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يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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الموضوع الفرعي

مقالة في مجلة
O desafio alimentar no século XXI

Ao longo do século XIX a escassez de alimentos era uma das mais sérias ameaças à reprodução do capitalismo, trazendo à tona o Fantasma Malthusiano. A teoria de Malthus não se confirmou ao longo do século XIX e XX. Graças ao progresso tecnológico a produção de alimentos cresceu mais do...
2016 - Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade (CPDA)

Horn of Africa braces for another hunger season

Close to 12 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are in need of food assistance, as farming families struggle with the knock-on effects of multiple droughts that hit the region. Shukri Ahmed, FAO Senior Economist, illustrates the food insecurity situation, most affected sectors, the support needed and FAO’s response....
Ethiopia - Kenya
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Women Farmers of Bangladesh

Across the developing world, rural women play a crucial role in agriculture and farming. And Bangladesh, where women exceed 50 percent of the agricultural labour force, is no exception. So it’s no surprise that much of FAO’s work in the country has focused on supporting rural women farmers across a variety...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

E-Agriculture Strategy Guide

Piloted in Asia-Pacific Countries
Agriculture is a sector that holds great promise for pro-poor economic growth. Economic growth is a key success factor for reducing undernourishment, but it has to be inclusive and provide opportunities for improving the livelihoods of the poor. Enhancing the productivity and incomes of smallholder family farmers is the key...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Methodological handbook for implementing an ex-ante assessment of agriculture financial instruments under the EAFRD

Financial Instruments (FIs) co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in the scope of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) can be a sustainable and efficient way to invest in the growth and development of businesses and infrastructure in agriculture as well as in the rural economy. The purpose of...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

نشرة إخبارية
Farm-Success project newsletter - 1st edition

This newsletter is the first edition of the Farm-Success Project newsletter. The Farm-Success Project newsletter outlines all of the most recent Farm-Success Project developments, detailing the Project’s road to creating strategies to train farmers for a sustainable succession process in order to enable and to motivate young farmers to continue...
European Union

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
The CAP and the Digital Single Market

Internet connectivity has become vital to modern agriculture. Farmers and cooperatives across the EU have called on the European Commission to increase the penetration of broadband into rural and isolated farming areas. One of the main objectives of Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is achieving a balanced territorial development through the...
European Union
2016 - EurActiv

وثيقة فنية
Cooperação Sul-Sul em SAN, mobilidade e transferência de políticas

Introdução O texto tem como objetivos propor uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de análise e um marco conceitual da recente experiência de internacionalização de programas e políticas públicas brasileiras vinculadas à soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional (SSAN) e ao direito humano à alimentação (DHA). Dessa discussão, foram extraídas indicações...
2016 - Centro de Referência em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (CERESAN)

The Spade test - Visual soil assessment in the field

This video explains how to take out a handy soil profile and how to interpret it by using the spade test. The video is addressed to farmers, advisors and scientist. After the introductory part of determining the objectives of the test and of comparing it with other methods, the user...
2016 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Medium-term prospects for raw materials, horticulture and tropical products

Tropical fruits, beverage crops, sugar and raw materials contribute significantly to the economies of many developing countries, particularly the least-developed countries (LDCs), as a major source of livelihood and income for millions of rural smallholders. In 2014, the value of world production of these commodities was estimated at USD 255...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Informe Latinomaericano 2015 Género y Territorio

El Informe Latinoamericano sobre Pobreza y Desigualdad 2015 postula que la desigualdad de género -en términos de generación de ingresos y recursos propios- se expresa de distinto modo en los territorios, pues esta desigualdad no solo se relaciona con los activos o dotaciones de las mujeres y con la capacidad...
2016 - RIMISP - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Cultivos criollos

A importância das cultivares locais, tradicionais ou crioulas vem sendo cada vez mais reconhecida em aspectos relacionados a riqueza do patrimônio genético, preservação da biodiversidade na agroecologia, a partir da Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica (PNAPO). Muitas delas também apresentam características de rusticidade e adaptabilidade, resultando na conjugação...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar y Desarrollo Agrario

Improved rainwater harvesting for fodder shrub production and livestock grazing: the Vallerani micro-catchment system in the Badia of Jordan

Water harvesting is an important technique to collect rainwater that can be used for different purposes in agriculture or stored and made available for the dry season. This practice describes the three main components of water harvesting systems, namely which are the catchment area, the storage area, and the target...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Communities to lead on rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina will play a leading role in a two-year rural development project financed by Hungary. The FAO project, which gets under way this week, will involve governments at national, cantonal and local levels on community-led local development planning. 
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Une expérience de réhabilitation des terres

L'effet catalytique des Clubs Dimitra au Niger
Au cours des dernières années, la baisse des précipitations et la dégradation accrue des sols ont porté pour de nombreux habitants de Tinkirana - et ailleurs au Niger – à de mauvaises récoltes et de graves pénuries alimentaires. Les terres agricoles d’Idrissa étaient fortement dégradées. En 2015, il n’a récolté que...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

3rd European Agroforestry Conference

EURAF and INRA, the French National Institute of Agronomical Research are very pleased to welcome you in Montpellier for the Third European Agroforestry Conference. Montpellier is the core center in France for Agroforestry Research and demonstration. Both temperate zone and tropical zone agroforestry are targeted by Montpellier researchers. Montpellier is also...
2016 - French National Institute of Agronomical Research

Equal footing: working together to face climate change in Uganda

Small holder farmer, Mrs Ssekide, joined the Balyejjusa farmer field school and convinced of the benefits persuaded her husband to join too. She tells her story of how successful working as a team has proven to be. In Uganda, almost 80% of households rely upon agriculture for their livelihood, and...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

جزء من كتاب
Climate change and agriculture: Strengthening the role of smallholders

Smallholder farmers have a vital role to play in global food security and nutrition, and in supporting a range of development and climate change goals. Strengthening the resilience and commercial viability of these farmers, particularly women and youth, can increase their capacity to contribute to these global goals.
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute

مقال صحفي
La tierra en disputa

Agricultura, acumulación y territorio en la Argentina reciente
El proceso de valorización del capital en la Argentina, asociado al control de tierras y de recursos asociados (como el agua, el paisaje o las reservas ambientales) se ha desarrollado en las últimas décadas, y ha sido protagonizado por conglomerados empresariales (nacionales e internacionales), fondos de inversión privados, compañías de...
2016 - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Governmental program for supporting cooperatives with agricultural technic

Agency for development agricultural cooperatives elaborated program to support cooperatives with agricultural technic
Total results:19981