منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems

the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health
Food systems of Indigenous Peoples who retain connection to long-evolved cultures and patterns of living in local ecosystems present a treasure of knowledge that contributes to well-being and health, and can benefit all humankind. This book seeks to define and describe the diversity in food system use, nutrition and health...
Canada - India - Japan - Nigeria - Peru

The India MPA Workshop Proceedings - Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Areas Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?, 21-22 January 2009, IMAGE Auditorium, Chennai, India

‘Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Area Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?’ is a workshop organized by ICSF at Chennai on 21-22 January 2009. This publication—the India MPA Workshop Proceedings—contains the prospectus of the workshop, a report of the proceedings and the consensus statement that was reached by organizations...
2009 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

دراسة حالة
Inventory and Documentation of Tribal GIAHS in India

About 8 per cent of the Indian population belongs to a category listed as ‘Scheduled Tribes’ enumerated in the Schedule to Article 342 of the Constitution of India. Tribal people have been seen to be strongly associated with the forests, hills and remote areas, practicing a unique life style, having...
2009 - Schumacher Centre

دراسة حالة
Bio-cultural community protocol of gunis and medicinal plant conservation farmers of Mewar

We are Gunis (traditional healers) and medicinal plants conservation farmers from the Mewar Region of Rajasthan in India. The Gunis among us take our name from guna, which is a Sanskrit word that has three meanings: knowledge, healing and virtue. Anyone can have knowledge, but Gunis are those of us...

Marine Protected Areas in India

This study on marine protected areas (MPAs) in India analyzes the legal and institutional framework for their establishment, and uses two case studies–the Gulf of Mannar National Park and Biosphere Reserve, and the Malvan (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary–to document and understand the experiences and views of local communities, particularly fishing communities,...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

وثيقة فنية
Increasing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to poverty alleviation and food security

The objectives of this Technical Paper are to highlight the contribution that inland and coastal small-scale fisheries can make to poverty alleviation and food security and to make practical suggestions on ways that this contribution can be maximized. This paper is organized into three main sections. The first section discusses...
Bangladesh - Brazil - Cambodia - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Malawi - Philippines - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

وثيقة عمل
Marketing strategies and organisational structures under different organic certification schemes

The paper compares the organizational structure and marketing strategies in organic supply chains operating under three certification schemes in developing and transition economies. A value chain management approach needs to be considered when analysing the requirements associated with supplying certified organic products. Regardless of the scheme, complying with organic standards...
Brazil - Czechia - Hungary - India - Thailand
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

وثيقة عمل
Business services in support of farm enterprise development

case studies
In recent years the development of rural enterprises has increasingly attracted attention amongst the development community owing to the broadening of opportunities for the commercialization of smallholder agriculture. Despite this interest, there are several factors that continue to limit the capacity of farmers and rural entrepreneurs to make an effective...
Bangladesh - Burkina Faso - India - Nepal - Rwanda - Sri Lanka - Uganda
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Promises and challenges of the informal food sector in developing countries

This publication provides an overview of recent literature on the potential of the informal food sector (IFS) to facilitate an affordable supply of food to urban areas and generate income for low-income households. The goal is to identify global patterns, topics for further research, and policy suggestions. It also draws...
Bangladesh - Chile - Côte d'Ivoire - Cuba - Ecuador - Fiji - Guatemala - India - Malawi - Mozambique - Nicaragua - Nigeria - Philippines - Sierra Leone - Thailand - Trinidad and Tobago

In search of excellence

Exemplary forest management in Asia and the Pacific
This publication reflects the outcome of an ambitious initiative to identify instances of exemplary forest management in the region and examine the core components of high quality forest management in an effort to illustrate good forest management to a wide audience and encourage others to take up some of the...
Australia - Cambodia - China - Fiji - India - Indonesia - Japan - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Malaysia - Nepal - New Zealand - Philippines - Republic of Korea - Sri Lanka - Vanuatu - Viet Nam
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sea Turtle Conservation and Fisheries in Orissa, India

