Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Talamanca - Innovación Agroecológica

Video que muestra como con recursos y conocimientos locales han logrado un incremento de la producción agroecológica del cacao, menteniendo el equilibrio con la naturaleza y su biodiversidad. Esta experiencia ha abierto un sendero para el desarrollo que promueve la identidad local, su inclusión y el arraigo generando una cultura de...
Costa Rica

Policy brief/paper
Addressing the challenges of upland farming in southern Shan State for climate resilience

Smallholder farmers particularly in climate vulnerable developing countries such as Myanmar are facing increasing challenges related to food insecurity and climate change. Research has increasingly pointed towards agro-ecology as a movement, with the science and approach suitable to building the resilience of smallholder farmers. Since 2014, the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) has been actively...
2017 - Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)

Photo gallery

For centuries, rural people in Azerbaijan have produced honey. The country's mountainous regions allow for the production of high-quality, natural, mountain flora honey that has a high market value. Native Caucasian bees -- naturally resilient to the environment and to parasites -- make it possible to achieve good productivity rates. Today...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
Poor diets and ill-equipped food systems are a growing threat to nutrition in Asia-Pacific

FAO report points to pressing need to boost regional food systems, accelerate action to improve diets and nutrition According to the findings of FAO’s 2017 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutritionreport, there is a pressing need to tackle malnutrition alongside further promotion of the consumption of healthier foods while curbing the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Food Plants for Healthy Diets in Cambodia (Khmer)

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Blog article
Croatia’s fruit and vegetable producers may get a bigger slice of market

Croatia’s horticultural sector is beset by challenges including lack of know-how in modern production techniques, and fragmentation of production. Fruit and vegetable value chains rely largely on the country’s small-scale producers, but many of those producers lack the financing to upgrade their operations and struggle to supply processors and retailers with...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Blog article
Organic farming in the EU needs passion, clear rules and controls

Food security and global peace go hand in hand. The EU’s proposed organic food regulation is not perfect, but it is a step towards the sustainable food system we need, write a group of Green MEPs.
European Union
2017 - EurActive

Políticas públicas a favor de la agroecología en América Latina y el Caribe

Esta publicación presenta los resultados de un estudio de la Red PP-AL sobre las políticas públicas a favor de la agroecología en América Latina y El Caribe. El objetivo era realizar un estudio regional latinoamericano, transversal y comparativo sobre la contribución de diversos instrumentos de políticas públicas, para apoyar la transición...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Blog article
European rural areas need a boost

Better rural development is possible, and local people are willing to deliver, but they need a support. EU and national authorities need to empower villages and small towns with new programmes that are flexible enough to be adapted to the diverse needs of Europe's rural areas. Positive examples should be...
2017 - European Economic and Social Committee

Nourishing the world, organically | Organic farmers dealing with drought

Farming organically, using indigenous crops, can contribute to food security and be part of a climate change solution.In this video, organic farmers in Kenya share their experiences with drought, and the benefits organic farming provides for them to building healthy soils and continue producing food.
2017 - IFOAM Organics International

Technical paper
Agricultura Tóxica

Um olhar sobre o modelo agrícola brasileiro
As seções que compõem este artigo estão estruturadas da seguinte maneira: a primeira busca apresentar os dados mais recentes sobre a segurança alimentar no mundo. Na segunda seção, serão abordadas as principais mudanças, em curso, nos três domínios destacados anteriormente, e como elas afetam o futuro da segurança alimentar. E...
2017 - Greenpeace Brasil

Everyday Experts: How people’s knowledge can transform the food system

Everyday Experts explains how knowledge built up through first-hand experience can help solve the crisis in the food system. It brings together fifty-seven activists, farmers, practitioners, researchers and community organisers from around the world in 28 original chapters to take a critical look at attempts to improve the dialogue between...

Blog article
Budding Growth

Organic farming is not a new method for Macedonian farmers. It dates back years to when every family owned their own land for crops and produced food for their personal needs. Commercial agriculture that uses chemical fertilisers has emerged in the last century and has overtaken the market, but trends...
North Macedonia

Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European Union

This report provides an overview of the main characteristics and structure of the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its developments in the last 25 years. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the primary agricultural policy instrument of the European Union. This report focuses on the new features and institutional context...
European Union
2017 - OECD

Blog article
Organic farming: progress in EU seeds and agricultural biodiversity

Legislative discussions around the new regulation on organic farming have been going on for almost two and a half years. A record in the history of the European Union. The 18th and very long trilogue of 28 June 2017 ended the negotiations between the European institutions, in a context of...
European Union
2017 - EurActiv

Modernisation of Planika Dairy

Mlekarna Planika (Planika dairy) implemented a step by step technical and technological modernisation that effectively transformed it from a milk powder producer to one of the leading producers of high quality fresh milk and cheese in Slovenia. The modernisation was carried out on a step by step approach as in...
2017 - European Network for rural Development

Blog article
Agroecologia oferece alternativa alimentar para população ribeirinha

A plantação feita pelas mãos de moradores da Área de Preservação Ambiental (APA) Baía Negra em Ladário (MS), coordenada pelos pesquisadores da Embrapa Pantanal, é inspirada nos processos ecológicos que acontecem de forma natural no ambiente. Através do Quintal Agroecológico Sucessional, implantado na região em maio do ano passado, foi...
2017 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)

Staccato Project: Sustaining Agricultural Change through Ecological Engineering and Optimal use of Natural Resources

STACCATO is a BiodivERsA funded EU project which will focus on the analysis and evaluation of Ecosystem Services (ESS), both in isolation and in concert, and their sensitivity to land use patterns in agriculturally dominated landscapes. The starting point of STACCATO is based on the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). For the...
2017 - ADEPT Foundation

Concours Vidéo EAThink - 2017

Spots-vidéos reçus lors du concours national de vidéo "Cuisine et Interdépendance" organisé dans le cadre du projet EAThink, par le Réseau International Urgenci. Action réalisée avec le soutien de l'Union européenne, la Région Normandie, l'Académie de Caen et la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer.
2017 - EAThink

Blog article
National Committees for Family Farming On Path to Improving Public Policy

Changes to public policy agendas in the National Committees for Family Farming in the Philippines, Honduras, Burkina Faso and Senegal will receive technical and financial support. The creation of a new Committee in Chad will be supported as well.
Burkina Faso - Honduras - Philippines - Senegal
2017 - Family Farming Campain
Total results:4096