منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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الموضوع الفرعي

مادة سمعية
What's in Store for Food Security and Farming in 2022 - Episode 28

We begin with a look back at the successes of 2021 with Jo Puri, Associate Vice-President for IFAD. We then find out how the UN Decade of Family Farming is helping small-scale farmers improve their incomes and livelihood. We also hear from First Wave, a group combining production and sustainability...
2022 - IFAD

Managing seed potato

Remember: healthy soil and healthy plants make healthy seed.
2022 - Access Agriculture

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
La souveraineté alimentaire, droit ou objectif de politique?

Le combat du siècle de l’Afrique, c’est mettre fin à ce triste tableau : être un continent importateur de produits et détenir 65% des terres arables du monde non exploitées, disposer d’une grande diversité agro-écologique, avoir une population jeune et des technologies insuffisamment utilisées.Ici, il nous faut miser davantage sur...

وثيقة فنية
Registro de actividades y otros datos relevantes Sistemas participativos de ganatia para la produccion organica – cuaderno de trabajo

Este cuaderno práctico, dirigido tanto a productores orgánicos/ecológicos (agricultores, procesadores) como aquellos que han entrado en transición orgánica/ecológica, vinculados acadenas devalor y que trabajan en agroecosistemas de montaña, tiene el objetivo de brindar una herramienta de apoyo para el registro de información importante para la verificación de la calidad orgánica...
2022 - Elaborado por IFOAM - Organics International y la la Secretaría de la Alianza para las Montañas de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Tunisie : un projet de loi pour promouvoir les semences paysannes

L’Association Tunisienne de Permaculture (ATP) soumettra, prochainement, au ministère de l’Agriculture, un projet de loi visant la promotion des systèmes semenciers paysans et la protection des petits agriculteurs qui utilisent ces systèmes. S’inspirant du cadre juridique proposé par l’Alliance pour la Souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique (AFSA), ce projet a pour...

Boost to natural farming in Andhra Pradesh

Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy formally inaugurated the Indo German Global Academy for Agroecology, Research and Learning (IGGAARL) in Pulivendula constituency of Kadapa district on Thursday. The academy is a fallout of the joint effort between the Federal Government of Germany and the Government of India to strengthen the...

دراسة حالة
“My cooking philosophy begins with the sowing and organic cultivation of vegetables and crops as well as the respectful keeping of our farm animals.”

Switzerland  Rebecca Clopath is a well-known Swiss chef renowned for her nature-focused approach to preparing food. Despite her impressive formation as a chef, Rebecca’s focus has never been to chase culinary fame and accolades, but rather to work with nature to produce fresh, seasonal dishes with organic and locally-sourced ingredients in...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Autorisation des OGM au Sénégal : menace sur l’agriculture ouest-africaine

A travers les textes (positions/actes politiques), le Sénégal est cité en exemple pour son engagement dans la transition agroécologique. Mais depuis le vote de la loi N°2022-20 du 14 juin 2022autorisant les organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) par son assemblée nationale, sa démarche parait très ambivalente aux yeux de la société...

YALTA Initiative StoryMap

The YALTA Initiative has released an agroecology story map to highlight youth-led agroecological best practises produced by young entrepreneurs taught via its programme. The story map takes visitors on a documented journey through a series of case studies, highlighting some of the young entrepreneurs' success stories, lessons learned, and ongoing...
2022 - Yalta

مادة سمعية
The Intricate ordeal of forest financing: Lessons from Brazil

Richard van der Hoff from Federal University of Minas Gerais revisits Brazil's journey in financing forest conservation efforts.

¡Salvemos nuestra tortilla! OSC llaman a participar en la consulta pública

En esta conferencia de prensa se dieron a conocer los pormenores de la la nueva NOM-187, que busca regular la tortilla y otros productos de maíz. De igual manera se hará un llamado a la sociedad civil a participar en la consulta pública de la misma.
2022 - El Poder del Consumidor

Peasant Agroecology according to ECVC

Peasant Agroecology is a way of life
Peasant agroecology supports life-enriching systems and opposes life-alienating systems. It offers solutions to the major environmental, social, economic and political challenges we are facing today. It is a living practice, as well as a science and a socio-political movement, built and fostered by people over thousands of years. For aeons...

Policy workshop: how to make pesticides and herbicides unnecessary through the redesign of farming systems ?

The Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies as part of the European Green Deal objectives set up important targets to improve the sustainability of farming and food systems, among which reducing the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% and the use of more hazardous pesticides by 50%...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology Europe

The Sixth Assessment Report ‘’Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’’ identifies agroecology as feasible adaption option for the future

The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ‘’ Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’’ identified, with a high level of confidence, that agroecological principles and practices are feasible adaptation options for the future and stresses the importance of matching agroecological options to context. The Working Group II...
2022 - WMO, UNEP

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
FOOD POLICY FORUM FOR CHANGE - How feebate policies could upscale organic agriculture and food self-suffiency in Bhutan

This policy brief discusses how feebate policies could upscale organic agriculture and food self-sufficiency in Bhutan, specifically looking at rice production. The simulations show that a feebate (fee and rebate) policy coupled with promotion and training in agroecological farming methods could incentivize widespread adoption of agroecology, achieving both 100 percent organic production and greater self-sufficiency for rice in Bhutan.
2022 - Biovision , Millennium Institute; Food Policy Forum for change

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Recognising the benefits of organic farming

Organic farming has countless benefits for the natural environment and society, but they are often overlooked. This article outlines some of the benefits of organic farming, exploring the role of science, consumers and research and innovation.
2022 - Organic Farm Knowledge

Comment réussir la transition agroécologique ? Leçons tirées du Sud

L’agroécologie est de plus en plus plébiscitée pour développer des systèmes agricoles durables et adaptés aux contraintes des producteurs, plus résilients face aux aléas climatiques et sanitaires. S’appuyant sur 15 ans de recherche en partenariat dans les pays du Sud, les chercheurs du Cirad ont identifié les leviers pour mettre...
2022 - CIRAD

موقع إنترنت
Listen to Access Agriculture Podcasts

We are excited to announce that Access Agriculture podcasts are now available in English (https://accessagriculture.podbean.com/category/english/) and French (https://accessagriculture.podbean.com/category/french/). It is a great way to listen to farmers and experts from around the world talk about the topics you care about, as we have repurposed summaries of our popular videos as...
2022 - Access Agriculture

مقال صحفي
Global analysis of yield benefits and risks from integrating trees with rice and implications for agroforestry research in Africa

While agroforestry is a well-established approach for agroecological intensification, rice is less often integrated with trees than other annual staple crops. The benefits and risks from rice agroforestry practices have not been systematically explored. Considering the need for strategies that may address low fertility and high degradation of arable soils...

مادة سمعية
Integrating peatland into national policy

CIFOR-ICRAF Senior Scientist Kristell Hergoualc'h addresses the importance of incorporating peatland into national policy in the fight against climate change.  Peatlands are terrestrial wetland ecosystems in which waterlogged conditions prevent plant material from fully decomposing. Consequently, the production of organic matter exceeds its decomposition, which results in a net accumulation of peat. In...
Total results:4090