Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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How Organic Farming Help to Break the Cycle ⭕ of Chemicals & Debt

Organic farming helped Mr. Keo Nov (PGS-organic farmer in the Kandal Province of Cambodia 🇰🇭) to break the vicious cycle of chemicals and debt. https://www.organicwithoutboundaries.... Together with his wife, they farm approximately 1,200 square meters of land, nearly a third of an acre. They have been managing their farm organically...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations & IFOAM - Organics International

Future farmers in Europe

"Go for it. Choose the rural alternative. Reclaim the fields!" All around Europe, young urban people with no agricultural background decide to start a farm, often using principles of agroecology and community supported agriculture. Despite the many difficulties these new farmers face, their practices are innovative, viable and sustainable. Representing...
France - Germany - Ireland - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2017 - Cultivate!

Magazine article
La importancia de contar con un vivero forestal agroecológico en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Un vivero forestal dentro de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias puede ser parte de este proceso de revalorización del árbol. Tenemos las capacidades e instalaciones para producir plantines forestales que servirán de insumo base para demás viveros que tengan como objetivo la recría de esos ejemplares. La alta demanda que...
2017 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Case study
Addressing the challenges of upland farming in southern Shan State for climate resilience

Smallholder farmers particularly in climate vulnerable developing countries such as Myanmar are facing increasing challenges related to food insecurity and climate change. Research has increasingly pointed towards agro-ecology as a movement, with the science and approach suitable to building the resilience of smallholder farmers. Since 2014, the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) has been actively...
2017 - Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)

Traditional Forest-related Knowledge for Ecosystem Services in ASEAN Countries

Currently, about half of the world population lives in urban area. Even though the proportion of world population living in the rural areas dwindles over the year, amidst world population increase many people will continue to live in the rural areas. Urban migration caused by rapid economic developments can affect...
2017 - APAFRI

Technical paper
Análise da Construção da Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica no Brasil

A Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica (Pnapo) foi criada em 2012, com o objetivo de integrar, articular e adequar as políticas públicas que contribuem para a produção sustentável de alimentos saudáveis e livres de contaminantes químicos, aliando o desenvolvimento rural com a conservação dos recursos naturais e a...
2017 - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Cartilha para conselheiros do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE)

A 6ª edição da “Cartilha para Conselheiros do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar – PNAE”. A finalidade desta publicação é incentivar e aprimorar a atuação dos Conselhos de Alimentação Escolar (CAEs) no acompanhamento do Programa da Alimentação Escolar, que se estende a todo o território nacional. O orçamento do programa...
2017 - Tribunal de Contas da União

Transition To Greener Rural Economies

The EAFRD Project Examples brochure forms part of a series of ENRD publications that help encourage information exchange. Each edition of the brochure features different types of projects that have received RDP co-finance from the EAFRD.  This edition of the EAFRD Projects Brochure focuses on the topic of ‘Transition to Greener...
European Union
2017 - European Network for Rural Development

Impact of agroecological techniques on soil fertility and productivity in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in the Sahel whose economy is highly dominated by agriculture and livestock husbandry, with more than 70% of the population living in rural areas. The prevailing farming system is smallholder agriculture based on cereal production, especially sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and pearl millet...
Burkina Faso
2017 - McKnight Foundation

Struggles of La Vía Campesina for Agrarian Reform and the Defense of life, Land and Territories

Today peasants, indigenous peoples, farm workers, landless peasants, fisherfolk, consumers, women and young people worldwide are faced with difficult challenges. Increasingly, in the four corners of the planet, people are feeling the effect of the growing imposition of financial and market paradigms on every facet of their lives. Subjugation to...
2017 - La Via Campesina

Asian Farmers’ Association Initiatives with Farmers in Forested Landscapes Struggles. Actions. Lessons Learned. 2017 Edition

This is a compilation of case studies written by AFA members who implemented FFF projects in 2015-2016. The cases reflect the struggles, the actions and the lessons learned by AFA members in organizing and building the capacities of their members in forested landscapes, at village, commune or district/town levels, in...
Cambodia - Indonesia - Kyrgyzstan - Mongolia - Myanmar - Nepal - Philippines - Viet Nam
2017 - Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Journal article
Converging and diverging principles and practices of organic agriculture regulations and agroecology. A review

There is ongoing debate among stakeholders about the future development of agricultural and food systems to meet the global challenges of food supply, biological and cultural diversity, climate change, and social justice. Among other options, agroecology and organic agriculture are discussed. Both have similar goals and use a systems approach;...

Landare - An experience that feeds thousands of people

Landare is one of the Spanish State’s pioneer consumer associations. Founded in 1991 by individuals involved in antimilitarist and anarchist groups, Landare has since evolved alongside social change and unrest. Today, 2600 families from Pamplona (Iruña) meet and acquire foodstuffs in Landare’s two premises which employ 25 workers. Landare can,...
2017 - Landare

How To Set Up A Low Tech Mushroom Farm

Small-scale local mushroom  - How to set up a small Mushroom Farm
European Union
2017 - GroCycle

Agroecological practices of the small scale farmers of Ramiene in Nampula province, Mozambique

Mozambique has a population of about 25 million people. Most live in rural areas and rely on farming for all or part of their household income. Located on Africa’s south-eastern seaboard, the country encompasses biodiversity sites of great significance. Today agriculture is said to account for 25% of Mozambique’s gross domestic...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Los movimientos de agricultura sostenida por la comunidad (ASC) celebraron su III encuentro europeo

Alrededor de 150 personas procedentes de 21 países europeos, y representantes formales de todas las redes de ámbito estatal que están constituidas, participaron del 16 al 18 de septiembre en el III encuentro europeo de movimientos de agricultura sostenida por la comunidad (ASC), que se celebró en Ostrava (República Checa)....
Czechia - European Union - Spain
2017 - Urgenci

Agroecology program in Xuan An and Ngoc Son, Vietnam

Located about 70 km north east from Hanoi, Vietnam, the villages of Xuan An and Ngoc Son (Bac Giang province) include 285 households. Rice is the main staple crop. Local rice and vegetable production strongly relies on synthetic inputs specifically Nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides which increase production costs and raise...
Viet Nam
2017 - The Field Alliance and ICERD

Blog article
Brasília Agroecológica 2017: tema do evento valoriza resgate de experiências na América Latina

A comissão organizadora do evento Brasília Agroecológica 2017 definiu o tema que vai representar os quatro congressos simultâneos agendados para setembro do próximo ano na capital federal: "Agroecologia na transformação dos sistemas agroalimentares na América Latina: memórias, saberes e caminhos para o Bem Viver". O tema busca contemplar a programação unificada...
2017 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)

Blog article
Cooperativas impulsionam agricultura familiar

Em um cenário onde quem exerce influência política são os grandes proprietários de terra, agricultores familiares encontram nas cooperativas uma for- ma de se fazerem ouvir. Falta de informação, assessoria técnica e valorização são alguns dos enfrentamentos diários dos pequenos produtores. É na organização coletiva que muitos vêm conseguindo escoar a produção...
2017 - Universidade Federal de Goiás

Case study
Communal Life of Love and Unity of the Mountain People

Mountain people learn, live, love and unite for life – to awaken and search for the treasure within the mountain. By combining our wisdom, we can co-exist and develop to our fullest potential, working towards holistic dignity and sustainability. This initiative involves 1,144 families, mainly concentrated in Mae Win, Mae...
2017 - The Communal Life of Love and Unity of the Mountain People (CLUMP) foundation
Total results:4096