Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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YOF Journey of Hope2 : The Spirit of Young Entrepreneur in Cambodia

Young Organic Farmers, The Journey of Hope #2 : The Spirit of Young Entrepreneur in Cambodia is about fresh graduates in Cambodia who instead of migrating to the city for jobs, they head back home and create jobs for themselves and people in the community.
2018 - ALiSEA Mekong

Case study
Enhancing food security and market access for land constrained women farmers

Agriculture is the mainstay of the Kenyan economy and contributes over 45 percent of government revenue. The agricultural sector is the largest employer, representing 60 percent of total employment. Overall, approximately 80 percent of rural women are employed in agriculture. However, the percentage of agricultural land held by women remains...
2018 - ActionAid International Kenya

Blog article
Bees must be protected for the future of our food

On the eve of the first World Bee Day, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has urged countries and individuals to do more to protect bees and other pollinators or risk a sharp drop in food diversity. Bees are under great threat from the combined effects of climate change, intensive...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Zumra Nuru and Awra Amba

a story from 10.000 gardens in Africa
Awra Amba is an intentional community of around 500 people founded in northern Ethiopia to combat poverty, exploitation and gender inequality. At the heart of this magnanimous project is a simple question: why should any one human being exploit another? This is the question that the founder of Awra Amba, Zumra...

Journal article
Utilisation de pratiques agroécologiques et performances de la petite agriculture familiale : le cas de la Guadeloupe

L’analyse et la quantification des performances de la petite agriculture familiale (PAF) constituent un enjeu au regard de la transition agroécologique. Cet article utilise une méthode combinant enquêtes auprès d’agriculteurs de la PAF de Guadeloupe, typologie et évaluation, à l’échelle de l’exploitation, des avantages qu’ils tirent de pratiques agroécologiques en...
2018 - INRA

Blog article
Agrifood sector in Europe and Central Asia rated ‘innovative’ and ‘inclusive’

The Thirty-first Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe which took place for the first time in the Russian Federation concluded its work today after three days of intense discussions. It was the fifth in a series, following on the heels of spring regional conferences for Africa, Latin America...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

When Food Becomes Immaterial Confronting the Digital Age

In the span of a few decades, the world has witnessed a technological revolution, which has generated economic and social change at an unprecedented pace. Today, an app on your smartphone can help raise awareness of a social cause worldwide and help a farmer activate the sprinklers to water her...
2018 - Brot für die Welt

Blog article
The future of the CAP: small-scale farmers speak out from the European Parliament

CVC stated its satisfaction with the Commission’s proposal to limit financial aid to 60,000 EUR per farm, but added that it is important to take the active farmers who work there into account, as well as the economic and social conditions of the workers and day labourers.  Moreover, cuts to the...
European Union
2018 - European Coordination Via Campesina

Journal article
Influencia del sistema de producción y forma de sujeción sobre el rendimiento y las pérdidas poscosecha de espinaca (Spinacia oleracea L.)

Manejos agronómicos adecuados, permitirían incrementar rendimiento y mantener calidad durante la poscosecha. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de sistemas de producción, forma de sujeción y días de almacenamiento en el rendimiento y pérdidas poscosecha, durante otoño e invierno, en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNR. Se analizaron 3 factores:...
2018 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Agroecology: Scaling-up, scaling-out

ActionAid joins growing global calls to ‘scale-up’ and ‘scale-out’ agroecology. As governments and donors meet at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2nd International Symposium on Agroecology we urge them to join forces to support agroecology on a large scale. At least 500 million family farms produce about 80...
2018 - Actionaid

Blog article
Agroecology: A Tool to End Poverty and Achieve Equality

Agroecology can offer an important vehicle to reduce poverty and inequality, by contributing to decent work and addressing a fundamental human need – access to food. 
2018 - IISD

Blog article
Good rangeland governance in southern Tunisia

Good rangeland governance is critical in sustainable conservation of pasture lands. The role of social practices – including broad participation and the chance to voice specific concerns – is central to achieving good rangeland governance. Together with targeted investments, they are essential in improving rangeland governance.
2018 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Case study
Agroecología para la vida - Sembrando agroeoclogía, cosechando justicia

La agroecología no solamente es una ciencia o una técnica, es un modo de vida, en donde debemos poner la sostenibilidad de la vida en el centro. Para ello es necesario descolonizar los procesos productivos, los modos de vida, los hábitos de consumo y las relaciones comerciales. Es necesario crear...
2018 - Café AC (VIDA AC)

The pollination of cultivated plants: A compendium for practitioners, Volume 2

More than twenty years ago, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations contributed to the growing recognition of the role of pollination in agricultural production, with the publication of “The Pollination of Cultivated Plants in the Tropics”. Since that time, the appreciation of pollinators has grown, alongside the...
Brazil - Ghana - India - Kenya - Nepal - Pakistan - South Africa
2018 - FAO

Case study
Agroecology and local seeds

SWISSAID y Alianza Semillas de Identidad, conformada por 6 Redes y Movimientos campesinos nacionales, están implementando el modelo Agroecológico con más de 35 000 familias campesinas con énfasis en el estudio, conservación, mejoramiento y uso de semillas criollas con prácticas agroecológicas. El 85 percent del área de granos es sembrada...

Policy brief/paper
Pulse crops for sustainable farms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa is a problem affecting 153 million individuals (ca. 25%). This problem could be worsen by the ongoing soil degradation, being cause by the reduction of soil organic matter and insufficient nutrient supply. Over 75% of the agricultural land in Africa could be classified as degraded...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

New project promotes indigenous food and sustainable tourism in the Philippines

Slow Food and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, hosted by FAO, have signed an agreement to improve the livelihoods of mountain people, with special focus on Cordillera’s mountain community in the Philippines.
The agreement came ahead of today’s International Mountain Day – a day celebrated each year on December 11 to highlight the importance of mountains to people’s lives and livelihoods. The two organizations committed to creating stronger synergies between mountain food products and sustainable tourism services. This includes promoting high-quality, indigenous, mountain...

DUTCH CSA CONFERENCE 2018 (13 – 14 January 2018, De Eemlandhoeve, Bunschoten-Spakenburg)

This plenary session of the conference was dedicated to the question ‘What is the added value of CSA to you?
Every year either Netherlands or Belgium hosts the bi-national CSA Conference. This year it was held in Amersfoort, in the center of the Netherlands and close to several CSAs. It was a fully sold out event (125+) with a plenary meeting, workshops, a meal and a movie and on Sunday we...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2018 - Urgenci

Escola de Comer

A experiência de Paraty na reformulação do Programa de Alimentação Escolar
O projeto Escola de Comer surgiu com o objetivo de melhorar da merenda servida na rede de ensino de Paraty, engajando chefs de cozinha e integrantes da comunidade escolar na capacitação de merendeiras, adoção de cardápios mais nutritivos e saudáveis nas escolas e também incorporando alimentos da agricultura familiar à merenda municipal. A...
2018 - Comunitas

CSAct! springs into action!

Thirty farmers from nine different Europe countries gathered in northern Italy from 21-26 January 2018 for the first CSAct! training programme.
The programme aims to improve existing training and resources for CSA farmers, equipping them with the skills and tools to produce healthy sustainable food for local communities, and to encourage experience sharing with European countries where CSA is less established. The event took place over five days at Cascina Santa Brera,...
2018 - Urgenci
Total results:4096