منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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الموضوع الفرعي

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
The Agricultural University of Athens has undertaken the initiative for the inscription of the element “Local and indigenous agricultural varieties: knowledge and practices” on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece

The Agricultural University of Athens has undertaken the initiative for the inscription of the element “Local and indigenous agricultural varieties: knowledge and practices” on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece, in collaboration with Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources – Greek Gene Bank of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation...
2022 - The Agricultural University of Athens

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Reaping benefits of digital extension

The first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Malawi in early April 2020, and the numbers went up subsequently, leading to Government-instituted COVID-19 lockdowns, which disrupted almost all aspects of normal life in the country.  One of the most affected sectors by the lockdowns was agriculture, as contacts between extension workers...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Staking tomato plants

Staking allows more light and better air circulation to plants. Staked tomato plants are less attacked by pests and diseases and the fruits do not easily spoil. By staking your plants, they do not fall over due to the weight of the tomato fruits. Your plants will grow healthy and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

FAO at the UN Climate Conference – COP27

The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the UNFCCC hosted by Egypt in Sharm el-Sheikh from 6-18 November 2022. Global food security and priority areas relevant to FAO’s mandate are high on this year's agenda. FAO is actively engaged in the climate conference, leading and co-leading events and...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Kick-off meeting of the Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET) in Lao PDR

The official kick-off meeting of the project for the development of Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET) in Lao PDR took place on September 28-29, 2022, at the Provincial of Agriculture and Forestry of Xieng Khouang province, Lao PDR, co-chaired by Dr. Thatheva SAPHANTHONG, Director of the Department of Agriculture Land Management...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2022 - Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET)

نشرة إخبارية
FAO Agroecology Newsletter July 2022 / Issue #61

FAO Agroecology Newsletter  July 2022 / Issue #61
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Africa: Farmer agroecology is the answer to climate crises

In this video, Viacampesina.org collects and shares the testimonies of farmers from the South and East African region, who rely on peasant agroecological methods to revive their soils and fight the climate crisis. They also discuss the central importance of farmers and small-scale food producers in implementing pragmatic solutions to...
2022 - La Via Campesina (LVC)

موقع إنترنت
Sembrando Capacidades en agroecología

La agroecología, junto con la agricultura familiar, pretende transformar los sistemas agroalimentarios abordando las causas fundamentales de los problemas y aportando soluciones holísticas y de largo plazo basadas en la co-creación de conocimientos, el intercambio y la innovación, incluida la combinación de conocimientos locales, tradicionales, indígenas y prácticos con una ciencia multidisciplinaria.  Centrada en las personas, intensiva...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

A role for grassroots innovation toward agroecological transitions in the Global South: Evidence from Mexico

Recent research suggests that there is an urgent need to create transitions to agroecology to address the many ecological, social, and ethical problems caused by the hegemonic Corporate Food Regime. In the Global South, however, there are already numerous and diverse agroecological initiatives driven by peasant communities, indigenous peoples, and...

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Ecofeminism, agroecology, food sovereignty and African philosophy: Exploring values in contemporary social movements

Today, one of the major global challenges we face is that of feeding the world. Would it be possible to solve this challenge? If yes, via what pathways? Nowadays, two paradigms come up when discussing solutions to the global food challenge. On the one hand, technical, scientific and large-scale ‘one...

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Burkina Faso : Bokashi, Composte aérobic, des engrais locaux alternatifs à la cherté des engrais chimiques importés

La flambée des prix des intrants agricoles devient insupportable pour beaucoup d’agriculteurs du Burkina Faso. Pour survivre, des producteurs ont trouvé des alternatives en misant sur la fabrication des engrais organiques. Bokashi, composte aérobic, ce sont des fertilisants locaux que Saïdou Ouédraogo, agriculteur et éleveur, fabrique pour fertiliser ses sols....
Burkina Faso
2022 - www.libreinfo.net

13 Key Principles of Agroecology: A unifying framework for food systems transformation

The need for transformational change in global agri-food systems has now been widely acknowledged in order to address the climate emergency and the growing environmental , socio-economic and health challenges these systems generate. Today’s dominant agri-food systems – largely driven by an industrial logic of economies of scale, intensification, specialization,...
2022 - IPES FOOD

A project between Slow Food and IFOAM to support the develpment and implementation of the Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)

The Krakow Earth Market (Targ Pietruszkowy) became the pilot project to prove the benefits of setting a participatory guarantee system in place.   Earth Markets are composed of producers that embrace the Slow Food philosophy worldwide. They are unique agoras where people can buy high-quality products, build communities, open to creative exchanges, and find education. ...
2022 - Slow Food, Ifoam

صحيفة وقائع
Phosphorus sources for organic agriculture (RELACS Practice Abstract)

On many organic farms, especially those without livestock, phosphorus (P) exports through the sale of produce is greater than P imports through fertilisers and purchased animal feed. While soil P reserves from residual fertiliser applied before conversion to organic farming can often deliver P for decades, mining of soils is...
2022 - RELACS

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Access Agriculture makes its mark at Malawi Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

The Malawi Forum for Agriculture Advisory Services (MaFAAS) held its Farming and Extension Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi, from 19 to 22 July 2022. The conference brought together various stakeholders, who are working in the agriculture space in Malawi, from farmer groups to extension service providers (both state and non-state) and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Digital revolution for the agroecological transition of food systems: A responsible research and innovation perspective

Digital technology development in agriculture has mainly dealt with precision agriculture, often associated with conventional large-scale systems. The emergence of digital agriculture - based on the triptych of “new data sources / new processing methods / new inter-connection capacities (internet)” - opens up prospects for mobilizing digital technologies to accelerate...

Biological Control: lessons learned for agroecological transition in Uruguay

Agroecology proposes to mobilize the scientific and practical, traditional and local knowledge of producers to develop jointly new production systems. This article presents the results of research on biological control carried out since 2003 in the north of Uruguay. Experiences were conducted by different organizations of family farmers and by...

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Fostering the transformative role of Agroecological research in Europe

Agroecology is a holistic concept that embraces a diversity of interpretations, intentions and realities, depending on the country and its context, history, stakeholders and sociopolitical environment. Its aim is to restructure the food system in a way that maximises ecological processes to attain sustainability – encompassing agricultural practices, science and...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology for Europe AE4EU

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
A beautiful experience with a service that promotes sustainable agricultural practices: Why it is worth celebrating

Guest blog dedicated to Access Agriculture 10th Anniversary It is no secret that a picture is worth a thousand words. That's why I am taking this shortcut to show to you some of our best experiences of using training videos from Access Agriculture (www.accessagriculture.org), which is the leading platform for promotion...
2022 - Access Agriculture

وقائع مؤتمرات
Webinar report: ‘’How far are we in the agroecological transition? The contribution of the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE)’’, held on November 22, 2022

The webinar was co-chaired by the Animal Production and Health Division (NSA) and Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), two FAO divisions in charge of the development of TAPE. Remi Cluset, Agroecology Advisor at NSP, gave an overview of the TAPE mandate, the development process as well as the objectives of the tool. Dario Lucantoni, a Livestock and Agroecology Specialist...
2022 - FAO (NSP/NSA)
Total results:4090