منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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الموضوع الفرعي

مقال صحفي
Myanmar: Spreading the Net

A planned national network will share information and knowledge on the SSF Guidelines to a wider audience of fishery-related stakeholders. In Myanmar, limited access to natural resources and financial capital has resulted in many fisherfolk struggling to maintain even basic living standards. They are left with little opportunity to move out...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقال صحفي
The Philippines: Being Worker-friendly

The plight of fishworkers on board vessels engaged in commercial fishing operations calls for regulating their conditions of work and providing protection benefits. Concern over the conditions of fishworkers on board commercial fishing vessels was thrown into high relief in the Philippines in 2018. This was during a series of consultations...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقالة إخبارية
Myanmar: Women’s empowerment through climate action

In Myanmar, FAO’s FishAdapt project is strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries-and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods. Women’s empowerment and gender equality have been recognized as necessary conditions for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The SDG Goal 5 – ‘Achieve gender equality...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقال صحفي
Sri Lanka: Path to a Policy Upgrade

Incorporating the SSF Guidelines into the national fisheries policy requires several rounds of engagement with state and community stakeholders. The onset of the new millennium saw the process of fisheries development taking a new path globally. It’s one with a strong emphasis on offshore and deep-sea fishing, fish exports and the...
Sri Lanka
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقال صحفي
Vietnam: Shared Success

Some valuable lessons—a replicable model—on protection of aquatic resources and small-scale fisheries. The term co-management has been researched in Vietnam since the 1990s. A number of pilot projects have been conducted to find appropriate distribution and management sharing responsibilities between the government and the community. April 25, 2019, was a crucial...
Viet Nam
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقالة إخبارية
Ghana: Smoking fish efficiently

The ahotor oven represents an improvement on the widely used chorkor smoker, and is an energy- and time-efficient fish smoking technology. My recent tours in some coastal communities in the Central, Western and Volta Regions of Ghana exposed me to a daily reality of fishmongers in the region. As part of...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

وثيقة عمل
Shallow water shrimp fishery in Mozambique: who benefits from fiscal reform?

In Mozambique, fisheries are important to the national economy and individual livelihoods. Shallow water shrimp fisheries (SWSF) provide an important source of income for many coastal communities. Yet the sustainability of SWSFs is under threat, due to overfishing, the rapid and uncontrolled expansion of the artisanal fishing subsector, and the...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development

مقال صحفي
Roundup: news, events, briefings and more. Samudra Report No.84

The Roundup includes recent publications, films added to our Documentation centre, meetings coming up, websites  which are important to small-scale fisheries, flashback of editorial from old issues of samudra report related to the theme  and Endquote from the world of literature related to fisheries. 
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقالة إخبارية
SSF: Illuminating hidden harvests

The conversation around a global and collaborative small-scale fisheries study highlights the under-recognition and under-reporting of women’s work. Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The contribution of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development’ (IHH) is a collaborative study led by FAO, Duke University and WorldFish. The study, due out in 2021, consists of 58 country...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

وثيقة عمل
FishCounts: increasing the visibility of small-scale fisheries in Cambodia’s national planning

Artisanal and family fishing make a significant contribution to Cambodia’s economy and food security. Community fisheries are already empowered to manage local fisheries resources, but small-scale fisheries are often overlooked in policy making, partly due to a lack of reliable data. Developing a fisheries satellite account through the System of...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development

مقالة إخبارية
Biodiversity: Needed – a gender sensitive biodiversity framework

Future global biodiversity goals must recognise the vital contributions made by women and girls, particularly from indigenous and local communities. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is perhaps the most relevant and ethical convention for the conservation, the sustainable use, and the fair and equitable distribution of benefits of marine and...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
25 Organizations Supporting Sustainable Fishing

Demand for fish is on the rise worldwide—fish consumption has spiked 122 percent in the last three decades, according to the United Nations. At least 3 billion people rely on seafood as a primary source of protein, according to the World Wildlife Fund. And the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that...
2020 - FoodTank

مقالة إخبارية
Mexico: Hard times

Fishing communities in Mexico grapple with the challenge of maintaining sustainable practices during the pandemic. COVID-19’s impacts have exacerbated challenges in the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. As social and economic issues have been prioritized worldwide through the emphasis on the access to health, food production, basic services...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

وثيقة فنية
Legal considerations in responses to COVID-19 to mitigate the risk of disruption to fisheries and aquaculture food systems

This brief identifies some of the areas that governments have intervened through emergency law to strengthen a resilient fisheries and aquaculture food supply chains and illustrates how these regulatory measures can be adopted by other countries thereby contribute to ensuring food security and economic development for all especially the indigenous...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Hardening crabs in floating cages

You can make a cage from bamboo to contain the crabs. Soft crabs must be separated so they do not fight and damage each other. Give each crab half of a tiny fish per day. If the crab has not eaten its food, it is sick and must be removed....
2020 - Shushilan

دراسة حالة
A community of farmers and fisherfolk, a community of heroes

The resilience of Valencia’s “L’Horta” in times of COVID-19
Amparo Aleixandre's routine is no longer the same. These days, she receives orders through text messages, most of them come from her neighbors in the town of El Palmar, an island with about 700 inhabitants, surrounded by the Albufera lagoon, rice crops and orchards. El Palmar is several kilometers away...
2020 - FAO

مقالة إخبارية
Whats New, Webby?: Covering COVID-19

While there is little doubt that the COVID pandemic will eventually be conquered, it has left the world to cope with long lasting damage. The damage has not been uniform. Rather, pre-existing inequalities have determined who will be hit the hardest. As a new report puts it, “Women and girls...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Lineamientos referenciales para legislar o regular el buceo en la pesca artesanal o de pequeña escala en la región de América Latina y el Caribe

Los accidentes fatales por buceo en la pesca artesanal han sido recurrentes en las últimas dos décadas en países de América Latina y el Caribe, debido a la carencia de marcos legales nacionales que aseguren que la actividad se realiza con un entrenamiento profesional, con el equipo adecuado y con...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Alimentación sana y nutritiva en Duvergé

Con el fin de contribuir a la generación de medios de vida como estrategia de acceso a una alimentación sana y nutritiva para las familias de la comunidad de Duvergé en República Dominicana y localidades vecinas, ubicadas en el territorio de la Reserva de Biosfera Transfronteriza La Salle-Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo, CESAL está realizando acciones de...
Dominican Republic
2020 - CESAL

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Localising the Sustainable Development Goals

From Rio to the present, from ‘green growth’ to implementing social solidarity economy, fighting the climate crisis and ensuring sustainable food systems and nutrition and (re)localisation of the economy.
2020 - Urgenci
Total results:1503