Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Romanian MEP points out ‘green contradiction’ of organic trade deal

The European Union and Chile last month (7 April) concluded negotiations on a trade agreement in organic products. The deal provides that Santiago and Brussels will mutually recognise the equivalence of their organic production rules and control system and “ensure a high level of respect for the principle for organic...
European Union
2017 - EurActiv

Ninawezaje kudhibiti wadudu waharibifu na magonjwa kwa njia asilia?

In agriculture, pests are organisms that significantly interfere with the productivity of crops or animals. In conventional agriculture, farmers often use chemical pesticides to manage pests. These can be effective at keeping pests away but they come with negative side effects. Chemical pesticides are costly, damaging to the environment and...
2017 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

A Ciel Ouvert - ROUMANIE

TV5 Monde documentary about Saschiz, Romania and Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania`s contribution to develop and sustain the area.
2017 - Adept Foundation

National Rural Development Network Newsletter

Romanian National Rural development Network Newsletter, National, and international subjects
2017 - Romanian National Rural Development Network

AGRARIAN SOUTH INSTITUTE: A Dialogue with Ben Davis of the FAO

In this video, Benjamin Davis, Strategic Programme Leader on Rural Poverty Reduction at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) talks about the transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Agroecology and Food Sovereignty. He also talks briefly about the work...
2017 - Agrarian South Network

Blog article
UN negotiations decisive for rural world’s future

he Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (OEIWG) on a UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas meets again this week in Geneva. Negotiations are expected to get even more challenging this time, as discussions will touch upon “contentious” issues, such as the right to...
2017 - FIAN International

Blog article
Transición ecológica en la agricultura

Han pasado casi 44 años y hoy enfrentamos colosales desafíos mundiales, los efectos devastadores del Cambio Climático, el incremento de las desigualdades sociales, la disolución de los lazos comunitarios, la aceleración del desarrollo tecnológico (generado por las TIC, la biotecnología, la nanotecnología y las ciencias cognitivas), la crisis de representación...
2017 - Instituto Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)

Policy brief/paper
Rural poverty in the European Union

In 2015, 119 million European citizens, representing almost a quarter of the EU population, were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Statistics show that the average poverty rate is slightly higher in rural areas, with very contrasting situations across the Union as some countries display a huge poverty gap...
European Union
2017 - European Parliament

Kudhibiti wadudu waharibifu na magonjwa

In agriculture, pests are organisms that significantly interfere with the productivity of crops or animals. In conventional agriculture, farmers often use chemical pesticides to manage pests. These can be effective at keeping pests away but they come with negative side effects. Chemical pesticides are costly, damaging to the environment and...
2017 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Case study
Dual purpose sorghum and cowpea intercropping in Mali

In Mali, agriculture is the main source of employment. Over 80% of the population is engaged in agriculture that is mostly carried out by small farmers with income of less than US$1 per day. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an important cereal grain used as food and animal fodder...
2017 - Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER)

Case study
Innovations in Agroecology – a case study from the Netherlands

In Noord-Brabant, a region in South-West Netherlands, Govert van Dis and his wife Phily Brooijmans are running an organic arable farm of around 100 hectares. They run the farm together and actively follow innovations in agroecology. Crops are grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, therefore crop rotation...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Preliminary Observations Special Rapporteur on the right to food

According to the World Bank, since 2005 Zambia has experienced impressive economic growth at an average of around 6-7 % per year, although this has decreased to less than 3 percent in recent years.  This decline has been driven by drought and a fall in the price of copper, one...
2017 - United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

Orgânicos: da saúde ao bolso do agricultor familiar

Filho, neto e bisneto de produtor rural, nascido e criado na roça, Valdir conta que era “veneneiro puro” até receber assistência da Emater-DF para dar início à transição agroecológica. As políticas públicas da Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD) e o Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) contribuem...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Case study
Organic Best Practices in Italian National Parks

Organic and eco-sustainable farming is particularly suited to farms situated within parks, because it does not harm local ecosystems as it does not use pesticides and promotes biodiversity, improving biological links and creating ideal habitats for animal life. It also promotes grants that reward farmers for acting as “guardians/stewards of...
2017 - AIAB and IFOAM-International

Pastoralism, The Backbone of the World’s Drylands

Over half of the world’s land area is grazed in various ways: in mixed farming systems, ranching, by wildlife and through pastoralism. Pastoralism is practised mainly on the grasslands that cover about a quarter of the world’s surface (Follet & Reed 2010). It is also closely associated with mobile herds...
2017 - Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International

Blog article
Small scale farmer and big future thinker

What started out as an aspiration to be self sufficient, has evolved into a vision to grow and support young farmers into a profession that has enormous reward, alongside huge risk, immense challenges and a great deal of fulfillment. What’s more Joel can see the future in small-scale farming and...

Case study
Agroecology program in Xuan An and Ngoc Son, Vietnam

Located about 70 km north east from Hanoi, Vietnam, the villages of Xuan An and Ngoc Son (Bac Giang province) include 285 households. Rice is the main staple crop. Local rice and vegetable production strongly relies on synthetic inputs specifically Nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides which increase production costs and raise...
Viet Nam

Case study
“The Regenerators” - New Zealand Farmers leading a progressive transition towards agroecology

The profile features farmers in New Zealand who came to the idea of regenerative agriculture due to an awareness of the ecological limits being breached by New Zealand agriculture. They believe that while farming is responsible for many of the environmental problems faced by their country, they also believe that better...
New Zealand
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Guia Prático de PANC - Plantas Alimentícias Não Convencionais

A sigla PANC significa Plantas Alimentícias Não Convencionais. Em outras palavras, quer dizer “todas as plantas que poderíamos consumir, mas não consumimos”. Imagine todas as plantas comestíveis que existem. Uma pequena parcela delas nós conhecemos, produzimos e comemos no dia a dia, sendo chamadas de plantas alimentícias convencionais. As que...

Case study
Agroecological Transition in Mexico: ANEC’s Journey to a Better Farm and Food System

La Asociación Nacional de Empresas Comercializadoras de Productores del Campo (ANEC) was founded in 1995 in the wake of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). ANEC  offers member farmers, a diverse array of small and medium commercial grain farmers from 17 different Mexican states. Initially, ANEC assisted in the...
2017 - IATP and ANEC
Total results:3980