Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Rice Diversity in Asian Bowls

One of the most important staple foods, rice, is agronomically- and nutritionally-sound and provides the calories needed by around half the world’s population. There is an urgent need to take all necessary actions to produce rice in a sustainable manner in order to fulfil the future demand for food that...
2023 - Thanal AgroEcology Centre

Biodiversity in Soil

Soil is our lifeline. It sustains life with a variety of foods, holds and filters water to provide us with clean and safe potable water and maintains ecological balance by storing carbon. But there is so much to understand about soil and how it works. Agroecology is a holistic approach...
2023 - Khoj – Society for People’s Education

Policy brief/paper
Agrobiodiversity — the way to save earth’s skin

Humans depend on a thin planetary ‘skin’ made up of life in all its diversity: biodiversity. Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate is therefore critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest (April 2023)

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more.
2023 - Family Farming Knowledge Platform FFKP

Blog article
Exploring agroecological farming in Karnali, western Nepal

We met Dal Bahadur Kandel, a farmer in Sundwari village, during an ICIMOD/GRAPE team visit to Karnali Province, western Nepal, in November 2022. Kandel gave us a tour of his traditional farm, a 2,500-m2 property around his home. He showed us the different crops he was cultivating – gourds, melons, cauliflower,...
2023 - nternational Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

Harnessing innovation to reduce food loss and waste in germinated brown rice production in Thailand

Reducing food loss increases both food supply and income. This was the case in Thailand, thanks to some simple technical innovations in germinated brown rice processing. A Japanese-funded project brought together FAO, The Thai government and Mahidol University to explore ways in which to reduce food waste in micro-, small...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

LEISA India - Millet farming systems – March 2023 – Issue 25.1

Millets have finally arrived on the global scene. With 2023 being declared as the International Year of Millets, by the United Nations, the spotlight is on millets. While half a billion people across the globe consume millets as a traditional food, it has taken decades, for it to get its...
2023 - Leisa India is published quarterly by AME Foundation

Blog article
Family Farms in India and their Future

Small holder farmers are quite a common presence in India. To a general reader in urban areas, any mention of small farmers summons imageries of a tiny piece of land where a family struggles to eke out a living. Popular perception is that they are not financially viable and hence...
2023 - Azim Premji University, India

Consumption-based water management

State of the art in Asia
This document on consumption-based water management (CBWM) distils and expands on the findings of an expert consultation hosted by FAO and the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), 29–30 October 2019. The meeting brought together Chinese and international experts to discuss the technical, governance and broader dimensions...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Journal article
Effects of conservation farming practices on agro-ecosystem services for sustainable food security in Bangladesh

In South Asia, the long-term provision of agro-ecosystem services is threatened by accelerating climate change and undesirable farming practices. Conservation farming could help ensure sustainable ecosystem services and food security. This study was conducted in nine purposively selected districts in west and northwest Bangladesh. Data on conservation farming practices were...
2023 - Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Bangladesh

Indonesia’s agriculture sector performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: Towards a resilient agrifood system

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on food security in Indonesia. Ensuring food production and availability is a major concern for policymakers. The Indonesian government has historically made various efforts in this regard, encouraging and providing facilitation to farmers as the main producers of food, such as through...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Setting up an integrated farm

By installing an integrated farm, you can produce something on every inch of land, while reducing waste and buying fewer inputs. Draw a map of your farm and decide where to grow what crops, trees and vegetables, based on your knowledge of which crops need sun and which grow in...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Journal article
Trajectories of crop–livestock integration in the context of specialization in Northwest Vietnam

Mixed crop–livestock systems, the world’s most widespread farming systems, promote farm resilience through diversification and allow for crop–livestock integration (CLI). Intensification and specialization challenge these systems. In Northwest Vietnam, the standard farm model is based on mixed crop–livestock family farms but is shifting towards more specialized farming systems. The aim...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - Viet Nam
2023 - The Journal of Agricultural Science

Community seed banks

Because of our seed bank, we have native varieties again. By using indigenous seed our costs have reduced as we can grow and keep our own seed. So, we don’t have to depend on the market. In our seed bank, we also train farmers how to grow crops organically, free...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Case study
Towards healthier and more nutritious diets in Pacific Small Island Developing States

Five new approaches and innovations that can help promote quality diets
The waters that surround the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Pacific are home to remarkable marine ecosystems. The fish and other marine species they host are deeply intertwined with many Pacific peoples’ cultures, livelihoods and food. But while the communities of these islands continue to consume fish in...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Improving the resilience of the agricultural sector to external shocks

This study provides a quantitative assessment of the Indian dairy sector and aims to determine the underlying factors of the observed price movements. We analyse producer prices over time, differentiated by milk-producing ‘zones,’ and identify the underlying factors that might explain the observed discontinuities or interruptions in producer prices. The...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO in the Pacific 2022

Annual report
The "FAO in the Pacific 2022" report provides an overview of FAO's activities and achievements in the Pacific Islands region throughout the year 2022. It highlights the Organization's efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, fisheries, and forestry, and to improve food security and nutrition in the region. The report also includes...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Journal article
The effects of quality certification on agricultural low-carbon production behavior: evidence from Chinese rice farmers

Low-carbon agricultural practices have received increasing attention, and the rapid development of agricultural product quality certification in China has provided a potential way to implement low-carbon agriculture. This study employs an endogenous switching regession to examine the effects of quality certification on low-carbon production behaviors using the survey data of...
2023 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

Case study
Anticipatory action... in action in Viet Nam

The race to mitigate the impact of Typhoon Noru on lives and livelihoods
At first, there didn't seem to be much reason for concern. By the end of it, the trail of destruction had left few homes, crops and livestock unscathed. Nguyen Hue, an 84-year-old farmer, recalls: “When the first warnings came through over the loudspeakers, we went to take shelter nearby in a...
Viet Nam
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Collecting traditional varieties

Local varieties often cope better with drought and other stresses, and outperform modern varieties when grown under ecological conditions. Collect traditional varieties by visiting seed savers in their homes, or while attending seed festivals and farmer training events. Seed savers and seed producers select the varieties they like most. These...
2023 - Access Agriculture
Total results:1914