Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Journal article
Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: BULGARIA

Permanent pastures are therein defined as utilized agricultural area used permanently for 5 or more years through cultivation (sowing) of grass fodder crops or through natural regeneration and is not included in the farm crop rotation. This area can be used for either grazing or mowing. All grass species that...
2009 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Journal article
Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: ESTONIA

Estonia falls into the Nemoral and Boreal biogeographical zones – regions naturally dominated by coniferous forests, with extensive mires. Farmers in at least certain parts in Estonia, as in other countries in these zones, traditionally made use of all the possible forage resources available to them to tide their animals...
2009 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Journal article
Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: FRANCE

Proposing a coherent and unified definition of permanent pastures in France is not easy in the detail neither from technical nor from administrative point of view. Starting from usual and specialised dictionaries, the definition of a “pasture” shows a certain blur between a general definition in which a pasture is...
2009 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Journal article
Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: NORTHERN IRELAND

The cross-compliance booklet for Northern Ireland states “Permanent pasture is defined as permanent grassland which is over five years old which has been declared on the Area Aid application in 2003. Land which has been ploughed and reseeded within the same year may be defined as permanent pasture”.
2009 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Journal article
Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: SCOTLAND

Permanent pastures (PP) of various types dominate the Scottish agricultural landscape. Recent census-based statistics show that permanent pastures in the widest sense account for 82% of Scotland’s farmland, making up an estimated 75% of all land claimed in IACS.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2009 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Journal article
Permanent Pastures and Meadows under the CAP: SWEDEN

Sweden has a tradition of managing semi-natural pastures with a relatively high amount of trees and bushes. Some of the typical habitats also have low fodder value, but it is often not correlated with tree density. These pastures are mainly alvar grazing (habitat type 6280, Nordic alvar and Pre-Cambrian calcareous...
2009 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Journal article
Agroecology as a science, a movement and a practice. A review

Agroecology involves various approaches to solve actual challenges of agricultural production. Though agroecology initially dealt primarily with crop production and protection aspects, in recent decades new dimensions such as environmental, social, economic, ethical and development issues are becoming relevant. Today, the term ‘agroecology’ means either a scientific discipline, agricultural practice,...
Brazil - France - Germany - United States of America
2009 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Working paper
Mountain Areas / Mountain farming

This paper provides a summary of the results of an analytical review of EU Member States support for mountain areas under EAFRD (2007-2013). The analysis was conducted by the ENRD Contact Point. The main purpose of the review was to provide an overview of the different RD support measures available...
2009 - European Network of Rural Development

Working paper
Peak Performance - New Insights into Mountain Farming in the European Union

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was the first policy to specifically address mountain regions at European level, through Directive 75/268/EEC on mountain and hill-farming in less favoured areas (LFAs). Since 1975, the CAP instruments promoting the sustainable development of mountain agriculture and the well-being of mountain rural areas have significantly...
2009 - European Commission: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Direct sale as a means for promoting the sustainable use of plant genetic resources: the case of the Tuscany Region

Similarly to other Northern countries, Italy has witnessed a growth in recent years of forms of direct sale of agri-food products. These so-called short supply chains often open new opportunities for the development and conservation of rural areas which are not merely economic in nature. The case study described here...

Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture (SEEAG)

SEEAG's Mission is to educate children about the farm sources of their food from  field-to-table while connecting them to the farmland in their own backyard.

What means adapting to wolf reappearance for sheep farmers in French Southern Alps?

Wolves have been coming back for several years in the southern French Alps. In two valleys of the Mercantour national park, they have been present for 15 years. Sheep farmers have to adapt their farming systems to this presence. We carried out surveys among the sheep farmers i) to describe...

Land and cattle, a farmers wealth

Farming in the area of Maramureş has created a land of impressive scenery and rich cultural heritage. The unique patchwork of forests, orchards, wetlands and grasslands forms the second largest protected area in Romania. This is a semi-natural landscape, the result of a long tradition of traditional farming and shepherding,...
2008 - WWF

Minimum food hygiene and food safety conditions for small producers

How the small producer can continue to work and prosper within the rules of the European Union
Small producers, who sell their own products from their own farms, have been making and selling their products for many generations. They believe in the health of their products. But in certain cases, production and storage conditions can lead to serious food poisoning, even though the producer/seller who eats the...
2008 - ADEPT Fundation

Recognising the importance of South East European landscapes

FINAL SUMMARY REPORT (Bulgaria & Romania)
This report is produced as part of collaboration between the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) and WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme (WWFDCP). Both organisations recognise the importance of certain farming systems for nature conservation. Between 2006 and 2008 a project was executed aiming at finding out at a local...
Bulgaria - Romania
2008 - WWF Danube-Carpathian Programm

Technical paper
Organic farming in the Mediterranean

Towards further development
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB) has initiated since 1999 data collection on the organic sector in the Mediterranean area. Since 2005 a separate chapter in « The World of Organic Agriculture » has been dedicated to the Mediterranean area, and IAMB has committed itself to supporting the global...
Egypt - Jordan - Lebanon - Syrian Arab Republic
2008 - The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB)

Journal article
Producción integrada. Una estrategia de tránsito hacia sistemas más sostenibles.

La producción integrada, puede servir en los ambientes agrarios mediterráneos, como una estrategia de punto de partida, para una transición agroecológica. Esta transición tiene que abordar importantes retos: recuperar los suelos agrarios deteriorados; mejorar la calidad de las aguas de riego; utilizar variedades adaptadas a las condiciones atmosféricas mediterráneas, especialmente...
2007 - Revista Ecosistemas

Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries in Europe

The necessity of improving knowledge in fisheries and especially small-scale coastal fisheries in order to analyze the conditions for their sustainable development is increasingly recognized. The three main requirements for the sustainable development of fisheries are the simultaneous present and future well-being of the bio-ecological system, the human system and...

Newsletter article
The Rural Movements of Europe An Overview

The rural movements that have developed in Europe over the last 30 years represent an organised approach to providing a network and voice for rural areas, their people and the many organisations working for rural development. Faced with many threats of rural decline, centralising policy, globalisation of markets and European...

Needs Assessment for Information and Communication Capacity Building in the National Agriculture Research Systems with Particular Emphasis on Ecological and Organic Agricultural Production in Bulgaria, Serbia and Kosovo

The objective of this study, commissioned by the FAO Regional Office for Europe and SDRR, is to analyse the status of and future needs for information and communication systems of private and government organizations in the national agricultural research system and its relevant partners with respect to agro-ecological and organic...
Bulgaria - Serbia
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:2298