolección, uso y valor de productos forestales no madereros en el Territorio Cordillera Pewenche

Esta publicación es el fruto de un trabajo exhaustivo en el Territorio Cordillera Pehuenche, realizado para los Sistemas importantes del patrimonio agrícola mundial por el Instituto Forestal. Dicho trabajo contempló la búsqueda de información y experiencias que advierten de la importancia de proteger el patrimonio agrícola y forestal ancestral que...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Diversity, preference, and conservation priority of woody plant species in coffee agroforestry system in southwest Ethiopia

The natural forest in southwest Ethiopia is progressively modified to coffee agroforest. To this effect forest composition and diversity is simplified to local preferred coffee shade trees. Woody plant species that are less managed require the conservation priority in coffee agroforest. The study aims at assessing diversity of plant species, investigating...

The role of agroforestry in farmers’ strategies and its contribution to the well-being of rural people in Timor-Leste

Many countries have integrated agroforestry into their sustain-able development policies, particularly in Southeast Asia. In Timor-Leste, the national strategy to promote agroforestry has adopted a modern, technique-oriented approach focused on crop rotation, intercropping and agro-silvo-pasture. In so doing, it has largely overlooked the pre-existence, diversity and perfor-mance of traditional agroforestry...

خطوط توجيهية
Quality Planting Material through Good Nursery Management

Key for Successful Ecological and Economic Ecosystem of Agroforestry
This document is designed to provide comprehensive guidelines for the production and management of quality planting materials for the benefit of farmers, nursery operators, agricultural extension agents, and other stakeholders. It explores the significance of using Quality Planting Material (QPM) for successful agroforestry practices and focuses an the pivotal role...

Breaking barriers to agroforestry: FAO’s global capacity needs assessment

The FAO's Global Agroforestry Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) revealed persistent challenges which are hindering widespread adoption of agroforestry despite its recognised benefits. Three primary action areas were identified: transforming agroforestry into an economically viable production system; strengthening enabling environments through agroforestry policies and strategies; and improving agroforestry extension for more...
2024 - Tropenbos International

Pineapple cultivation under tree canopies of ancestral agroforests in Mexico

Mexico’s contemporary cultivation of pineapple, the king of tropical fruits, depends on intensive monoculture which negatively impacts the environment and human health. This represents a regression in history, as pineapple was traditionally cultivated in agroforests, which preserve the structural characteristics and ecological processes and functions of natural ecosystems. Some of...
2024 - Tropenbos International

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Producer organisations offer huge potential for delivering nature and climate finance

Forest and farm producer organisations offer immense potential for channelling vital climate and nature finance to rural communities, and funders and governments should do more to support them, according to new IIED research.IIED has published new research highlighting the potential for forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) to generate crucial...
2024 - IIED

وثيقة فنية
Family farming and climate-resilient agrifood systems

Food and agricultural production practices applied by family farmers – including agroecological and integrated systems; recycling of nutrients, energy and waste; natural pest control; crop diversification; and efficient management of natural resources and soil health – present promising opportunities to address climate change, given that they allow high-level adaptation capacity...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Inga tree agroforestry in Honduras

Slash-and-burn agriculture is a critical issue in Honduras and other tropical regions, as it causes deforestation, soil degradation, erosion, crop failure, food insecurity, and vulnerability to natural disasters - devasting the environment and adversely effecting communities. These calamities are further exacerbated by the climate crisis, forcing people to become climate...
2024 - Tropenbos International
Total results:1032