منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

La producción familiar como alternativa de un desarrollo sostenible para la Amazonía

Lecciones aprendidas de iniciativas de uso forestal por productores familiares en la Amazonía boliviana, brasilera, ecuatoriana y peruana
Este libro pretende sistematizar las lecciones aprendidas y presenta los principales mensajes del Proyecto ForLive, fomentado por datos empíricos seleccionados entre los diversos estudios y enriquecidos por diferentes debates públicos. Los textos y ejemplos que se presentan aquí están escritos en un lenguaje accesible con el fin de facilitar la...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Ecuador - Peru
2011 - Centro para la Investigación Forestal Internacional (CIFOR)

Fruit trees and useful plants In Amazonian life

This book features the uncommon quality of bringing together original scientific knowledge on fruits and useful plants of the Amazon forest and the sensibility to detect the deep interaction between life, traditional knowledge of our forests and folk culture. With its language at the same time accessible, pleasant and practical,...

دراسة حالة
Demographic and occupational dynamics and the social reproduction of family farming

A case study at the Municipality of Praia Grande - Santa Catarina
This dissertation covers the social reproduction of family farmers in the community of Praia Grande, Southern region of Santa Catarina, facing the trade expansion of family agriculture and the  socioeconomic  transformations  derived.  Focus  is  given  on  the fall  in  income  and agricultural employment, shaped mainly from mid-1980 on, within the...
2011 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

The diversity and the emergence of ecological family farming at Canguçu (Rio Grande do Sul)

Perceptions, strategies and speeches
This  study aims  to  identify  and  analyze  the perceptions and  motivationsof  unconventional farmers from Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, in conducting "different" production systems. The city, considered to be the Family Farm National Capital has approximately 10,000 agricultural establishments  with  an  average  area  of  16  hectares.  Medium  characteristics  favored  an...
2011 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Knowledge diversity in interface situations: the emergence of ecological base's agriculture among family farmers in Southern Rio Grande do Sul

The technical homogenization intended by the modernization of agriculture, well represented by the Green Revolution guidelines, has been associated with negative socio-environmental consequences  at  rural  areas.  However,  recent  proposals  which  aim  to  set  new  dynamics  to rural  development  processes,  have  been  constructed  in  opposition  to  conventional diffusionists  ideas.  With  this, ...
2011 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

مقال صحفي
The agroecological revolution in Latin America

Rescuing nature, ensuring food sovereignty and empowering peasants
This paper provides an overview of what we call ‘agroecological revolution’ in Latin America. As the expansion of agroexports and biofuels continues unfolding in Latin America and warming the planet, the concepts of food sovereignty and agroecology-based agricultural production gain increasing attention. New approaches and technologies involving the application of blended...
Brazil - Cuba - Mexico
2011 - Journal of Peasant Studies

وثيقة فنية
Aporte de ingreso económico de las mujeres rurales a sus hogares

La finalidad del presente documento es incursionar en países seleccionados de América Latina sobre el aporte de las mujeres rurales a través de sus ingresos a diferentes tipos de hogares, haciendo visible su aporte y facilitando la elaboración de políticas públicas que beneficien a las mujeres: en el empleo, en...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Mexico - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Peru
2011 - Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer (UNIFEM)

Autonomia e cidadania

Políticas de organização produtiva para as mulheres no meio rural
Organizar as mulheres rurais para fazer a produção, a gestão e a comercialização de maneira autônoma é um desafio permanente daquelas e daqueles que pretendem reduzir as desigualdades de gênero. O Governo Federal, em particular o Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), a partir das suas atribuições, persegue este desafio com...
2011 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), Brasil

مقال صحفي
Agricultura Familiar y Políticas de Desarrollo Rural en Argentina y Brasil (análisis comparativo, 1990-2010)

El presente trabajo es un análisis acerca de las particularidades de las políticas dirigidas a la agricultura familiar (AF) en Argentina y Brasil, en perspectiva comparativa y a partir de la década de 1990. En el mismo se subrayan los antecedentes, logros y problemas que comparten y diferencian a ambos...
Argentina - Brazil
2011 - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas -CONICET- . Programa de Economías Regionales y Estudios Territoriales, del Instituto de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires -UBA-.

