Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Keeping the food value chain alive: challenges and solutions of young agripreneurs

Rural youth risk to disproportionately suffer from the pandemic. Already facing higher unemployment and underemployment rates compared to adults, rural youth are 40 per cent more likely to be in casual work arrangements than urban youth.[1]  Most earn their income on a daily or weekly basis, with little or no access to...
Rwanda - Senegal - Uganda
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Young Farmers Dance Challenge

AFA through the Asia Pacific Farmers Program (APFP) invited the youth members of farmers organizations under the AFOSP-MTCP and APFP platform to join the Young Farmers Dance Challenge. The dance contest aimed at attracting young people to join Farmers Organizations, build friendship and cooperation among young farmers, and finally, raising awareness...
2020 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Blog article
Empowering the Youth in the Philippines to Take Centre Stage in Organic Agriculture

Despite Jason’s father, Victoriano I. Tagupa, being involved in organic farming for 30 years at the time, he never imposed his beliefs on Jason, or influenced his career decisions. That is why he was supportive of Jason when he did not choose to work on the farm but instead in...
2020 - Ifoam Organics International

Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the regional symposium on organic agriculture: Youth engagement and enterprise development

The adoption of organic farming practices could help countries across the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In December 2019, our Resilient Mountain Solutions initiative collaborated with the Agriculture Research and Development Centre, Bhutan to organize a regional symposium on “Organic agriculture: Youth engagement and enterprise...
2020 - ICIMOD

Empowering young agri-entrepreneurs to invest in agriculture and food systems

Measures that empower young agri-entrepreneurs should be a key component of a sustainable development-centred investment promotion strategy. The very realization of future generations’ food security, the sustainable transformation of food systems and the combat against unemployment and distress migration all depend upon the successful implementation of strategies that make the...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Pour un environnement institutionnel et financier favorable à l’investissement par les jeunes dans l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires en Tunisie

En Tunisie, le taux de chômage des jeunes de 15 à 35 ans est très élevé, se situant autour de 35 pour cent, chez les diplômés du supérieur des régions de l’intérieur et en milieu rural, ce qui pousse un nombre important à l’exode et à l’émigration souvent au péril...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Observatorio Digital: Juventudes Rurales SICA

Somos un medio virtual que observa, analiza y divulga información sobre la situación social y económica que viven las juventudes rurales; las leyes, políticas y programas de inversión en juventud rural de los estados y gobiernos de la región SICA, así como programas de juventud de instituciones de cooperación, universidades,...
Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama
2020 - Sistema de Integración Centroamericano (SICA)

Taller "Tu marca, tu éxito: guía para crear tu propia marca

En el marco de la campaña #EmprendeAprendiendo, la Red Nacional de Jóvenes Rurales El Salvador organiza y desarrolla el taller virtual "Tu marca, tu éxito: guía para crear tu propia marca". Aprende cómo crear y posicionar la imagen de tu emprendimiento con innovadoras estrategias gráficas.
El Salvador
2020 - Red Nacional de Jóvenes Rurales El Salvador

Créditos y Oportunidades para Jóvenes emprendedores rurales

Alejandro Uzaga Fallas, Coordinador Capacitador del Instituto de Desarrollo Rural -INDER- quien se reune con jóvenes rurales para debatir sobre oportunidades de financiamiento y otorgamiento de créditos para emprendimientos rurales; cómo acceder, qué requerimientos son necesarios, cuál es la oferta institucional, entre otros temas, son abordados en este webinar organizado por la Red Nacional...
Costa Rica
2020 - Red Nacional de Juventudes Rurales de Costa Rica

Blog article
COVID-19: Voices of young agripreneurs in Kenya

In Kenya, the COVID-19 youth engagement initiative promoted by FAO was launched through an online survey distributed to various groups of youth in agribusiness, particularly in Kiambu, Siaya and Kakamega Counties, where FAO is currently operating for instance with the Rural youth migration, social protection and sustainable value chains programme. A total of 55...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Jóvenes rurales del noroeste cordobés

Límites y posibilidades para permanecer en el campo
Nos acercamos a la temática de juventudes rurales a partir de una experiencia de educación secundaria en un paraje del noroeste de Córdoba, Argentina. Partiendo del supuesto de que las escuelas condensan problemáticas que exceden lo educativo, realizamos un abordaje etnográfico situándonos en la cotidianeidad escolar. En este artículo, nos proponemos...
2020 - Centro de Investigación María Saleme de Bournichón

Towards Economic Empowerment, Participation and Agroecology: A Rural Youth Situationer from Six Countries in Asia

Young people are regarded as the drivers of a better future for societies. And rural youth represent the future of agriculture and sustainable farming systems now increasingly being acknowledged as key to solving some of the leading world challenges like food insecurity, livelihood dislocation, environmental destruction and widespread poverty. But...
2020 - PAN Asia Pacific (PANAP) and IPAM

Farms. Food. Future. Keeping Farming Real

In this month’s programme we look at one of the most pressing issues facing farming today – that of youth and what’s being done to offer interesting and viable options for life on the farm for young people in developing countries . We have highlights from IFAD’s Advocate for Rural Youth...
2020 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Consultation - Rural development – long-term vision for rural areas

The Commission has committed to developing a long-term vision for rural areas. To achieve such a vision, it is necessary to assess what life is like in the rural areas of Europe and map out what is key for their prosperity. This public consultation will contribute to this process by...
European Union
2020 - European Commission

Research highlight: Insights into how young women and men view their future in farming

A study conducted in Uganda explored how young women and men view their future in farming. It revealed that while most don't aspire to farm, many remain connected to agriculture, often using it as part of a broader livelihood strategy. Gender, wealth, and family background shape their attitudes, with women...
2020 - Gender-Responsive Agricultural Research for Development

Journal article
Bridging youth and gender studies to analyse rural young women and men's livelihood pathways in Central Uganda

Many development countries are currently undergoing major demographic shifts as the percentage of young people of the total population rapidly increases. This shift is associated with high rates of migration, unemployment and instability. In policy discourses, engaging youth in commercial agricultural is often presented as a measure to control or...

Annual Report 2019

This annual report highlights the struggles and activities we had and the progress we made in 2019. These happened in the context of a world faced with many complex and interconnected challenges that heightened political crises and triggered mass mobilizations and protests broke out in all corners of the earth. What is...
2020 - La Via Campesina

Joven agricultora de Paraná produce en equilibrio con la naturaleza y alimenta a las nuevas generaciones con cultivos orgánicos y saludables

Ana Claudia Rauber es una joven agricultora familiar que vive y trabaja en su propiedad y de su familia en Cantagalo, estado de Paraná - Brasil. De los estudios de posgrado en Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, la agricultora transformó toda la propiedad en producción agroecológica, y contó con el apoyo de...
2020 - Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM)

Juventud rural y territorio

El presente informe constata que, aunque persiste la desigualdad territorial en América Latina, zonas rurales conectadas a ciudades, políticamente activas y productivamente diversas, ofrecen más oportunidades de desarrollo e inclusión laboral a la población joven. La desigualdad sigue siendo un problema crítico para América Latina, señala el “Informe Latinoamericano sobre Pobreza y...
2020 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Infancia y juventud rural en desprotección social: riesgos ante la crisis del COVID-19

Las diversas problemáticas que enfrentan niñas, niños y adolescentes de América Latina  con la emergencia sanitaria que se ha vivido producto del COVID-19, son algunos de los temas que desarrolla Daniela Castillo, asistente de investigación de Rimisp en este Análisis de Coyuntura. Se profundiza el los datos de escolaridad, trabajo infantil y alimentación,...
2020 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)
Total results:486