منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Five Key Messages on How to Implement Agroecology as a Systemic Adaptation Response

There is a wealth of compelling scientific evidence that hunger, climate change, biodiversity loss, as well as land and water degradation are not only systemic but also interrelated crises, which reinforce each other in their intensity. The consequences of these multiple crises for global food security are severe. In 2021,...
2023 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
A Guelmim, un trio franco-marocain force le destin agroécologique du désert

Wissal Ben Moussa, Benjamin Rombaut et Gautier de Carcouet sont cofondateurs de Sand to Green, une startup dédiée à l’agroécologie qui vient de lever 1 million de dollars pour son expansion. En déploiement au Sud du Maroc, le trio entend dupliquer l’expérience en Afrique subsaharienne avec, en toile de fond,...

Pooling funds to scale agroecology

In 2022, the Agroecology Fund took important steps forward in strengthening agroecology movements worldwide. It approved a new five year strategic plan, featuring creative actions that offer timely resources to agroecology organizations and networks as they push food systems towards justice and sustainability. The present report shares insights about where...
2023 - the Agroecology Fund

Rearing crickets for food and feed

People who traditionally eat insects, such as grasshoppers, termites, white ants or crickets catch them in the wild when they are in season. In some places there are now fewer edible insects because the environment has been damaged. Rearing insects on your farm can provide proteins throughout the year. Edible...
2023 - Access Agriculture

مقال صحفي
Key research challenges to supporting farm transitions to agroecology in advanced economies. A review

In response to the sustainability issues that agriculture faces in advanced economies, agroecology has gained increasing relevance in scientific, political, and social debates. This has promoted discussion about transitions to agroecology, which represents a significant advancement. Accordingly, it has become a growing field of research. We reviewed the literature on...
2023 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

نشرة إخبارية
Access Agriculture Panorama - September 2023

The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts, partner highlights, voices from the field and upcoming events.
2023 - Access Agriculture

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
How community-designed solutions take pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest, spur food production

Health In Harmony (HIH), an international nonprofit organisation through its community-designed solutions approach has introduced sustainable farming practices among local farmers and reduce reliance on logging for income further easing pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest.
2023 - https://farmersreviewafrica.com

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
‘During droughts, pivot to agroecology’: Q&A with soil expert at the World Agroforestry Centre

As the drought in Kenya persists, pastoralists in the region are struggling as millions of livestock die and vast swaths of crops perish. Food insecurity affects approximately 4.4 million people in the country. International food agencies have described the situation as a dire humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the critical need to...

The regional agroecology fund in eastern Africa

The Regional Agroecology Fund in Eastern Africa is a financing and learning tool to support agroecology networks and organizations across the region, which form the core of Eastern Africa’s agroecology movement. The purpose of the fund is to: • Offer donors a simple way to fund grassroots organizations, networks, and...
2023 - The Agroecology Fund

How to sell ecological food

When selling in fairs, you can create an identity as a group, for example, by using the same signs, aprons and table cloths. Organize recreational, educational activities with consumers, and their kids. Make alliances with local authorities to create places to sell ecological food, differentiated from those produced with agrochemicals....
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2023 - Access Agriculture

جزء من تقرير
Cultivando nuestras vidas

La Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre Agricultura Familiar en colaboración con Barefoot Guide Connection organizó una serie de “talleres de escritura”, para ayudar a los profesionales a escribir sus propias experiencias, generando conocimientos que destaquen las prácticas, cambios, innovaciones e impactos de lo que hacen en apoyo a la agricultura familiar. Estos...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Inspirational ideas: Healthy, tasty and social vegetables

Social farming in Romania creating jobs, reducing waste and providing healthy local produce.
Organic vegetables, carefully grown and harvested just 30km from Bucharest (Romania), delivered to consumers in the city on the very day they are picked. ‘bio&co’ farm applies an inspiring social farming model, creating jobs for disadvantaged people in the local area, “The human being is at the centre of everything...
2023 - EU CAP Network

صحيفة وقائع
Green Jobs and Income Potential: Agroecology’s Role in Rural Employment

The global population is growing, especially in Africa – and with it the demand for food. At the same time, we are reaching planetary boundaries: climate change and the loss of biodiversity are limiting conventional agriculture. Based on its 13 principles, the agroecological transformation describes a path towards resilient, productive,...
2023 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Reflections on non-extractive participatory research for territorial food system transformation

Non-extractive and power-equalising research involves different knowledge holders (e.g. researchers and farmers) in a process of close cooperative engagement, jointly producing new knowledge, with mutual learning. As such, this form of cooperative enquiry is a significant reversal from dominant roles, locations, and ways of knowing. I offer some examples and reflections on...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - France - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Italy - Mali - Nepal - Peru - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2023 - Agroecological Transitions for Territorial Food Systems ATTER

مقال صحفي
High work satisfaction despite high workload among European organic mixed livestock farmers: a mixed-method approach

Organic mixed livestock farming offers a range of potential benefits for the environment. Due to the diversification of enterprises, this farming system can be associated with a high workload, which means that it could be socially unsustainable. The aim of this study was to understand and explain work satisfaction of farmers...
European Union
2023 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية

Organic farming delivers multiple benefits for the climate and biodiversity, including increased carbon sequestration in soils, lower energy input, 30% more on-farm biodiversity and increased resilience of the farming system. These are highlighted in a document on the benefits of organic farming published by IFOAM Organics Europe. Transforming how we...
2023 - IFOAM Organics Europe

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Local Food Councils

Local Food Councils are emerging in different contexts over the world, emanating from public policies, civil society networks, or diverse alliances, and under different names: food policy councils (mostly) in North America, food and nutritional security councils in Brazil, local food councils in France, among others. Their aims and functions vary,...
2023 - INRAE

Dimensões de desenvolvimento e construção de capacidades para a formação da Agenda para a Agricultura Familiar

No Brasil, o processo de desenvolvimento foi muito influenciado pela atuação direta do Estado na agricultura, como também, indiretamente, pela formação de capacidades estruturantes. Após várias décadas de diferentes modelos de intervenção, ficam evidentes as diferenças no desenvolvimento regional brasileiro, possibilitando a observância de traços característicos entre macrorregiões e biomas  Experiência...
2023 - Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية

Biodiversity protection and well-functioning ecosystems are essential for food production. But the Commission’s proposal on a nature restoration law has faced unjustified opposition when it comes to setting restoration targets for agricultural ecosystems. The organic movement calls on MEPs to support ambitious nature restoration on agriculture land as well preserved...
2023 - IFOAM Organics Europe

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Territorial Food Projects in France

Territorial Food Projects (Projets Alimentaires Territoriaux) are defined by the French law since 2014
In December 2022, there are officially nearly 400 all over France and they cover 2/3 of French population. Mostly led by territorial authorities (municipalities, inter-municipalities, Départements, Parcs Naturels Régionaux, etc.), they have to include a series of key issues and actions (food justice, food education, food waste, territorial anchoring of...
2023 - INRAE
Total results:4090