مقال صحفي
Family agriculture and local development: challenges to sustainable economic and ecological community of Palmares II Parauapebas city, Pará state in Brazil

This article aims to analyze the agricultural activities of family farmers and its impact on the environment in Palmares II Settlement, located in the municipality of Parauapebas, PA, and discuss the potential for local development. The economic and ecological sustainability of family farms can be achieved through the empowerment of...
2011 - Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA/Belém, PA)

مقال صحفي
Agricultura familiar y políticas de desarrollo rural en Argentina y Brasil

Análsis comparativo, 1990-2010
El presente trabajo es un análisis acerca de las particularidades de las políticas dirigidas a la agricultura familiar (AF) en Argentina y Brasil, en perspectiva comparativa y a partir de la década de 1990. En el mismo se subrayan los antecedentes, logros y problemas que comparten y diferencian a ambos...
Argentina - Brazil
2011 - Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Agrarios (CIEA)

Mulheres na Reforma Agrária

A experiência recente no Brasil
Neste livro estão reunidos diversos artigos acadêmicos e de gestoras publicas que buscam problematizar a presença das mulheres na reforma agrária no Brasil. Estudos quantitativos e qualitativos que abordam aspectos fundiários, da produção e reprodução, das relações familiares, das lutas sociais dos movimentos sociais do campo e o das políticas...
2010 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA)

The Fome Zero (Zero Hunger) Program

The Brazilian experience
The launching of the “Zero Hunger Project – a proposal for a food security policy in Brazil” in October 2001 by presidential candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, reflected the maturing of discussions and proposals on food security and fighting hunger, which had become national priorities to be addressed through...

Agricultural value chain finance

Tools and lessons
Agriculture remains an important means of alleviating poverty, but shortage of finance can constrain its development. At the same time, agriculture is evolving towards a global system requiring high-quality, comptetitive products, and is organized in value chains which often exclude smallholders. Value chain financing in agriculture offers an opportunity to...
Bangladesh - Brazil - Colombia - Costa Rica - India - Kenya - Malawi - Mexico - Myanmar - Nicaragua - Niger - Peru - Philippines - Republic of Korea - Serbia - United Republic of Tanzania

Family rural agribusinesses and social relations network at local markets in the Region of Corede Jacuí-Centro / Rio Grande do Sul

The diversification of the social and productive activities is what usually happens in the Brazilian household agriculture. The agricultural production processing and the agro  industrial product insertion in the markets are manners of this diversification. This paper had as main objective to describe the relations that constitute the social networking...
2010 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul

História das agriculturas no mundo

do neolítico à crise contemporânea
O livro, de autoria dos professores franceses Marcel Mazoyer e Laurence Roudart, foi traduzido e publicado pela Editora da UNESP e Núcleo de Estudos Agrários e Desenvolvimento Rural do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (NEAD-MDA), em 2010. Segundo o engenheiro agrônomo Felipe Gavioli (2011), o livro se inscreve nos denominados Estudos de...
2010 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), Brasil

مقال صحفي
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in familiar farmers areas at Água Boa 2 Community, Rio Pardo de Minas (MG)

Symbiotic relationships and agricultural practices that reduce external inputs dependency and make feasible familiar farming systems production are necessary and demand differentiated soil, plants and inputs management. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (FMAs) are naturally widespread in soils, being agricultural systems components, infecting and colonising roots of most plants, contributing for their...

Tecnología en maquinaria y equipos para la producción familiar en el Cono Sur

En el año 2004 y como resultado de la elaboración de un nuevo Plan de Mediano Plazo, el Programa Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur (PROCISUR) promueve entre otras, la creación de la Plataforma Tecnológica Regional de Agricultura Familiar (PTR_AF) con el objetivo de generar,...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Paraguay - Uruguay
2010 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Rural family agribusiness and the quality of the artisanal production at the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre

The approach of the theory of conventions
The rural familiar agroindustry is an alternative in the search for new niche markets, using the greater diversity of existing products and product  differentiation by transforming them inside the property.  Its  implementation  is  considered  an  effective  alternative  as  policy  fot  Rural Development,  but  despite  all  efforts  there  are  many limitations ...
2010 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

The social construction of markets for the family agroindustry products

Policies to stimulate the modernization have not achieved the small family farm producers, and many of them have started to consider the agroindustrialization as a productive alternative as well as  a  source  of  family  income.  However,  the  challenge  is  the  commercialization  of these products,  considering  that  most  of  these  negotiations ...
2010 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Total results:907