All over the world, the pressure to conserve ecosystems and their resources has been steadily rising. This has, in turn, led to conflicts between conservation imperatives and the livelihoods’ needs of the communities that interact with these ecosystems. An example of the impasse that such a state of opposition can...
2005 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Under the Sun: The transient fisherfolk of Jambudwip

Jambudwip is a 20-sq km island in the district of South 24-Parganas, in the Indian State of West Bengal, in the Sunderbans delta. Since at least 1955, Jambudwip has been used as a base for fishery operations and as a fish drying site, mostly by small-scale, artisanal fishworkers. Behundi jal...
2003 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

وثيقة فنية
Microfinance in fisheries and aquaculture

Guidelines and case studies
These guidelines provide general principles and basic considerations for those involved in providing microfinance services to fisheries and aquaculture and for those who intend to include fishing and fish farming communities as part of the client base of their operation. The guidelines further elaborate on lending models, methodologies and policies...
Bangladesh - India - Malaysia - Nepal - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Thailand - Viet Nam
2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

وثيقة فنية
Cold water fisheries in the trans-Himalayan countries

The Trans-Himalayan region encompasses a number of countries situated in the midland and highland areas of the Himalayas, Karakoram, and in a broad sense also in Hindu Kush and Pamir. The mountains are characterized by a very low level of human development, with full exploitation or overexploitation of the natural...
Bhutan - China - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Myanmar - Nepal - Pakistan

Nets for Social Safety - An Analysis of the Growth and Changing Composition of Social Security Programmes in the Fisheries Sector of Kerala State, India

Nets for Social Safety is a first –of –its-kind study, specially commissioned by the ICSF, to focus on the growth and changing composition of social security provisions in the fisheries sector of Kerala, a small coastal State in southwest India. John Kurien and Antonyto Paul, the authors of the study,...
2000 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

دراسة حالة
Apatani wet rice cultivation: an example of a highly evolved traditional agroecosystem

The tribal societies of north-eastern India have wet rice cultivation as a land use activity, alongwith shifting agriculture (locally called `Jhum'), and the 'home gardens', which is an imitationof a forest but with economically important species. Wet rice cultivation is done at valleybottoms and sometimes on small terraces constructed at...
2000 - School of Environmental Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University

وثيقة فنية
Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia

The thirteen papers presented in this publication review fish stocks and fisheries of mountainous areas of Asia: Himalayas (Bhutan, Nepal, northern states of India within the Himalayas), Western Ghats (India), Karakoram-Hindu Kush (Pakistan, Afghanistan), Pamir (Tajikistan), Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), Altai (Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China), high altitude lakes of Mongolia and...
Afghanistan - Armenia - Bhutan - China - India - Mongolia - Nepal - Pakistan

وقائع مؤتمرات
The scope and effect of family poultry research and development

Smallholder poultry production (i.e. family poultry) is an appropriate system that makes the best use of locally available resources. Family flocks are important providers of eggs and meat as well as being valued in religious and cultural life. There are three production systems for family poultry - free range, backyard...
India - Mozambique - Pakistan
1999 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

E.N.I.G.M.A. O.F. E.U.S. Consultation on Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome vis-à-vis the Environment and the People, 25-26 May, 1992. Summary of Proceedings

In the last two decades prior to 1990’s a serious and severely damaging fish disease has been spreading through countries of the Asia Pacific region with dangerous consequences. Not only is this disease- now officially termed Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS)- a scientific puzzle, it is also a worrisome social problem....
1992 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

A Step Forward: A Film on Women Fishworkers in India

This short film explores the role of women fishworkers in selected regions of India. It looks at some of the problems they face in their daily work and the initiatives they have taken to deal with them. Many of these issues are highlighted in an interview with a woman fish...
1988 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Total results:540
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