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يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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خطوط توجيهية
How to Transform Food Systems - 7 Calls to Action

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food has developed seven bold Calls to Action that we believe are critical pathways for creating a better future of food. How to Transform Food Systems | 7 Calls to Action presents this collection.  Elevated time and again by our members, partners, allies, and...
2021 - Global Alliance for the Future of Food

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Knowledge management for urban agriculture – Leveraging the lessons learned

The health conscious urbanites are moving towards growing their own food. Starting as a hobby, urban farming is evolving as a necessary means to address issues of food security, physical and emotional well being. This calls for improved access to information and intensive knowledge exchange through diverse and emerging media. Urbanisation...
2021 - Leisa India

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Farming through hardship: A family farmer in Honduras discusses COVID, hurricanes and more

When we introduced you to Edwin Adonis Nolasco last year, he was hopeful that his farming skills—built over five years of work with SeedChange and our partner organization, the Foundation for Participatory Research with Honduran Farmers (FIPAH)—would help him and his family weather the COVID-19 pandemic. Since that time, there have been...
2021 - SeedChange

La luzerne fraîche utilisée comme fertilisant en maraîchage

En 2020, le CRA-W a mis en place une nouvelle plateforme expérimentale en maraîchage bio intitulée SYCMA (Système de Culture en Maraîchage). Celle-ci comprend des expérimentations de longue durée sur 3 rotations de 6 ans, comparant 4 systèmes de culture innovants. Les rôles des légumineuses sont au cœur de ces...
2021 - Centre Wallon de Recherche Agronomique

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Letter From The Farm | Instead Of Noise, Symphony

We’re back on the Montado do Freixo do Meio in Portugal, where exciting plans are afoot to have the community farm recognised as a Private Protected Area. Farmer and owner Alfredo Cunhal Sendim, a member of the Freixo do Meio Users Cooperative, explains their vision of a strong and organised...
2021 - ARC2020

مادة سمعية
2. #Organics: Building trust in organic farming in Europe, with Wolfgang Burtscher

Increasing demand for organic food products across Europe has made it clear that the European Union must help more farmers transition to organic farming and strengthen trust in the EU organics system among consumers. New legislation on organics is set to come into force early next year. What kind of...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Homegrown harvests – Bringing food security to an educational campus

Urban spaces can be innovatively used for food production. They can help city dwellers rethink their connection with food ecosystems and land in the process. Educational institutions provide a unique opportunity conducive to integrating food security as part of its curriculum as well as outreach activities. The IIT Gandhinagar organic farm...
2021 - Leisa India

Breeding for intercropping - New selection concepts

Here you will find a presentation by Pierre Hohmann on "Breeding for intercropping – New selection concepts", delivered as part of the Winter School hosted by Wageningen University between 11-15 January 2021 and linked to the ReMIX postgraduate course “Understanding mechanisms of plant-plant interactions in species mixtures: inter-relationships, functioning, resource...
2021 - FiBL

مادة سمعية
1. #Organics: The European Union’s role in shaping the market, with Commissioner Wojciechowski

European consumption of organic products has exploded over the last years. Currently, the European Union is ranked second in global organic consumption after the US. By 2030, it aims to convert 25% of farmland to organic. Right now, it is only around 8 %. Is the EU on the right...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

دراسة حالة
Agroecology Case Studies

The thirty-three case studies shed light on the tremendous success of agroecological agriculture across the African continent. They demonstrate with facts and figures how an agricultural transformation respectful of the farmers and their environment can yield immense economic, social, and food security benefits while also fighting climate change and restoring...
2021 - Oakland Institute

Uso de bandas florales y vegetación silvestre para aumentar polinización entomófila en chirimoyo

En el marco del proyecto I+D Desarrollo y validación de una estrategia, centro Ceres realiza el siguiente video para entregar información práctica sobre el uso de bandas florales y vegetación silvestre para potenciar la polinización natural y producción sostenible del Chirimoyo.
2021 - Centro Regional de Investigación e Innovación para la Sostenibilidad y Los Territorios Rurales (CERES) de la Agricultura

Senegal Agroecology

VOA-Zimbabwe broadcasted a fascinating story of agroecological practices in Senegal.  The story featured some farmers and activists who are trying new farming techniques to reduce the use of chemicals and improve crop yields. Click below to listen to Allison Lékogo Fernandes checks on an agroecology experiment in a Dakar suburb.
2021 - VOA-Zimbabwe

موقع إنترنت
Agroeology Info Pool

The Agroecology Info Pool website was originally developed with support of the Mercator Foundation as part of the programme “A4A – Advocacy for Agroecology”, which aimed at scaling scientific and applied research on agroecology by analyzing current lock-ins and leverages. The evidence created was subsequently used for consulting with key...
2021 - Biovision

Arquitectura de Ramas Pendulares: un nuevo sistema de conducción del chirimoyo

En el marco del proyecto I+D Desarrollo y validación de una estrategia basada en la arquitectura de la planta y el uso de bandas flores, centro Ceres realiza el siguiente video para entregar información práctica sobre cómo desarrollar y conducir la arquitectura del chirimoyo para potenciar su polinización y producción...
2021 - Centro Regional de Investigación e Innovación para la Sostenibilidad y Los Territorios Rurales (CERES) de la Agricultura

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Tras un año de usurpación en su campo, un pequeño productor cordobés logra que la Justicia se lo restituya con el acompañamiento gremial de FAA

Un caso acerca de la titulación precaria de tierras
El 14 de abril de 2020, el federado Daniel Ahumada fue víctima de la usurpación de su campo, ubicado en Cruz del Eje, provincia de Córdoba. El usurpador, valiéndose de un arma de fuego, amenazó a Daniel, su madre y su hijo, para quedarse con la propiedad, argumentando haberla comprado....
2021 - Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA)

IFOAM organics Europe annual report - 2020

The European organic movement’s vision for food and farming is of a fair, environmentally conscious, healthy, and caring system widely adopted in Europe by 2030. To make it happen, we need to take stock of what organic has become, to lead change and stimulate interactions with other like-minded organisations and...
2021 - IFOAM Organics Europe

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Organic in Public Danish Kitchens and Private Eateries

On May 23, a broad alliance of Danish trade unions, educational- and advisory institutions, and business organizations representing thousands of farmers, restaurants, and food companies launched a joint proposal for the upcoming Danish Climate Plan. The national climate goal in Denmark is one of the world’s most ambitious: a reduction in climate...
2021 - Organic without Boundaries

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
From a “gravel pit” to resilient farm

When Ana María Castro decided to use up her savings to buy a desolate piece of land, her husband had his doubts. What could she possibly grow in that soilless gravel pit? Her reply: “Let me be. I want my plot of land.” As a woman in rural El Plantel, Honduras, Ana María...
2021 - SeedChange

El Poder del Agave: Reverdeciendo el Desierto

Agave proviene de la palabra griega αγαυή que significa “noble” o “admirable,” es una sucuenta desértica perenne común, de gruesas hojas carnosas y espinas puntiagudas. Las plantas de agave evolucionaron originalmente en México, el suroeste de los Estados Unidos y en Centroamérica, pero también pueden ser encontrados actualmente en las...
2021 - Vía Orgánica

Tanzanian farmers boost diets with sustainable methods

An agroecology project from Tanzania found significant improvements in the diversity of children’s diets and food security for households after farmers learned about sustainable crop-growing methods, gender equity, nutrition and climate change from peer mentors. The investigator of the project said, “We found that this intervention approach of combining agroecology...
United Republic of Tanzania
2021 - Cornell
Total results:4090