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يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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نشرة إخبارية
Bulletin - La newsletter de l’agroécologie, n°2 - Réaliser l’ambition d’une Afrique de l’Ouest agroécologique !

Le second numéro du bulletin réalisé dans le cadre du Programme Agroécologie en Afrique de l’Ouest (PAE) mis en œuvre par AVSF, l’Iram et Inades Formation est disponible. Il contient notamment des articles sur les acquis et enseignements du projet, ainsi que les dernières publications réalisées.
2023 - ARAA

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Culmina la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana con acuerdos en medioambiente y seguridad alimentaria con fuerte enfoque en la consolidación de la agricultura familiar

La XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefas y Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno aprobó instrumentos clave para abordar desafíos comunes en el ámbito medioambiental, de seguridad alimentaria y derechos en entornos digitales, así como 16 comunicados especiales entre los que se destaca una propuesta para una financiación internacional más justa...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

التّعلّم الإلكتروني
Real water savings in agricultural systems

In the context of the global water shortages and challenges for water savings in agricultural systems, this course introduces interventions and tools, and more specifically the real water savings in agricultural systems (REWAS) project, that aims to provide practical guidance on the implementation of real water savings.
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

صحيفة وقائع
Fiche technique sur l'association des cultures

Fiche technique sur l'association des cultures. La diversité est source de sécurité. Planter ou semer sur une même parcelle plusieurs cultures mais attention certaines cultures ne vont pas ensemble!
Burkina Faso
2023 - Conseil National de l’Agriculture Biologique au Burkina Faso (CNABio)

مقال صحفي
Professional farmer collectives for effective agri-environmental management: an assessment

In 2013 the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) enabled groups of farmers to be applicants and final beneficiaries of Agri-environmental schemes (AES). The Dutch government went one step further, ruling that only groups of farmers (farmer collectives) could be beneficiaries of AES. The changing role of farmer groups or farmer...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2023 - Wageningen University of the Netherlands

Declaración de Santo Domingo - Marzo 2023

Declaración de Santo Domingo: Juntos hacia una Iberoamérica justa y Sostenible, aprobada durante la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefas y Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno realizada el 25 de marzo de 2023. Las Jefas y los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los países iberoamericanos, reunidos el 25 de...
Dominican Republic
2023 - Secretaría General Iberoamericana

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Restrictions on antimicrobial use in aquaculture and livestock, Viet Nam

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers antimicrobial resistance one of the top 10 global health emergencies affecting humanity;1 antimicrobial use in animal production is one of its key drivers. Globally, animal production accounts for about three quarters of total antimicrobial use.2 In Viet Nam, approximately 2751 tonnes of antimicrobials are...
Viet Nam
2023 - World Health Organization

Diversity of bees and wild pollinators in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

A survey on the diversity of bees and wild pollinators and the status of the bee industry was conducted in the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The data were made available to the respective National Coordinators (NC) for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources and the Food and Agriculture Organization...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

نشرة إخبارية
Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest November-December 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more. For more documents, feel free to search in the...
2023 - FAO

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Strengthening women’s resilience and participation in climate governance in the agrifood sector through public policies

Women are vulnerable to adverse climate change impacts, and their active involvement and decision-making in climate change and agrifood governance are limited, especially in the Global South. New research based on a strategic review of literature conducted as part of CGIAR research initiative HER+—Harnessing gender and social equality for resilience...
2023 - ICARDA Science for Resilient Livelihoods in Dry Areas

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Most of the 9.1 million farms in the EU are family-run

Family farms dominate the structure of EU agriculture in terms of the number of holdings, their contribution to agricultural employment and, to a lesser degree, the area of land that they cultivate and the value of the output they generate. 
2023 - European Union

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Czech CAP Strategic Plan – Redistributive Payments and the Counter-Productive Tension Between Small and Big

A well designed redistributive payment is an essential tool to reduce inequalities among CAP beneficiaries and farming systems. But as is often the case, the best design strongly depends on national and regional specificities. The Czech Republic’s approach to the redistributive payment is a good example of that. The Czech...
2023 - ARC2020

The Agroecological Transitions Program for Building Resilient and Inclusive Agricultural & Food Systems

In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), agricultural investment remains a priority for economic development. Sustainability is a key challenge in LMICs, as many of the current agricultural practices reduce soil fertility and greatly depend on external inputs. Agroecological approaches are increasingly recognized as a means to improve sustainable development of...
2023 - The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, CIFOR-ICRAF, IRRI, IWMI, The Transformative Partnership Platform, University of Vermont

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Présidence de la Plateforme d'action nationale pour l'agriculture familiale: Azi Léopold reconduit pour un autre mandat

La Plateforme d'action nationale pour l'agriculture amiliale en Côte d'Ivoire (Panafci) a organisé une assemblée générale élective le vendredi 28 avril 2023, à l’hôtel Maya, sis à la Riviera 2.A l’issue de cette Ag élective, Azi Léopold, de l’Association nationale des semenciers de Côte d'Ivoire (Anasemci) a été reconduite à...
Côte d'Ivoire

التّعلّم الإلكتروني
Transforming dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems

This course seeks to build the competencies needed for program and project managers, field practitioners and policy makers to apply a transformational sustainability approach to decision-making in the management of dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral production systems.
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

صحيفة وقائع
Fiche technique sur la succession et la rotation culturales

Les successions et les rotations sur une même parcelle sont très importantes pour maintenir l’équilibre écologique et limiter l’épuisement des sols ainsi que la prolifération des ravageurs et maladies.
Burkina Faso
2023 - Conseil National de l’Agriculture Biologique au Burkina Faso (CNABio)

The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2023

This 2023 special edition of the GFCM’s flagship publication, The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, updates statistics and figures on the status and management of fisheries in the region and includes, for the first time, an overview of regional indicators on the aquaculture sector in Mediterranean and Black...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

وثيقة عمل
Climate change and conflict in the Central Sahel: A shared responsibility to support local resilience

In the Central Sahel, both the climate and security crises are acute. Strengthening the ability of local communities and actors to respond and adapt to shocks is pivotal and urgent. This paper shows that regional support to local resilience is much-needed but should have a stronger focus on vulnerable areas....
2023 - ECDPM

وثيقة فنية
Programa de Acción de la República Dominicana. XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefas y Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno

El presente documento corresponde al Programa de Acción de la República Dominicana, aprobado durante la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, 25 de marzo de 2023, bajo el lema «Juntos hacia una Iberoamérica justa y Sostenible». Más información sobre la Cumbre en: https://www.fao.org/partnerships/parliamentary-alliances/news/news-article/es/c/1636426/ 
Dominican Republic
2023 - Secretaría General Iberoamericana

Analysis of land cover dynamics in Mozambique (2001–2016)

Land cover change (LCC) is a complex and dynamic process influenced by social, economic, and biophysical factors that can cause significant impacts on ecological processes and biodiversity conservation. The assessment of LCC is particularly relevant in a country like Mozambique where livelihood strongly depends on natural resources. In this study,...
2023 - Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali
Total results:19090