Family Farming Knowledge Platform


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Dimitra Newsletter: New Listeners’ Clubs in Katanga

Welcome to Dimitra Newsletter No. 16! This issue is devoted – as all our newsletters are – to the empowerment of women and men living in rural areas. FAO’s efforts in the Great Lakes Region highlight the fact that Farmer Field Schools can be instrumental in addressing a range of...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Kenya - Senegal - Uganda
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: Rural radios and participatory communication

Among the experiences shared in this newsletter, we would like to focus on Dimitra and its partners’ work in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the field of rural radio and participatory communication. A rural radio and listeners’ club project, conducted in South Kivu province with SAMWAKI and GTZ-Santé, is...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Uganda
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical paper
Rural Income Generating Activities

Whatever Happened to the Institutional Vacuum? Evidence from Ghana, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Vietnam
This paper assesses the current rural development practice against the main trends in recent rural development thinking, based on evidence from four country case studies. While much progress has been made in understanding the need to look beyond only agriculture for the promotion of productive activities in rural areas, and...
Ghana - Guatemala - Nicaragua - Viet Nam
2008 - World Bank

Case study
Conservation Agriculture in Africa

Conservation agriculture as practised in Ghana
This case study presents the status of conservation agriculture in Ghana. It is one in a series of eight case studies about conservation agriculture in Africa, which were developed within the framework of collaboration between CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
2007 - African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), Centre de Coopération Internationale de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical paper
Defining smallholders agriculture in Ghana

Who are smallholders, what do they do and how are they linked with markets?
Smallholders in Ghana, as elsewhere, are widely considered to be the largest as well as the most vulnerable component of the rural sector. Ghana professes national development objectives of reducing rural poverty through the increased productivity and commercialization of smallholder agriculture. As a starting point for more detailed discussion of...
2007 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Policy brief/paper
Impact of EU’s agricultural trade policy on smallholders in Africa

IMF and World Bank liberalisation policies have had an uncertain impact on African economies and their agricultural sector. Despite some improved macro-economic data these liberalisation measures had a negative impact on smallholder farmers and their right to food. The shift in the EU-ACP partnership during the 1990s away from preferential...
Ghana - Uganda - Zambia
2007 - Germanwatch e.V

Technical paper
Women farmers’ productivity in sub-Saharan Africa

The need to focus on women farmers' productivity, which can be an effective engine for social change, has become increasingly clear in sub-Saharan Africa. Women have a significant role in farming and post-harvest activities in most countries in the region. Nevertheless, a complex set of rights and obligations reflecting social...
Burkina Faso - Ghana - Kenya - Malawi - Nigeria - Sierra Leone - Sudan - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2007 - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Dimitra Newsletter: The dynamics of women’s networks

This is the 11th Dimitra newsletter. Our last edition was replaced by the distribution of the Dimitra CD-ROM. Many of you took time to return the short survey we enclosed with it and we would like to thank you for this valuable feedback. We have also received numerous messages telling...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Namibia - Niger - Senegal
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical paper
Contribution of farm power to smallholder livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa

Rural livelihoods in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa are under considerable stress. Economies and the political environment are experiencing a period of significant transformation, and poverty is endemic. Agriculture remains at the core of rural livelihoods and farm power (from human, draught animal and tractor sources) is a crucial input...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Malawi - Nigeria - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical paper
Strengthening farm-agribusiness linkages in Africa

Summary results of five country studies in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa
Over the past decade, Africa and other developing regions have been in the midst of tremendous changes. Market liberalisation and governmental decentralisation policies have interfaced with globalisation and urbanisation trends to dramatically transform social, political, economic and cultural lives. Agriculture can no longer remain behind-serving only to meet subsistence food...
Ghana - Kenya - Nigeria - South Africa - Uganda
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

People, land management and environmental change (PLEC)

The People, Land Management and Environmental Change (PLEC) project is a largely farmer-driven demonstration project consisting of five ecosystem clusters and spread over eight countries: Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, China, Papua New Guinea and Brazil. PLEC was initiated in 1992 by the United Nations University (UNU) as an international...
Brazil - China - Ghana - Guinea - Papua New Guinea - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2003 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Conversations: A Trialogue on Power, Intervention, and Organization in Fisheries

In the winter of October 1999, as part of a programme of ICSF, three persons converged on the Treasure Guest House in Accra, Ghana. They came from three very distinct parts of the world, each bringing along a different baggage of culture and upbringing. What they shared, however, was a...
2002 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Dimitra Newsletter: Centre de Recherches, d’Etudes, de Documentation et d’Information sur la Femme

In this issue, we conclude with the last two presentations of our local partners with a description of CREDIF, covering North Africa, and of POSDEV, covering a number of countries in West Africa. Ruth Ochieng, from Isis-WICCE in Uganda, presents the work undertaken by her organisation, which strives to empower...
Ghana - Malawi - Tunisia - Zimbabwe
2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dimitra Newsletter: Proposals for the Future

In the present issue, a large proportion of the columns will be been devoted to the Reflection and Self-Evaluation Workshop held in Brussels on 16-18 October with the partners of the Dimitra Project. We hand over to the partners, who have drawn up two documents on the proceedings of the...
Algeria - Ghana - Kenya - Senegal - Uganda
2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Nature et Faune: Wildlife and Protected Areas management and natural resources conservation (Vol 7,No.2)

"Nature et Faune" is a quarterly international publication dedicated to the exchange of information and scientific data on wildlife and protected areas management and conservation of natural resources on the African continent. The current issue of "Nature et Faune" covers the outcome of a study carried out for FAO on...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana
1991 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Nature et Faune: Wildlife and Protected Areas management and natural resources conservation (Vol 7,No.3)

"Nature et Faune" is a quarterly international publication dedicated to the exchange of information and scientific data on wildlife and protected areas management and conservation of natural resources on the African continent. Within the context of its information and training programme on Wildlife management, FAO, in conjunction with the University...
Benin - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Ghana
1991 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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