Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the roundtable on voluntary standards and schemes for specific quality products

ZATAC was requested by FAO to identify participants from Africa and facilitate a 3 day roundtable meeting on voluntary standards and schemes for specific quality products. The aim of the roundtable was to consult with key stakeholders and build consensus on intervention strategies related to voluntary standards and schemes for...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Sustainable inclusion of smallholders in the emerging high quality cassava flour value chains in Africa

Challenges for agricultural extension services
Based on the premise that smallholders often get excluded as markets become more commercial, this paper draws lessons from the Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA) Project by exploring the main issues and challenges facing extension service partners in five African countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi). These lessons...
Ghana - Malawi - Nigeria - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania

Knowledge Share Fair in Niger, a new sharing experience

Dimitra Newsletter 19 highlights FAO’s strong interest in the exchange and capitalisation of good agricultural practices and in the methods that enable rural populations to access information and communication. The Knowledge Management and Gender programme, which organised a Knowledge Share Fair in Niamey in June 2010, illustrates the innovative methods...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Niger - Uganda
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Milk processing technologies for small-scale producers

This Technical Bulletin is the third in a series produced by the Women's Livelihoods and Dairy Goat Project being implemented in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This IFAD-funded project aims to improve rural livelihoods in marginal, conflict and post-conflict areas of the two countries. There are large numbers of small-scale livestock keepers...
Afghanistan - Pakistan
2009 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Hygienic milk processing: clean environment, clean utensils

This Technical Bulletin is the first in a series produced by the Women's Livelihoods and Dairy Goat Project being implemented in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This IFAD-funded project aims to improve rural livelihoods in marginal, conflict and post-conflict areas of the two countries. Hygienic milk production, handling and processing are key...
Afghanistan - Pakistan
2009 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Riego en horticultura

Guía para la instalación de Pequeños Sistemas de Riego
Esta Guía tiene por objeto posibilitar a técnicos vinculados al sector, el cálculo, diseño e instalación de pequeños sistemas de riego.
2009 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Working paper
A guide to upgrading rural agricultural retail markets

This Working Document provides practical guidelines for upgrading agricultural retail markets in rural areas and analyses the strategic potential of upgrading as an important component of rural development. This document presents methodological steps for the design and implementation of appropriate programmes, rather than a single model to replicate. The objective is to propose...
Bangladesh - Ethiopia
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bridging the gap

FAO’s programme for gender equality in agriculture and rural development
Today, the spectre of hunger has returned to many developing countries. The number of undernourished people has risen above one billion, or one sixth of humanity. The international community faces other daunting challenges, including the global economic downturn, plummeting levels of trade and investment, growing scarcity of natural resources, and the...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

El empleo de las mujeres rurales

Lo que dicen las cifras
El presente estudio pone de relieve las trabas existentes para una mayor incorporación de las mujeres al mundo del trabajo: una estructura productiva que no crea suficientes empleos de buena calidad para ellas –y tampoco para los hombres– y una población femenina envejecida y con muy bajos niveles de calificación....
2009 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Working paper
Rural women producers and cooperatives in conflicts settings in the Arab States

Ongoing violent conflicts accentuate the challenges that women and men face in the rural areas of Iraq, Lebanon, and the occupied Palestinian territories. The potential of cooperatives for sharing risk, pooling resources, learning together, generating income, and balancing work and family responsibilities, has yet to be actualized. Cooperatives in the...
Iraq - Lebanon - Palestine
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Role of livestock projects in empowering women smallholder farmers for sustainable food security in rural Kenya

Women are a major human resource and assure adequate nutrition, health and cognitive development of their households and children in their formative years. However, women are over-represented among the poor, suffer heavy workloads and have little control over resources for family care. Poverty and food insecurity are enhanced by lack...

Igualdad de género en la agricultura familiar del MERCOSUR

El caso de la Red Andina de Productores de Quinua
A mediados de la década de los ochenta, los derechos de las mujeres rurales emergen en la agenda regional. La denuncia de los movimientos sociales y la gradual profundización de la participación de las mujeres en la elaboración de alternativas políticas, sociales y económicas propiciaron transformaciones en las políticas públicas...
2009 - Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)

Conference proceedings
Profit Making for Smallholder Farmers

Participants in the workshop shared experiences from nine projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. All projects had a common objective: to add value to an agricultural product and link smallholder farmers to profitable markets in a lasting way. The commodities included bulb onions in Kenya and Tanzania; fresh fruits in...
Kenya - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2009 - Food and Agricultural Research Management (FARM)

Política nacional de desarrollo rural integral

La Política Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Integral que aquí se presenta, es el fruto del trabajo de varios meses de diálogo, así como de formulación y discusión de propuestas entre gobierno y organizaciones sociales, en el marco del proceso establecido el 30 de abril de 2008 con la oficialización e...
2009 - Gabinete de Desarrollo Rural Integral del Gobierno de Guatemala

Working paper
Can a market-assisted land redistribution program improve the lives of the poor?

Evidence from Malawi
This paper uses a rural household survey dataset collected in 2006 and 2008 to investigate the impact of a market-based land resettlement project in southern Malawi. The program provided a conditional cash and land transfer to poor families to relocate to larger plots of farm land. The average treatment effect...
2009 - World Bank

Las Explotaciones Agropecuarias Familiares en la República Argentina

Un análisis a partir de los datos del Censo Nacional Agropecuario 2002
Con este trabajo se da continuidad al trabajo Los pequeños productores en la República Argentina, desarrollado en el marco de un acuerdo entre el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca (en aquel momento, Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentos) y el IICA. Continuando los lineamientos metodológicos de dicho estudio,...
2009 - Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Subsecretaría de Agricultura Familiar, PROINDER

Technical paper
Wage inequality in international perspective

Effects of location, sector, and gender
This paper uses the well-known Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique to understand the determinants of wage-gaps between men and women, between urban and rural workers, and between those employed in the rural agricultural versus the rural non-agricultural sectors, for the 14 developing and transition economies in the RIGA-L dataset. The unexplained male...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Women and natural resources in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a beautiful country with a rich history. Today it faces enormous challenges. Afghanistan’s terrain is mountainous, dry, and subject to extreme droughts and devastating floods. Decades of conflict coupled with abuse, overexploitation and mismanagement of its natural resources have decimated its forests, degraded its rangelands and wetlands, and...
2009 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Dimitra Newsletter: Communicating gender for development

At the end of 2009, despite the international commitments made to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, over a billion people are going hungry and 70% of those women and men who suffer from hunger live in rural areas. These alarming results inevitably raise questions as to the effectiveness of the...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Morocco - Niger
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: New Listeners’ Clubs in Katanga

Welcome to Dimitra Newsletter No. 16! This issue is devoted – as all our newsletters are – to the empowerment of women and men living in rural areas. FAO’s efforts in the Great Lakes Region highlight the fact that Farmer Field Schools can be instrumental in addressing a range of...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Kenya - Senegal - Uganda
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:2172