Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Case study
The power of women’s networks for agroecology in India

Commercial, industrialised agriculture has made women farmers invisible in much of the Global South. India is no exception. This is changing with India’s Zero Budget Natural Farming practices (now more often referred to as Community Managed Natural Farming), which are being used by nearly a million smallholder farmers. Women, with little...
2020 - Farming Matters

Magazine article
Nuevas amenazas para la fruticultura del sur de Santa Fe: (Matsumura),“mosca de las alas manchadas” y (Gupta),“mosca africana del higo” (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Drosophila suzukii Zaprionus indianus

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), conocida comúnmente como “mosca de las alas manchadas” o “mosca del vinagre”, es una plaga endémica del sudeste asiático, que se ha expandido rápidamente en Europa, Norteamérica y Sudamérica (CABI, 2016) debido a su gran capacidad de dispersión y adaptación a diferentes condiciones ambientales. En...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Food Heros: Kakani's story

In India, a grassroots movement focused on agroecological farming is spreading fast. In Karnataka's southern state, the natural farming methods were adopted first by tens, hundreds, and now hundreds of thousands of farmers across India. So, what is so special about it? The natural methods have spread with support from the...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity

This article published in The Conversation describes the inextricable linkage between the crisis of biodiversity loss and the loss of indigenous cultures. From animals to insects and plants, biodiversity loss cannot be effectively addressed without tackling the rapid disappearance of indigenous cultures.  According to the author, indigenous peoples have conserved biodiversity for millennia. They have created much...
2020 - The Conversation

Promoting Organic Agricultural Practices

The presentation for the workshop “Pesticides, Agriculture and Food: Multiple and Growing concerns in Cambodia”, 28th of November 2019

Towards a Long-Term Vision for Mountains’ Rural Areas

The European Commission is expected to publish its communication on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas during the first semester 2021. The Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas is coordinated by Vice-President Dubravka Šuica, European Commissioner for Democracy & Demography. Janusz Wojciechowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture, and Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for...
European Union
2020 - Euromontana: the European Association for Mountain Areas

Call for case studies on initiatives that enhance the livelihoods of small-scale food producer youth under a changing climate

As part of FAO’s "Boosting Koronivia" project supporting the negotiation process under the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, FAO is planning to publish a collection of case studies to showcase proactive solutions taken to support and strengthen the livelihoods of small-scale food producer youth under a changing climate. These include sustainable practices and measures that create...
2020 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Farming Smarter The Case for Agroecological Enterprise

Farming Smarter is intended as an overview of the thinking and principles behind agroecological approaches to agriculture and land management. It explores the economic argument for regenerative farming and confirms that there is no need for a trade-off between profit and nature in an agroecological system. The report reinforces the view that...
2020 - Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

Conference proceedings
Advancing agroecology and farmer managed seed systems in Limpopo

At a dialogue on farmer-managed seed systems and agroecology, held in Acornhoek, Limpopo on 20-22 January 2020, farmers and support organisations made clear that they want to see more government and policy support for agroecology and farmer-managed seed systems, that they will work together to engage government in this direction,...
South Africa
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Blog article
Trying it yourself

Helping to write a script for a farmer training video on vermiwash triggered my interest in trying it out myself, as I began to wonder if ideas from tropical India could work in temperate Belgium.
Belgium - India
2020 - Access Agriculture

A Film to Promote Sustainable Food System Practices

This is a film produced by ICENECDEV(International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development) to promote sustainable Food System in the Mount Cameroon Forest Region through Tradition/Indigenous Knowledge, Agroecology and Natural Farming Practices in providing healthy Food to Healthy People. This film is produced to promote cultural and traditional practices...
2020 - International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV )

Saúde e comida de verdade em tempos de coronavirus

Diversas têm sido as estratégias de comercialização e abastecimento alimentar adotadas por organizações da agricultura familiar. Algumas delas em diálogo com órgãos de saúde dos estados e municípios. O objetivo é garantir circuitos curtos de comercialização, cuidando da saúde de todas e todos nós e, também, mantendo a renda de...
2020 - Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA)

Uncle Wiz Farm: organic indigenous produce

Uncle Wiz is a shining example of a thriving smallscale farming and food distribution business that not only farms without chemicals but also focuses on and promotes indigenous food crops. Owners Wisdom and Mpumi Edward live in south Johannesburg and farm on land in Vanderbijlpark. Not only do they grow...
South Africa
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Enabling sustainable food systems - innovators' handbook

Sustainable food systems are fundamental to ensuring that future generations are food secure and eat healthy diets. Many food system activities must be reconstructed to transition towards sustainability, and myriad actors worldwide are starting to act locally. While some changes are more comfortable than others, knowing how to navigate them...
2020 - the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment

Preparación de Almácigos

Diego Machuca, ingeniero agrónomo y encargado de la Unidad Productiva Agroecológica de centro Ceres, nos entrega una serie de recomendaciones para desarrollar en nuestras casas una almaciguera ¡Míralo y celebra con nosotros la curiosidad! #FECI2020#CienciaPública#ExploraValpo
2020 - Centro Regional de Investigación e Innovación para la Sostenibilidad y Los Territorios Rurales (CERES) de la Agricultura

The Haller Farmers App - improving the lives of millions of smallholder farmers

The Haller Foundation is a UK based charity that was set up in order to educate rural farmers in East Africa on sustainable pioneering farming techniques to maximise their food production and to help build self-sustaining communities. Since our launch back in 2004, we have worked with over 25,000 people...
2020 - The Haller Foundation

Cambio climático y coyuntura 2020, reflexiones y respuestas

La situación de emergencia por la enfermedad covid-19 ha retrasado el proceso editorial, ya que algunos artículos llegaron tarde y el mismo equipo editorial de LEISA está limitado a actuar solo remotamente. También consideramos que las muchas circunstancias de esta condición de salud, que afecta a la mayoría de los...
2020 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes .

#IGrowYourFood - Meet Muhammad, an organic farmer from Pakistan

I want to tell the whole world to switch to organic farming. There is nothing to fear and you will find it highly beneficial.” Meet Muhammad, a farmer from Pakistan who has been farming organically for many years now
2020 - IFOAM - Organics International

Impact of COVID-19 on small holder farmers in Laos

A video about the Impact of COVID-19 on small holder farmers in Laos
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2020 - Asia Pacific Farmers

¿Qué agroecología necesitamos?

¿Sabemos cómo se producen los alimentos que consumimos diariamente? La agroecología es una propuesta que nace en los ‘80 como respuesta a los estragos provocados por la agricultura industrial, que se centraba en monocultivos y uso intensivo de agrotóxicos. Hoy en día, algunas corporaciones se están apropiando de la palabra...
2020 - Biodiversidadla
Total results:4103