Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Journal article
How do social movements shape organic food markets? Comparing the construction and institutionalization of Participatory Guarantee Systems in Brazil and France

Social movements have become central actors in the battles that are re-framing contemporary food markets in a variety of organizational and institutional configurations. With the aim of understand this process, this article contrasts the experiences of Nature & Progrès (France) and Ecovida Agroecology Network (Brazil). These movements are changing organic...
Brazil - France
2018 - Universidad Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul

Acheter local, bio et de saison : un acte politique

Comment court-circuiter le modèle classique de distribution alimentaire ? En implantant des circuits courts, répondent les citoyens et les paysans convaincus de la portée politique que représente l’acte de manger. Échange entre Aimée Serve-Gorce, arboricultrice bio, Marion Tournand-Ponson, d’AlterConso, Thibaut Duez, de l’épicerie lyonnaise De l’autre côté de la rue, Geneviève...

Technical paper
Les petites exploitations agricoles françaises

Dans les années 60, les politiques publiques ont cherché à faire diminuer drastiquement le nombre de petites exploitations agricoles (EA). Et pourtant, aujourd’hui elles, sont toujours présentes dans le paysage agricole européen et français. La persistance des petites EA questionne : ces EA ont-elles développé des stratégies économiques qui les...
2017 - Unité de recherche Laboratoire Montpelliérain d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée (LAMETA)

Prospect on prescribed burning development in France

International Congres on Prospect on prescribed Fires
2017 - INRA

Blog article
Farmers target growth through direct sales and short supply chains

Farmers in France are seeking growth through direct sales, short supply chains and local agriculture, targeting a burgeoning market in local produce. In 2014, a study on French citizens and local consumption found that 75% of people wanted to buy more products from their local area. Short supply chains are reassuring...
2017 - EurActiv

Concours Vidéo EAThink - 2017

Spots-vidéos reçus lors du concours national de vidéo "Cuisine et Interdépendance" organisé dans le cadre du projet EAThink, par le Réseau International Urgenci. Action réalisée avec le soutien de l'Union européenne, la Région Normandie, l'Académie de Caen et la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer.
2017 - EAThink

Blog article
Inspirational ideas: From great soil comes great food – a farmers’ story

Andy Cato is a farmer who combines modern animal traction, beef cattle and crops on his farm in the Southwest of France. He shared the story of his experiments to improve his soil and his farm’s productivity, finding ways to limit tillage in the context of organic agroforestry production with...
2017 - Eip Agri

Blue Hope Tuna

LIFE members, staff and scientists explain current challenges and future opportunities to give the right to fish Bluefin Tuna back to small-scale fishing communities. Small-scale fishers play a vital role for coastal communities. For centuries they fished for Bluefin tuna, which provided a significant seasonal source of income for them. Since...
France - Malta - Spain
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Magazine article
How the municipality of Alzen quadrupled its population in 40 years

On April 6th, 2017, Euromontana’s team and members of the South-West Europe Circular Economy Group visited Alzen, a village in the Pyrenées Ariégeoises, in the south-west of France. Alzen has managed to become an attractive destination for new inhabitants, including young people. Indeed, in 40 years, Alzen quadrupled its population....
2017 - Euromontana

Manifeste Jeunes Agriculteurs. Pour une ambition agricole française qui défende un modèle agricole de type familial.

Avec 7 emplois induits par exploitation, l'agriculture est un secteur économique majeur en France. Elle contribue à l'économie nationale, mais aussi au maintien d'un tissu économique local sur l'ensemble des territoires. Pourtant, trop souvent, les actions politiques dans le domaine agricole ont manqué d'un cap clairement défini et clairement affiché....
2017 - Jeunes Agriculteurs

Magazine article
Free Agriculture. When Open source Meets Agricultural Tools

Are the founding principles of open source – the ability to share, distribute, modify and reproduce information – transferable to agriculture? If in the computer field, free software is now a reality, this paper examines whether and how agricultural tools can be created and disseminated through ‘free’ processes. We look...

Journal article
Une expertise scientifique collective analyse les rôles, impacts et services issus des élevages en Europe

L'élevage est un secteur majeur pour l'économie des territoires et structure les paysages ruraux en Europe. Mais il fait aussi l'objet de controverses (dommages environnementaux, bien-être animal...). Un très riche travail de synthèse des connaissances a été conduit dans le cadre d'une expertise collective, dont une synthèse est ici présentée....
2017 - AFPF

Blog article
Inspirational ideas: Setting up short wood supply chains using hedgerows

Roadside and farmland hedgerows in Normandy (France) were disappearing. Local inhabitants wanted to preserve this traditional landscape feature. So they decided to generate an economic value for the hedgerows and set up a short wood supply chain. Involving all local groups in this was essential.
2017 - EIP Agri

Blog article
How the “Centrales Villageoises” in France enhance collective renewable energy production in rural and mountainous areas

The Centrales Villageoises (“Village Centers”, in English) are local companies aiming at developing renewable and sustainable energies in rural and mountain territories in France by involving citizens, local communities and businesses.
2017 - SIMRA

Blog article
Inspirational ideas: Mixed farming in the Aveyron river basin

In the Aveyron river basin (France), the low-lying, fertile lands are usually used for monocultures, and the higher, less fertile areas for livestock. Recently, a research project has led to the construction of a scenario in which crop farmers would introduce alfalfa into their rotations, in response to more frequently...
2017 - Eip Agri Agriculture&Innovation

Learning Journey on LSPA in Lebanon

Learning Journey on Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers in Lebanon, November 22-25, 2017
Urgenci, the international network of Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers (LSPA) and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). As part of the 3-year mutual commitment, the Mediterranean network, including members...
Algeria - Egypt - France - Greece - Italy - Jordan - Lebanon - Palestine - Tunisia - Türkiye
2017 - Urgenci

Learning journey to Lebanon

Between November 22 - 25, 2017 Lebanon hosted the 2nd Learning Journey on LSPA: Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agro-ecology between producers and consumers. Around 20 facilitators from 11 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria) participated and shared their experiences through meetings and site...
Algeria - Egypt - France - Greece - Italy - Jordan - Lebanon - Palestine - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Türkiye
2017 - Urgenci

Future farmers in Europe

"Go for it. Choose the rural alternative. Reclaim the fields!" All around Europe, young urban people with no agricultural background decide to start a farm, often using principles of agroecology and community supported agriculture. Despite the many difficulties these new farmers face, their practices are innovative, viable and sustainable. Representing...
France - Germany - Ireland - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2017 - Cultivate!

Fact sheet
New Entrants with no Farming Background

Generational renewal on farms addresses both farm succession and set up. This trend has been researched through a LEADER-funded project with the title “Creation of farming activity by entrepreneurs outside the family framework: specific needs, levers of action, complementarity between the different support tools” implemented in France by the Jeunes...
2017 - ENRD

INVESTING in France's agriculture 2014-2020

In the period to 2020, the new CAP will invest about EUR 63 billion1 in France's farming sector and rural areas. Key political priorities have been defined at European level such as: jobs and growth, sustainability, modernisation, innovation and quality. At the same time, France has flexibility to adapt both...
2016 - European Commission
Total results:176
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