Family Farming Knowledge Platform


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Organic Agriculture in Serbia, At a Glance 2013

This Industry Study reviews the current status of organic agriculture in Serbia and examines the sector in the context of historical developments, future challenges and opportunities. The first steps in organic production development were taken back in 1990, when NGO Terra’s established a promotional network of producers, farmers, advisors and...

Identificación y caracterización de tecnologías campesinas e indígenas usadas en sistemas productivos de altura vulnerables a eventos climáticos extremos en las Regiones Andina y Mesoamericana - TAAF Meso Andino

El objetivo general del proyecto es contribuir al conocimiento y difusión de tecnologías campesinas e indígenas utilizadas en la agricultura familiar, como medidas de adaptación frente a eventos extremos climáticos en zonas vulnerables de altura.Tres variables para la identificacion de tecnologias de adaptacion: Sistemas productivos agrícolas y uso optimo agua Agrobiodiversidad Técnicas de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - Guatemala - Peru
2013 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Manual de buenas prácticas en el manejo de la producción lechera

Guía práctica y didáctica para productores
La crianza del ganado vacuno en el Altiplano Andino tiene grandes bondades; una de ellas –y la más importante– es la producción de leche fresca, alimento fundamental en la nutrición de las familias campesinas, especialmente en los niños. La implementación de una adecuada infraestructura productiva (establos, bebederos, heniles, comederos y...
2012 - Soluciones Prácticas

Sustainability of dairy farming systems in central Serbia

Two dairy production systems with biggest share in total milk production in Central Serbia are small farms with tie stall barn and small farms with grazing period. In the article are examined their main system characteristics, sustainability and integration in dairy supply chain. Three dimension of sustainability were explored by...

Sociedades y agroecosistemas pastoriles de alta montaña en La Puna. Departamento Yavi, Provincia de Jujuy, República Argentina

Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la sustentabilidad ecológica y socio-cultural económica de los agroecosistemas pastoriles en ambientes áridos de alta montaña, y discutir la afirmación de que la Puna se encuentra en riesgo de desertización a causa del sobrepastoreo producido por el uso de los pastizales naturales. Se ha...
2012 - Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Laws, Institutions and Transboundary Pasture Management in The High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountain Ecosystem of Central Asia

The neighbouring Central Asian states of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic were formed following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Central Asian states have retained as international boundaries the former Soviet Socialist Republican (SSR) boundaries demarcated in Soviet times. Previously porous republican boundaries are now subject to strict border control...
Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan

Armenia Country Strategy 2012–2020

Priority sector of the new Country Strategy for Armenia is agriculture. The choice of this sector was primarily guided by the objectives of poverty reduction and socially and environmentally sustainable development. With the end of the Soviet Union, Armenian agriculture gradually became less significant, losing important export markets and government...
2012 - Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation

Georgia, Country Strategy

Priority sectors of the new Country Strategy for Georgia are agriculture and forestry, which will receive about 70% of available funds. The selection of these sectors was mainly guided by the goal of poverty reduction und of socially and ecologically sustainable development. Despite remarkable economic progress in recent years, about...
2012 - Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation

Policy brief/paper
Support the farmers who maintain Europe’s pastoral landscapes – change the CAP rules on permanent pastures

Since 1992, successive CAP reforms have led to the decoupling from production of mainstream support payments to farmers (Pillar 1). Instead of paying farmers for a quantity of production, payments are attached to the land that farmers use. To determine if a piece of land is eligible for CAP payments,...
2012 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Agricultural sector and market developments: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan

This report presents a summary and the presentations of the expert workshop "Developments in agricultural commodity markets: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan", organised by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), in close cooperation with the European Commission's DG...
Kazakhstan - Russian Federation - Ukraine
2012 - European Commission

Magazine article
The goat farm is popularized due to the support

The Lithuanian Goat Breeders Association, headed by the farmer Andžela Dalia Ėmužytė, has already prepared more than one project under the action area “National Rural Network” of the 2007–2013 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme measure “Technical Assistance”. Goat milk cheeses, produced at the farm of the farmer A.D. Ėmužytė, have become...

Case study
Format for Proposals of Candidate Systems for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme: Hani Rice Terraces System, China

Hani Rice Terraces are located in the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, which is in the southeast part of Yunnan Province. People of various races, with Hani being the main minority group, has built this spectacular agriculture and nature wonders. The magnificent Hani Terrace System is a masterpiece of...
2012 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Support the farmers who maintain Europe’s pastoral landscapes – change the CAP rules on permanent pastures

Pastoral landscapes are farmed in many different ways, reflecting the variety of pasture and livestock types (breeds of cattle, sheep and goats) in Europe. Some farming systems make use mainly of grasslands that may be sown or semi-natural vegetation. Others exploit pastures of shrubs, for example heather moorland is a...
2012 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

El clima cambia, cambia tú también

Adaptación al cambio climático en comunidades locales del Perú
El Proyecto El Clima Cambia, Cambia Tú También es una iniciativa impulsada por la oficina regional para América del Sur de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) y la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA), proyecto que busca integrar actividades de documentación y testimonios sobre adaptación...
2012 - Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA)

Why invest in sustainable mountain development?

Climate change, increasing natural disasters, food and energy crises, population growth, water scarcity and desertification, loss of biodiversity, degradation of ecosystems, migration, and growth of cities – the planet is currently facing a multitude of challenges. Mountain regions and their inhabitants are disproportionally affected, but also offer significant opportunities for...

Case study
Organic Agriculture. A step towards the Green Economy in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia region

In the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) region organic agriculture could play a catalyst role in green economy transformation by re-vitalizing the farm and food sector and creating employment that provides better returns on per unit of labor input all along the value chain. It could increase income...
Armenia - Republic of Moldova - Ukraine
2011 - United Nations Environment programme

Is farming enough in mountain areas? Farm diversification in the Pyrenees

The continuity of farming in mountain areas in Europe is at severe risk and its future faces manifold uncertainties. Mountain farms are immersed in a long-term process of reorganization. Farm diversification plays a prominent role in this process of adjustment and reallocation. However, little work has been done explicitly on...
France - Spain


我在云南迪庆藏族自治州德钦县云岭乡红坡村 作调查的时候,正赶上村里种植玉米和青稞,又 逢当地政府支持村民种植葡萄。村里除了在外打 工的,老弱妇孺都在田地农忙。红坡村每家平均 每家有7亩地,本村地处山区,土地大部分都在山 上,而且每家分配到的田块也不一定靠近农舍, 有的甚至有好几里的路程,这便无形中加重了农 民的劳动强度。
2011 - Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

What farmers are doing for the environment

In this brochure seven farmers are explaining how they protect our environment with their agriculture and preserve it for future generations. The Austrian farmers have already been working for centuries with the natural bases of life water, soil, air and biodiversity. By means of their near-natural management they have succeeded...
2011 - The Austrian Agri-environmental Programme ÖPUL

Case study
Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi

Noto Peninsula has a rich history and culture that dates back over 2100 years. Though life on the peninsula was initially typical of a hunting and gathering society, according to archeological surveys, the roots of today‘s agricultural system can be traced to the Nara Era over 1300 years ago.  Over...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:359