منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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الموضوع الفرعي

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Más oportunidades, más sostenibilidad

Cada año se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer Rural el 15 de octubre, fecha establecida en el 2007 por la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas para reconocer a la “la función y contribución decisivas de la mujer rural, incluida la mujer indígena, en la promoción del desarrollo agrícola y rural,...
2018 - Proyecto +Algodón, Iniciativa regional de Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral, ejecutada en el marco del Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO

E-Agriculture in action: drones for agriculture

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasing role in addressing problems faced by agriculture. The challenges faced by agriculture from climate change alone are enormous and the need for the farming communities to adapt and become resilient is key to feeding the world’s growing population. Harnessing the growth...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agroforestry and Permaculture: The BioDiVerger from Marcelin in Morges/VD

In Marcelin (VD), FiBL and the "Service de l'Agriculture et de la Viticulture" of the Canton of Vaud (SAVI) have been testing a new cultivation system for fruit growing since 2013. The aim is to produce fruit and vegetables in ecological balance. Elements of agroforestry and permaculture are being integrated...
2018 - FiBL

مقالة في مجلة
Farm to Systems – Where is our measuring tape?

Besides yield, nutrition and income, a family farmer harvests several other benefits from an agroecologically designed farm. So, we need to have a different set of parameters to capture impact of an agro-ecological system. Measuring the impacts of agro ecology over several parameters of different kind has encouraged farmers in...

دراسة حالة
Farm to systems

In small and remote villages in South Asia, our rich agricultural crop/breed diversity and associated knowledge is slowly getting wiped out and is being replaced by a handful of `high yielding’ and `improved’ crops/breeds. Rampant use of chemicals has led to the death of soil and is poisoning our food...
2018 - Deutsche Welthungerhilfe

Agricultural Innovation for family farmers

Family farmers have been innovating since the dawn of agriculture. Fostering the capacity of the millions of family farmers to innovate is especially crucial today as they face unprecedented challenges that affect their livelihoods as well as the sustainability of the world’s food and agriculture systems.
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Happy trainers, New Perspectives

Train the trainer event
The “Train the trainer event” was an important milestone of the CSact! Project team, as one of the main activity of the project is the adaptation of the Be part of CSA! Training programme to local contexts. 18 international participants from 7 European countries met in Vác (a small city...
2018 - TVE

The 34th session of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific

There will be a full schedule of presentations, discussions and activities. Some of the highlights of the Conference include a Ministerial Roundtable on Zero Hunger, a Roundtable on "Imagining future healthy and inclusive food systems in Asia and the Pacific,” an Exhibition honoring the achievements and progress of the 10 Regional...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Zero Cool Storage System

One of the main issues of the commercialization of agriculture is the lack of storage capacity for the farmers’ organizations (FOs) especially those that produce fresh vegetables. Without effective storage system, farmers cannot consolidate their produce and manage demand-supply opportunities properly. That is why oftentimes, there is too much supply...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2018 - Lao Farmer Network

Farmers’ Organizations in Africa

Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP)
The Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP): Main phase (2013 - 2018) is a continental programme which strengthens the institutional capacities, policy engagement and engagement of value chains of African farmers’ organizations (FOs). The programme supports the 5 regional networks of African FOs (EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, SACAU and UMNAGRI),...
2018 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

State of Land in the Mekong Region

The Mekong region has undergone rapid socio-economic growth over the past two decades alongside pronounced transformations in a number of key sectors and relations between the rural majority and increasingly-affluent urban centres. Land—as both a foundation for national development and the livelihood basis for millions of rural and agricultural households—continues...
Cambodia - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Myanmar - Thailand - Viet Nam
2018 - Centre for Development and Environment

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Política de Agricultura Familiar Campesina, Indígena y Afrodescendiente Regional 2018 – 2030 PAFCIA

La Política de Agricultura Familiar campesina, indígena y afrodescendiente PAFCIA, es un instrumento estratégico, con visión de futuro para la toma de decisiones y para dar marco a los procesos de dialogo e incidencia política y técnica, así como para desarrollar y consolidar un modelo productivo diversificado, incluyente y territorializado.  La...
2018 - Diálogo Regional Rural

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية

A public consultation has been launched to participate in the elaboration of the Action Plan for the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028
  On October 18th, 2018, an important meeting of the World Coordination Committee of the IYFF + 10 (WCC), the International Committee that led the civil society campaign for the declaration of the Decade of Family Farming, took place in Rome. The WCC is composed by representatives of the organizations ROPPA,...
2018 - WRF

Instalaciones porcinas Orientado al pequeño y mediano productor del NEA y NOA

Uno de los aspectos que ha evolucionado mucho técnico e industrialmente han sido las instalaciones, referido a diseños y equipamientos – En este marco, la evolución mundial de a robótica, la ingeniería industrial, la ingeniería electrónica, la ingeniería hidráulica, la parición de sensores, la existencia de chips y poder contar...
2018 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuario Centro Regional Chaco - Formosa

Grape Mundo: an ecosystem for grape farming

“Grape Mundo” is a technology ecosystem that guides grape farmers to do precision and sustainable grape farming to produce high-quality grapes using minimum chemicals, thus lowering the cost. This ecosystem also helps grape farmers sell export quality and residue-free grapes across a huge PAN India market, without any involvement of...
2018 - Rta Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Brasil y Colombia en misión por la agricultura familiar

Se presentan los principales hechos de la visita de una delegación brasilera a Colombia para avanzar en la construcción y formulación del marco conceptual para formular un proyecto de cooperación entre ambos países en Agricultura Familiar. Como insumo de información técnica se destacó el documento «Criterios Generales para la Agricultura Familiar»...
2018 - Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA)

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Public food procurement from smallholder farmers

Literature review and good practices
This publication addresses some of the research gaps in the area of smallholder participation in public food procurement. It identifies good practices, reviews the global body of available literature and draws lessons learned. The findings of this paper have informed the Guidance Note on Public Food Procurement and can assist...
2018 - International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)

Prácticas pre-profesionales en el Tambo. Novedades sobre los sistemas de crianza artificial

Los estudiantes avanzados en la carrera de agronomía de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (FCA-UNR), participaron en una Práctica Pre-Profesional denominada “Seguimiento, evaluación y toma de decisiones en la crianza de un módulo de producción lechero” bajo la dirección y coordinación de la Ingeniera...
2018 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Rosario

L'atelier paysan: a network for farmer-driven technologies and practices

Small-scale agroecological and organic farming systems require appropriate machinery and technologies, and a change of paradigm in the way they are conceived, produced, sold and patented. The mainstream agricultural model has led to machines that are getting increasingly bigger and more expensive and complicated, and thus inaccessible for many farmers...
2018 - L’Atelier Paysan

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
Using seasonal forecasts to support farmer adaptation to climate risks

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 14
The brief uses a unique set of data from Zambia collected from smallholders before and after the 2015/2016 ENSO event, which was widely anticipated by regional and global forecast services to contribute to dry conditions in southern Zambia and an overall shorter growing season. Three findings emerge from the analysis....
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:3257