Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Growing peg plants - bare root transplants - webinar

This webinar explored the potential of 'peg plants' as an agroecological and sustainable alternative to transplants in modules and blocks. It covered the opportunities and challenges of growing peg plants. What crops are best-suited? How much space do you need? How do the costs compare? Do I need to change...
2023 - Organic Growers Alliance

Preparing for sand and dust storm contingency planning with herding communities

A case study on Mongolia
This report outlines the conceptual framework for sand and dust storms (SDS) hazard risk and vulnerability assessment and mapping in agriculture and provides the elements as part of SDS contingency planning process in agriculture in Mongolia. Its main purpose is to provide an applicable procedure to reduce SDS risk and...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Assessment of community perceptions and risk to common zoonotic diseases among communities living at the human-livestock-wildlife interface in Nakuru West, Kenya: A participatory epidemiology approach

Zoonoses account for most of the emerging and re-emerging infections in Kenya and in other low to medium-income countries across the world. The human-livestock-wildlife interface provides a nexus where transmission and spread of these zoonotic diseases could occur among communities farming in these areas. We sought to identify perceptions of...

Journal article
Combining systemic and pragmatic approaches for the holistic diagnosis of a farm in agroecological transition in a health context

Introduction: Today, agriculture and livestock farming are facing environmental, social and health challenges. The agroecological transition is a possible response to these challenges. It requires changes in practices but also an evolution in farmers' ways of thinking and relationships with living things. Some diagnostics of farms, such as the global analysis...
2023 - INRAE

The final report of the Alliance for Agroecology held in Guinea Bissau "Declarations and recommendations for agroecology in West Africa"

The regional forum on agroecology was held from December 10 to 13, 2022 in Bissau in the Republic of Guinea Bissau under the theme: “What strategy for the promotion of agroecology in West Africa?  The forum was organized in a context of crises (food, climate, socio-economic, etc.) due in particular to the armed conflicts...
2023 - Alliance for Agroecology in West Africa


This document is the result of a study commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under the small-scale fisheries project GCP/GLO/645/NOR to analyse the contextual introduction, utilization and associated challenges of the FAO-Thiaroye processing technique (FTT) in Ghana and make recommendations to government and private...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Newsletter article
Access Agriculture provides insights to help shape the future of Farmer Field Schools

At the Global Forum on the Future of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for Sustainable Agrifood Systems organised by FAO, 14-16 June 2023, in Blantyre, Malawi, Access Agriculture shared valuable insights from its innovative digital learning approach that combines adult education principles with quality audio-visuals, multiple digital technologies, and a network...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Struvite’s potential as an alternative phosphorus source for organic agriculture

Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) is a naturally occurring mineral used to satisfy plants’ phosphorus needs. Struvite obtained from municipal wastewater treatment plants allows P recycling (including some N) and can thus partially replace non-renewable P sources.
2023 - RELACS

Anaerobic digestates as a nutrient source for organic farming

Anaerobic digestion of food and organic waste in a closed system produces fertiliser (digestates) and energy while avoiding greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. Storage in a closed system minimises losses of nutrients like nitrogen (N) and potassium (K).
2023 - RELACS

African swine fever field manual

Steps in swine handling and sample collection for African swine fever outbreak investigation
The African swine fever (ASF) field manual was published with the aim of equipping Member Nations to manage the handling and sample collection in the investigation of an ASF outbreak. The manual details the handling and restraining of pigs for sample collection during an ASF outbreak investigation. It also details...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function: ​A Teacher's Manual

The activities in this facilitation manual are appropriate for  adults as well as young adults (and can easily be adapted for younger students as well). It is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards for ease of use by high school teachers.  For those who want to learn more, we offer workshops, and...
2023 - Didi Pershouse

Phosphorus sources for organic agriculture

Many bio-resources, such as digestates and composts, contain P from various organic wastes. Wastewater treatment plants are a major sink for P as well. There are many options under development to recycle P from these waste streams. Some are already permitted in organic agriculture.
2023 - RELACS

Nitrogen efficiency of organic fertilisers

In organic fertilisers, the total nitrogen content is not always the best indicator of the amount of nitrogen that is available to the plants. Indicators that estimate how much of the total nitrogen will be available for plants can help plan the nitrogen supply to crops more accurately.
2023 - RELACS

Making enriched biofertilizer

We need to ferment the mixture to convert the ingredients into nutrients and hormones that can be readily absorbed by plants. The biofertilizer will be ready in 2 to 3  months, depending on the weather and the ingredients you use
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2023 - Access Agriculture

Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest September 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more. For more documents, feel free to search in the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

To spray or not to spray: The overuse of pesticides and the alternatives

Though it’s native to the Americas, the fall armyworm – a voracious caterpillar that attacks maize and other cereals, damaging the leaves – has begun wreaking havoc in Africa and Asia. In response, many farmers turn to chemical pesticides, but these can be toxic to humans and the environment. And...

Vibrational signals to control the whitefly in organic greenhouse production

Vibrational plates (Vibro -plates) were built to transmit specific disruptive vibrations to the whiteflies via potted tomato and zucchini plants. The combined use of vibrations and essential oils resulted in a reduction of the whitefly populations. The prototype is versatile and can be custom- ised for different crop systems.
2023 - RELACS

Journal article
How diverse are farming systems on the Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia? A multi-metric and multi-country assessment

While crop diversification has many benefits and is a stated government objective across the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) of South Asia, the complexity of assessment has led to a rather limited understanding on the progress towards, and status of, smallholder crop diversification. Most studies focus on specific commodities or report...
Bangladesh - India - Nepal
2023 - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Adelaide, Australia

Agroforestería: Una Guía

Principios de diseño y manejo agroforestal en beneficio de las personas y del medioambiente
Principios de diseño y manejo agroforestal en beneficio de las personas y del medioambiente La agricultura convencional es muy productiva, pero la alta productividad tiene un costo: suelos agotados o erosionados, cursos de agua contaminados o en proceso de secarse y un sistema alimentario que genera entre el 20 % y...
2023 - Centro para la Investigación Forestal Internacional (CIFOR)

Vibrations against invasive whiteflies in citrus orchards

Orange spiny whiteflies communicate with each other through vibrations. Disruptive vibrations can interfere with their communication and reduce their populations. This method is especially effective when combined with other plant protection strategies.
2023 - RELACS
Total results:2004