Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Guia prático de Plantas Alimentícias Não Convencionais (PANC) para escolas

O projeto-piloto2 Viva Agroecologia, desenvolvido na EMEF Desembargador Amorim Lima em São Paulo, teve como objetivo fomentar, ampliar e estimular a inserção das PANC nas hortas escolares, na pedagogia e na composição do cardápio, de modo a enriquecer e complementar a alimentação escolar. Ter as PANC na horta com possibilidade de...
2018 - Organização Instituto Kairós

Conference proceedings
Catalysing dialogue and cooperation to scale-up agroecology: Outcome of the FAO regional seminars on agroecology

The document is prepared in the perspective of the 2nd international Symposium in April 2018. It will give a feedback of the global FAO process on agroecology and discuss the main challenges regarding agroecology Region by Region, identifying key drivers to scale up agroecology and highlighting key initiatives undertaken in...
2018 - Food adn Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Agroecology training through permaculture

Permaculture is a holistic approach to agriculture that provides for human needs—high-quality food, fiber, fuel, medicine and building materials—while enhancing the ecosystems and communities from which these derive; it offers a set of ethics and principles and a means of integrating social and ecological processes in a way that is...
2018 - Laboratorio di Permacultura Urbana

AVSF - Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières

AVSF reaches out to smallholder communities threatened by exclusion and poverty, offering them professional skills in agriculture, livestock farming, and animal health. In this way, AVSF supports these communities as they strive to improve their standard of living, sustainably manage the natural resources upon which they depend, and contribute to...
2018 - Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières - AVSF

Potentially Important Food Plants of Timor Leste

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
2018 - Food Plant Solutions

Blog article
Fostering local development in the Mediterranean via tourism and cultural heritage

Tourism and cultural heritage are two strong vectors of local development, which was explained at length during a session of the European Week of Cities and Regions 2018. Indeed, the Mediterranean basin is the 1st touristic destination in the world, with an increase of 8% in international arrivals in 2017 (EC,...
2018 - Euromontana

Case study
Initiative of the system of rice intensification

In 2005, we began experimenting with SRI methods at Al-Mishkhab Rice Research Station (MRRS) in Najaf. With SRI practices, roots grow larger and deeper and do not degenerate for lack of oxygen in the soil as occurs when rice fields are kept continuously flooded. SRI is considered as a methodology...
2018 - Agricultural research Office and Association to Protect Human and Environment

The 10 elements of agroecology

Guiding the transition to sustainable food and agricultural systems
Today’s food and agricultural systems have succeeded in supplying large volumes of food to global markets. However, high-external input, resource-intensive agricultural systems have caused massive deforestation, water scarcities, biodiversity loss, soil depletion and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Despite significant progress in recent times, hunger and extreme poverty persist...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Farm to systems

In small and remote villages in South Asia, our rich agricultural crop/breed diversity and associated knowledge is slowly getting wiped out and is being replaced by a handful of `high yielding’ and `improved’ crops/breeds. Rampant use of chemicals has led to the death of soil and is poisoning our food...
2018 - Deutsche Welthungerhilfe

Blog article
News from the CSA Network in Australia and New Zealand

Another international CSA network has evolved in the South Pacific to serve and develop a growing food movement. The Community Supported Agriculture Network Australia and New Zealand (CSAAUSNZ) is an advocacy group dedicated to highlighting, growing and supporting CSAs in Australia and New Zealand....
Australia - New Zealand
2018 - Urgenci

Agroecological weed management for organic farmers

Agronomic practices and management decisions can have a significant impact on the type and number of weeds on a farm. Understanding this relationship can help organic producers manage weeds through avoidance, and various cultural management practices. The most important steps of non-chemical weed management are prevention, diagnosis, and a number of...

Case study
Catálogo latinoamericano de experiencias en agricultura familiar TEC 2018

El Catálogo latinoamericano de experiencias en agricultura familiar TEC 2018 presenta 31 soluciones innovadoras, que han logrado consolidarse como tecnologías sociales, o avanzan en tal dirección. Entendemos por tecnología social la innovación social estructurada por el conjunto de conocimientos, prácticas, métodos e instrumentos que han resuelto una problemática en una comunidad....
2018 - Parque Científico de Innovación Social (PCIS)

Upscaling climate smart agriculture

Lessons for extension and advisory services
Extension and advisory services (EAS) can play a very important role in scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). EAS contribute to the realization of all three objectives of CSA (food security, adaptation and mitigation), but are currently focused on the first of these, namely food security through enhanced productivity. EAS...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agroécologie : méthodes pour évaluer ses conditions de développement et ses effets

Actes de l'atelier d'échanges et construction méthodologique des 14 et 15 décembre 2017
Ce document présente les travaux de l’atelier d’échanges organisé les 14 et 15 décembre 2017 par le Groupe de travail sur les Transitions Agroécologiques (GTAE), créé par AVSF, Agrisud, CARI et Gret, et consacré aux méthodes pour évaluer les performances de l’agroécologie et conditions de son développement. L’évènement a réuni une...

Technical paper
Lineamientos Estratégicos de Política Pública Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria

Este documento presenta una versión resumida y gráfica del documento técnico que acompaña a la Re- solución 464 de 2017 del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo rural, por medio de la cual se adoptan los Lineamientos Estratégicos de Política Pública para la Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria.Por tratarse de un...
2018 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World - 2018

This report monitors progress towards the targets of ending both hunger (SDG Target 2.1) and all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2), and provides an analysis of the underlying causes and drivers of observed trends. While the prevalence of undernourishment is at the forefront of monitoring hunger, the prevalence of...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO

Blog article
Kyrgyzstan advances forest monitoring in support of the Sustainable Development Goals

Meeting for the second time, Kyrgyz stakeholders gathered this week in Bishkek to advance the country’s national criteria and indicator set for sustainable forest monitoring. The exercise, carried out under a joint project of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and FAO, is especially important today; Kyrgyzstan is currently...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

AgriResearch Conference - Innovating for the future of farming and rural communities

The EU AgriResearch Conference is dedicated to scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policy-makers, citizens and NGO representatives who wish to learn about EU agriculture and rural R&I activities and achievements and to have their say on how to shape the future of agriculture R&I after 2020. The conference will...
2018 - European Commission

Accountability Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia

This capacity building project has been accepted for funding by the United Nations Development Account (UNDA), under the 10th tranche. The timeframe of the project is 2016-2019. The objective of this project is to strengthen the national capacity of five target countries (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) to develop national...
2018 - United Nations Development Account (UNDA)

Cultural heritage: an asset rooted in the territory synonymous with attractiveness and the future for our mountains !

It is time to better preserve and valorise mountain cultural heritage and to turn it into a driving force for future development, to revitalise mountain areas and strengthen their attractiveness. From 25 to 27 September 2018, nearly 200 mountain stakeholders from all over Europe gathered in Vatra Dornei, Romania, to participate...
European Union
2018 - Euromontana
Total results:4097