Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Case study
Factors affecting smallholder farmers’ adoption of soil and water conservation practices in Zambia

Land and water for agriculture are scarce natural resources hence the promotion of good land management has taken center stage in Zambia. This study attempts to measure the factors that could be associated with the adoption of conservation farming practices considering that farmers have multiple practices to choose from and...
2004 - Michigan State University

Journal article
Soil fertility management and insect pests: harmonizing soil and plant health in agroecosystems

Cultural methods such as crop fertilization can affect susceptibility of plants to insect pests by altering plant tissue nutrient levels. Research shows that the ability of a crop plant to resist or tolerate insect pests and diseases is tied to optimal physical, chemical and mainly biological properties of soils. Soils...
2003 - Elsevier Science B.V

Zero tillage development in tropical Brazil

The story of a succesful NGO activity
Zero Tillage is the main element among several that make up what FAO terms Conservation Agriculture (CA). Although CA uses some specific practices, and may also use external inputs, it is in essence an agricultural concept that conserves and enhances soil fertility, improves the availability of soil moisture, and increases...
2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Conversion of Farms in the City Community of Ljubljana to Organic Agriculture

The project ‘Conversion of farms in the city community of Ljubljana to organic agriculture' started in the year 1998. The main aim of the programme is to stimulate the farmers in the community of Ljubljana to convert to organic farming and offer them relevant advisory services. Our Institute provides the...
1999 - Institute of Sustainable Development
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